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1 .\" Copyright (c) 2013 by Michael Kerrisk <mtk.manpages@gmail.com>
2 .\" and Copyright (c) 2012 by Eric W. Biederman <ebiederm@xmission.com>
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27 .TH PID_NAMESPACES 7 2015-01-10 "Linux" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
29 pid_namespaces \- overview of Linux PID namespaces
31 For an overview of namespaces, see
32 .BR namespaces (7).
34 PID namespaces isolate the process ID number space,
35 meaning that processes in different PID namespaces can have the same PID.
36 PID namespaces allow containers to provide functionality
37 such as suspending/resuming the set of processes in the container and
38 migrating the container to a new host
39 while the processes inside the container maintain the same PIDs.
41 PIDs in a new PID namespace start at 1,
42 somewhat like a standalone system, and calls to
43 .BR fork (2),
44 .BR vfork (2),
45 or
46 .BR clone (2)
47 will produce processes with PIDs that are unique within the namespace.
49 Use of PID namespaces requires a kernel that is configured with the
51 option.
52 .\"
53 .\" ============================================================
54 .\"
55 .SS The namespace "init" process
56 The first process created in a new namespace
57 (i.e., the process created using
58 .BR clone (2)
59 with the
61 flag, or the first child created by a process after a call to
62 .BR unshare (2)
63 using the
65 flag) has the PID 1, and is the "init" process for the namespace (see
66 .BR init (1)).
67 A child process that is orphaned within the namespace will be reparented
68 to this process rather than
69 .BR init (1)
70 (unless one of the ancestors of the child
71 in the same PID namespace employed the
72 .BR prctl (2)
74 command to mark itself as the reaper of orphaned descendant processes).
76 If the "init" process of a PID namespace terminates,
77 the kernel terminates all of the processes in the namespace via a
79 signal.
80 This behavior reflects the fact that the "init" process
81 is essential for the correct operation of a PID namespace.
82 In this case, a subsequent
83 .BR fork (2)
84 into this PID namespace will fail with the error
86 it is not possible to create a new processes in a PID namespace whose "init"
87 process has terminated.
88 Such scenarios can occur when, for example,
89 a process uses an open file descriptor for a
90 .I /proc/[pid]/ns/pid
91 file corresponding to a process that was in a namespace to
92 .BR setns (2)
93 into that namespace after the "init" process has terminated.
94 Another possible scenario can occur after a call to
95 .BR unshare (2):
96 if the first child subsequently created by a
97 .BR fork (2)
98 terminates, then subsequent calls to
99 .BR fork (2)
100 will fail with
101 .BR ENOMEM .
103 Only signals for which the "init" process has established a signal handler
104 can be sent to the "init" process by other members of the PID namespace.
105 This restriction applies even to privileged processes,
106 and prevents other members of the PID namespace from
107 accidentally killing the "init" process.
109 Likewise, a process in an ancestor namespace
110 can\(emsubject to the usual permission checks described in
111 .BR kill (2)\(emsend
112 signals to the "init" process of a child PID namespace only
113 if the "init" process has established a handler for that signal.
114 (Within the handler, the
115 .I siginfo_t
116 .I si_pid
117 field described in
118 .BR sigaction (2)
119 will be zero.)
121 or
123 are treated exceptionally:
124 these signals are forcibly delivered when sent from an ancestor PID namespace.
125 Neither of these signals can be caught by the "init" process,
126 and so will result in the usual actions associated with those signals
127 (respectively, terminating and stopping the process).
129 Starting with Linux 3.4, the
130 .BR reboot (2)
131 system call causes a signal to be sent to the namespace "init" process.
132 See
133 .BR reboot (2)
134 for more details.
135 .\"
136 .\" ============================================================
137 .\"
138 .SS Nesting PID namespaces
139 PID namespaces can be nested:
140 each PID namespace has a parent,
141 except for the initial ("root") PID namespace.
142 The parent of a PID namespace is the PID namespace of the process that
143 created the namespace using
144 .BR clone (2)
145 or
146 .BR unshare (2).
147 PID namespaces thus form a tree,
148 with all namespaces ultimately tracing their ancestry to the root namespace.
150 A process is visible to other processes in its PID namespace,
151 and to the processes in each direct ancestor PID namespace
152 going back to the root PID namespace.
153 In this context, "visible" means that one process
154 can be the target of operations by another process using
155 system calls that specify a process ID.
156 Conversely, the processes in a child PID namespace can't see
157 processes in the parent and further removed ancestor namespaces.
158 More succinctly: a process can see (e.g., send signals with
159 .BR kill (2),
160 set nice values with
161 .BR setpriority (2),
162 etc.) only processes contained in its own PID namespace
163 and in descendants of that namespace.
165 A process has one process ID in each of the layers of the PID
166 namespace hierarchy in which is visible,
167 and walking back though each direct ancestor namespace
168 through to the root PID namespace.
169 System calls that operate on process IDs always
170 operate using the process ID that is visible in the
171 PID namespace of the caller.
172 A call to
173 .BR getpid (2)
174 always returns the PID associated with the namespace in which
175 the process was created.
177 Some processes in a PID namespace may have parents
178 that are outside of the namespace.
179 For example, the parent of the initial process in the namespace
180 (i.e., the
181 .BR init (1)
182 process with PID 1) is necessarily in another namespace.
183 Likewise, the direct children of a process that uses
184 .BR setns (2)
185 to cause its children to join a PID namespace are in a different
186 PID namespace from the caller of
187 .BR setns (2).
188 Calls to
189 .BR getppid (2)
190 for such processes return 0.
192 While processes may freely descend into child PID namespaces
193 (e.g., using
194 .BR setns (2)
195 with
197 they may not move in the other direction.
198 That is to say, processes may not enter any ancestor namespaces
199 (parent, grandparent, etc.).
200 Changing PID namespaces is a one way operation.
201 .\"
202 .\" ============================================================
203 .\"
204 .SS setns(2) and unshare(2) semantics
205 Calls to
206 .BR setns (2)
207 that specify a PID namespace file descriptor
208 and calls to
209 .BR unshare (2)
210 with the
212 flag cause children subsequently created
213 by the caller to be placed in a different PID namespace from the caller.
214 These calls do not, however,
215 change the PID namespace of the calling process,
216 because doing so would change the caller's idea of its own PID
217 (as reported by
218 .BR getpid ()),
219 which would break many applications and libraries.
221 To put things another way:
222 a process's PID namespace membership is determined when the process is created
223 and cannot be changed thereafter.
224 Among other things, this means that the parental relationship
225 between processes mirrors the parental relationship between PID namespaces:
226 the parent of a process is either in the same namespace
227 or resides in the immediate parent PID namespace.
228 .SS Compatibility of CLONE_NEWPID with other CLONE_* flags
230 can't be combined with some other
231 .BR CLONE_*
232 flags:
233 .IP * 3
235 requires being in the same PID namespace in order that
236 the threads in a process can send signals to each other.
237 Similarly, it must be possible to see all of the threads
238 of a processes in the
239 .BR proc (5)
240 filesystem.
241 .IP *
243 requires being in the same PID namespace;
244 otherwise the process ID of the process sending a signal
245 could not be meaningfully encoded when a signal is sent
246 (see the description of the
247 .I siginfo_t
248 type in
249 .BR sigaction (2)).
250 A signal queue shared by processes in multiple PID namespaces
251 will defeat that.
252 .IP *
254 requires all of the threads to be in the same PID namespace,
255 because, from the point of view of a core dump,
256 if two processes share the same address space then they are threads and will
257 be core dumped together.
258 When a core dump is written, the PID of each
259 thread is written into the core dump.
260 Writing the process IDs could not meaningfully succeed
261 if some of the process IDs were in a parent PID namespace.
262 .PP
263 To summarize: there is a technical requirement for each of
266 and
268 to share a PID namespace.
269 (Note furthermore that in
270 .BR clone (2)
271 requires
273 to be specified if
275 or
277 is specified.)
278 Thus, call sequences such as the following will fail (with the error
279 .BR EINVAL ):
281 .nf
282 unshare(CLONE_NEWPID);
283 clone(..., CLONE_VM, ...); /* Fails */
285 setns(fd, CLONE_NEWPID);
286 clone(..., CLONE_VM, ...); /* Fails */
288 clone(..., CLONE_VM, ...);
289 setns(fd, CLONE_NEWPID); /* Fails */
291 clone(..., CLONE_VM, ...);
292 unshare(CLONE_NEWPID); /* Fails */
293 .fi
294 .\"
295 .\" ============================================================
296 .\"
297 .SS /proc and PID namespaces
298 A
299 .I /proc
300 filesystem shows (in the
301 .I /proc/PID
302 directories) only processes visible in the PID namespace
303 of the process that performed the mount, even if the
304 .I /proc
305 filesystem is viewed from processes in other namespaces.
307 After creating a new PID namespace,
308 it is useful for the child to change its root directory
309 and mount a new procfs instance at
310 .I /proc
311 so that tools such as
312 .BR ps (1)
313 work correctly.
314 If a new mount namespace is simultaneously created by including
316 in the
317 .IR flags
318 argument of
319 .BR clone (2)
320 or
321 .BR unshare (2),
322 then it isn't necessary to change the root directory:
323 a new procfs instance can be mounted directly over
324 .IR /proc .
326 From a shell, the command to mount
327 .I /proc
328 is:
330 $ mount -t proc proc /proc
332 Calling
333 .BR readlink (2)
334 on the path
335 .I /proc/self
336 yields the process ID of the caller in the PID namespace of the procfs mount
337 (i.e., the PID namespace of the process that mounted the procfs).
338 This can be useful for introspection purposes,
339 when a process wants to discover its PID in other namespaces.
340 .\"
341 .\" ============================================================
342 .\"
343 .SS Miscellaneous
344 When a process ID is passed over a UNIX domain socket to a
345 process in a different PID namespace (see the description of
347 in
348 .BR unix (7)),
349 it is translated into the corresponding PID value in
350 the receiving process's PID namespace.
352 Namespaces are a Linux-specific feature.
354 See
355 .BR user_namespaces (7).
357 .BR clone (2),
358 .BR setns (2),
359 .BR unshare (2),
360 .BR proc (5),
361 .BR credentials (7),
362 .BR capabilities (7),
363 .BR namespaces (7),
364 .BR user_namespaces (7),
365 .BR switch_root (8)