]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/man-pages.git/blob - man7/random.7
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[thirdparty/man-pages.git] / man7 / random.7
1 .\" Copyright (C) 2008, George Spelvin <linux@horizon.com>,
2 .\" and Copyright (C) 2008, Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com>
3 .\" and Copyright (C) 2016, Laurent Georget <laurent.georget@supelec.fr>
4 .\" and Copyright (C) 2016, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos <nmav@redhat.com>
5 .\"
7 .\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
8 .\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
9 .\" preserved on all copies.
10 .\"
11 .\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
12 .\" this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
13 .\" the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of
14 .\" a permission notice identical to this one.
15 .\"
16 .\" Since the Linux kernel and libraries are constantly changing, this
17 .\" manual page may be incorrect or out-of-date. The author(s) assume.
18 .\" no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting.
19 .\" from the use of the information contained herein. The author(s) may.
20 .\" not have taken the same level of care in the production of this.
21 .\" manual, which is licensed free of charge, as they might when working.
22 .\" professionally.
23 .\"
24 .\" Formatted or processed versions of this manual, if unaccompanied by
25 .\" the source, must acknowledge the copyright and authors of this work.
26 .\" %%%LICENSE_END
27 .\"
28 .\" The following web page is quite informative:
29 .\" http://www.2uo.de/myths-about-urandom/
30 .\"
31 .TH RANDOM 7 2016-11-11 "Linux" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
33 random \- overview of interfaces for obtaining randomness
35 The kernel random-number generator relies on entropy gathered from
36 device drivers and other sources of environmental noise to seed
37 a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator (CSPRNG).
38 It is designed for security, rather than speed.
40 The following interfaces provide access to output from the kernel CSPRNG:
41 .IP * 3
42 The
43 .I /dev/urandom
44 and
45 .I /dev/random
46 devices, both described in
47 .BR random (4).
48 These devices have been present on Linux since early times,
49 and are also available on many other systems.
50 .IP *
51 The Linux-specific
52 .BR getrandom (2)
53 system call, available since Linux 3.17.
54 This system call provides access either to the same source as
55 .I /dev/urandom
56 (called the
57 .I urandom
58 source in this page)
59 or to the same source as
60 .I /dev/random
61 (called the
62 .I random
63 source in this page).
64 The default is the
65 .I urandom
66 source; the
67 .I random
68 source is selected by specifying the
70 flag to the system call.
71 .\"
72 .SS Initialization of the entropy pool
73 The kernel collects bits of entropy from the environment.
74 When a sufficient number of random bits has been collected, the
75 entropy pool is considered to be initialized.
76 .SS Choice of random source
77 Unless you are doing long-term key generation (and most likely not even
78 then), you probably shouldn't be reading from the
79 .IR /dev/random
80 device or employing
81 .BR getrandom (2)
82 with the
84 flag.
85 Instead, either read from the
86 .IR /dev/urandom
87 device or employ
88 .BR getrandom (2)
89 without the
91 flag.
92 The cryptographic algorithms used for the
93 .IR urandom
94 source are quite conservative, and so should be sufficient for all purposes.
96 The disadvantage of
98 and reads from
99 .I /dev/random
100 is that the operation can block for an indefinite period of time.
101 Furthermore, dealing with the partially fulfilled
102 requests that can occur when using
104 or when reading from
105 .I /dev/random
106 increases code complexity.
107 .\"
108 .SS Monte Carlo and other probabilistic sampling applications
109 Using these interfaces to provide large quantities of data for
110 Monte Carlo simulations or other programs/algorithms which are
111 doing probabilistic sampling will be slow.
112 Furthermore, it is unnecessary, because such applications do not
113 need cryptographically secure random numbers.
114 Instead, use the interfaces described in this page to obtain
115 a small amount of data to seed a user-space pseudorandom
116 number generator for use by such applications.
117 .\"
118 .SS Comparison between getrandom, /dev/urandom, and /dev/random
119 The following table summarizes the behavior of the various
120 interfaces that can be used to obtain randomness.
122 is a flag that can be used to control the blocking behavior of
123 .BR getrandom (2).
124 The final column of the table considers the case that can occur
125 in early boot time when the entropy pool is not yet initialized.
126 .ad l
127 .TS
128 allbox;
129 lbw13 lbw12 lbw14 lbw18
130 l l l l.
131 Interface Pool T{
132 Blocking
133 \%behavior
134 T} T{
135 Behavior when pool is not yet ready
136 T}
137 T{
138 .I /dev/random
139 T} T{
140 Blocking pool
141 T} T{
142 If entropy too low, blocks until there is enough entropy again
143 T} T{
144 Blocks until enough entropy gathered
145 T}
146 T{
147 .I /dev/urandom
148 T} T{
149 CSPRNG output
150 T} T{
151 Never blocks
152 T} T{
153 Returns output from uninitialized CSPRNG (may be low entropy and unsuitable for cryptography)
154 T}
155 T{
156 .BR getrandom ()
157 T} T{
158 Same as
159 .I /dev/urandom
160 T} T{
161 Does not block once is pool ready
162 T} T{
163 Blocks until pool ready
164 T}
165 T{
166 .BR getrandom ()
168 T} T{
169 Same as
170 .I /dev/random
171 T} T{
172 If entropy too low, blocks until there is enough entropy again
173 T} T{
174 Blocks until pool ready
175 T}
176 T{
177 .BR getrandom ()
179 T} T{
180 Same as
181 .I /dev/urandom
182 T} T{
183 Does not block once is pool ready
184 T} T{
186 T}
187 T{
188 .BR getrandom ()
190 +
192 T} T{
193 Same as
194 .I /dev/random
195 T} T{
197 if not enough entropy available
198 T} T{
200 T}
201 .TE
202 .ad
203 .\"
204 .SS Generating cryptographic keys
205 The amount of seed material required to generate a cryptographic key
206 equals the effective key size of the key.
207 For example, a 3072-bit RSA
208 or Diffie-Hellman private key has an effective key size of 128 bits
209 (it requires about 2^128 operations to break) so a key generator
210 needs only 128 bits (16 bytes) of seed material from
211 .IR /dev/random .
213 While some safety margin above that minimum is reasonable, as a guard
214 against flaws in the CSPRNG algorithm, no cryptographic primitive
215 available today can hope to promise more than 256 bits of security,
216 so if any program reads more than 256 bits (32 bytes) from the kernel
217 random pool per invocation, or per reasonable reseed interval (not less
218 than one minute), that should be taken as a sign that its cryptography is
219 .I not
220 skillfully implemented.
221 .\"
223 .BR getrandom (2),
224 .BR random (4),
225 .BR urandom (4),
226 .BR signal (7)