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[thirdparty/man-pages.git] / man7 / sched.7
1 .\" Copyright (C) 2014 Michael Kerrisk <mtk.manpages@gmail.com>
2 .\" and Copyright (C) 2014 Peter Zijlstra <peterz@infradead.org>
3 .\" and Copyright (C) 2014 Juri Lelli <juri.lelli@gmail.com>
4 .\" Various pieces from the old sched_setscheduler(2) page
5 .\" Copyright (C) Tom Bjorkholm, Markus Kuhn & David A. Wheeler 1996-1999
6 .\" and Copyright (C) 2007 Carsten Emde <Carsten.Emde@osadl.org>
7 .\" and Copyright (C) 2008 Michael Kerrisk <mtk.manpages@gmail.com>
8 .\"
10 .\" This is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or
11 .\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
12 .\" published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
13 .\" the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14 .\"
15 .\" The GNU General Public License's references to "object code"
16 .\" and "executables" are to be interpreted as the output of any
17 .\" document formatting or typesetting system, including
18 .\" intermediate and printed output.
19 .\"
20 .\" This manual is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21 .\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23 .\" GNU General Public License for more details.
24 .\"
25 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
26 .\" License along with this manual; if not, see
27 .\" <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
28 .\" %%%LICENSE_END
29 .\"
30 .\" Worth looking at: http://rt.wiki.kernel.org/index.php
31 .\"
32 .TH SCHED 7 2014-10-02 "Linux" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
34 sched \- overview of scheduling APIs
36 .SS API summary
37 The Linux scheduling APIs are as follows:
38 .TP
39 .BR sched_setscheduler (2)
40 Set the scheduling policy and parameters of a specified thread.
41 .TP
42 .BR sched_getscheduler (2)
43 Return the scheduling policy of a specified thread.
44 .TP
45 .BR sched_setparam (2)
46 Set the scheduling parameters of a specified thread.
47 .TP
48 .BR sched_getparam (2)
49 Fetch the scheduling parameters of a specified thread.
50 .TP
51 .BR sched_get_priority_max (2)
52 Return the minimum priority available in a specified scheduling policy.
53 .TP
54 .BR sched_get_priority_min (2)
55 Return the maximum priority available in a specified scheduling policy.
56 .TP
57 .BR sched_rr_get_interval (2)
58 Fetch the quantum used for threads that are scheduled under
59 the "round-robin" scheduling policy.
60 .TP
61 .BR sched_yield (2)
62 Cause the caller to relinquish the CPU,
63 so that some other thread be executed.
64 .TP
65 .BR sched_setaffinity (2)
66 (Linux-specific)
67 Set the CPU affinity of a specified thread.
68 .TP
69 .BR sched_getaffinity (2)
70 (Linux-specific)
71 Get the CPU affinity of a specified thread.
72 .TP
73 .BR sched_setattr (2)
74 Set the scheduling policy and parameters of a specified thread.
75 This (Linux-specific) system call provides a superset of the functionality of
76 .BR sched_setscheduler (2)
77 and
78 .BR sched_setparam (2).
79 .TP
80 .BR sched_getattr (2)
81 Fetch the scheduling policy and parameters of a specified thread.
82 This (Linux-specific) system call provides a superset of the functionality of
83 .BR sched_getscheduler (2)
84 and
85 .BR sched_getparam (2).
86 .\"
87 .SS Scheduling policies
88 The scheduler is the kernel component that decides which runnable thread
89 will be executed by the CPU next.
90 Each thread has an associated scheduling policy and a \fIstatic\fP
91 scheduling priority,
92 .IR sched_priority .
93 The scheduler makes its decisions based on knowledge of the scheduling
94 policy and static priority of all threads on the system.
96 For threads scheduled under one of the normal scheduling policies
98 \fIsched_priority\fP is not used in scheduling
99 decisions (it must be specified as 0).
101 Processes scheduled under one of the real-time policies
102 (\fBSCHED_FIFO\fP, \fBSCHED_RR\fP) have a
103 \fIsched_priority\fP value in the range 1 (low) to 99 (high).
104 (As the numbers imply, real-time threads always have higher priority
105 than normal threads.)
106 Note well: POSIX.1-2001 requires an implementation to support only a
107 minimum 32 distinct priority levels for the real-time policies,
108 and some systems supply just this minimum.
109 Portable programs should use
110 .BR sched_get_priority_min (2)
111 and
112 .BR sched_get_priority_max (2)
113 to find the range of priorities supported for a particular policy.
115 Conceptually, the scheduler maintains a list of runnable
116 threads for each possible \fIsched_priority\fP value.
117 In order to determine which thread runs next, the scheduler looks for
118 the nonempty list with the highest static priority and selects the
119 thread at the head of this list.
121 A thread's scheduling policy determines
122 where it will be inserted into the list of threads
123 with equal static priority and how it will move inside this list.
125 All scheduling is preemptive: if a thread with a higher static
126 priority becomes ready to run, the currently running thread
127 will be preempted and
128 returned to the wait list for its static priority level.
129 The scheduling policy determines the
130 ordering only within the list of runnable threads with equal static
131 priority.
132 .SS SCHED_FIFO: First in-first out scheduling
133 \fBSCHED_FIFO\fP can be used only with static priorities higher than
134 0, which means that when a \fBSCHED_FIFO\fP threads becomes runnable,
135 it will always immediately preempt any currently running
137 \fBSCHED_FIFO\fP is a simple scheduling
138 algorithm without time slicing.
139 For threads scheduled under the
140 \fBSCHED_FIFO\fP policy, the following rules apply:
141 .IP * 3
142 A \fBSCHED_FIFO\fP thread that has been preempted by another thread of
143 higher priority will stay at the head of the list for its priority and
144 will resume execution as soon as all threads of higher priority are
145 blocked again.
146 .IP *
147 When a \fBSCHED_FIFO\fP thread becomes runnable, it
148 will be inserted at the end of the list for its priority.
149 .IP *
150 A call to
151 .BR sched_setscheduler (2),
152 .BR sched_setparam (2),
153 or
154 .BR sched_setattr (2)
155 will put the
156 \fBSCHED_FIFO\fP (or \fBSCHED_RR\fP) thread identified by
157 \fIpid\fP at the start of the list if it was runnable.
158 As a consequence, it may preempt the currently running thread if
159 it has the same priority.
160 (POSIX.1-2001 specifies that the thread should go to the end
161 of the list.)
162 .\" In 2.2.x and 2.4.x, the thread is placed at the front of the queue
163 .\" In 2.0.x, the Right Thing happened: the thread went to the back -- MTK
164 .IP *
165 A thread calling
166 .BR sched_yield (2)
167 will be put at the end of the list.
168 .PP
169 No other events will move a thread
170 scheduled under the \fBSCHED_FIFO\fP policy in the wait list of
171 runnable threads with equal static priority.
174 thread runs until either it is blocked by an I/O request, it is
175 preempted by a higher priority thread, or it calls
176 .BR sched_yield (2).
177 .SS SCHED_RR: Round-robin scheduling
178 \fBSCHED_RR\fP is a simple enhancement of \fBSCHED_FIFO\fP.
179 Everything
180 described above for \fBSCHED_FIFO\fP also applies to \fBSCHED_RR\fP,
181 except that each thread is allowed to run only for a maximum time
182 quantum.
183 If a \fBSCHED_RR\fP thread has been running for a time
184 period equal to or longer than the time quantum, it will be put at the
185 end of the list for its priority.
186 A \fBSCHED_RR\fP thread that has
187 been preempted by a higher priority thread and subsequently resumes
188 execution as a running thread will complete the unexpired portion of
189 its round-robin time quantum.
190 The length of the time quantum can be
191 retrieved using
192 .BR sched_rr_get_interval (2).
193 .\" On Linux 2.4, the length of the RR interval is influenced
194 .\" by the process nice value -- MTK
195 .\"
196 .SS SCHED_DEADLINE: Sporadic task model deadline scheduling
197 Since version 3.14, Linux provides a deadline scheduling policy
199 This policy is currently implemented using
200 GEDF (Global Earliest Deadline First)
201 in conjunction with CBS (Constant Bandwidth Server).
202 To set and fetch this policy and associated attributes,
203 one must use the Linux-specific
204 .BR sched_setattr (2)
205 and
206 .BR sched_getattr (2)
207 system calls.
209 A sporadic task is one that has a sequence of jobs, where each
210 job is activated at most once per period.
211 Each job also has a
212 .IR "relative deadline" ,
213 before which it should finish execution, and a
214 .IR "computation time" ,
215 which is the CPU time necessary for executing the job.
216 The moment when a task wakes up
217 because a new job has to be executed is called the
218 .IR "arrival time"
219 (also referred to as the request time or release time).
220 The
221 .IR "start time"
222 is the time at which a task starts its execution.
223 The
224 .I "absolute deadline"
225 is thus obtained by adding the relative deadline to the arrival time.
227 The following diagram clarifies these terms:
229 .in +4n
230 .nf
231 arrival/wakeup absolute deadline
232 | start time |
233 | | |
234 v v v
235 -----x--------xooooooooooooooooo--------x--------x---
236 |<- comp. time ->|
237 |<------- relative deadline ------>|
238 |<-------------- period ------------------->|
239 .fi
240 .in
242 When setting a
244 policy for a thread using
245 .BR sched_setattr (2),
246 one can specify three parameters:
247 .IR Runtime ,
248 .IR Deadline ,
249 and
250 .IR Period .
251 These parameters do not necessarily correspond to the aforementioned terms:
252 usual practice is to set Runtime to something bigger than the average
253 computation time (or worst-case execution time for hard real-time tasks),
254 Deadline to the relative deadline, and Period to the period of the task.
255 Thus, for
257 scheduling, we have:
259 .in +4n
260 .nf
261 arrival/wakeup absolute deadline
262 | start time |
263 | | |
264 v v v
265 -----x--------xooooooooooooooooo--------x--------x---
266 |<-- Runtime ------->|
267 |<----------- Deadline ----------->|
268 |<-------------- Period ------------------->|
269 .fi
270 .in
272 The three deadline-scheduling parameters correspond to the
273 .IR sched_runtime ,
274 .IR sched_deadline ,
275 and
276 .IR sched_period
277 fields of the
278 .I sched_attr
279 structure; see
280 .BR sched_setattr (2).
281 These fields express values in nanoseconds.
282 .\" FIXME It looks as though specifying sched_period as 0 means
283 .\" "make sched_period the same as sched_deadline".
284 .\" This needs to be documented.
285 If
286 .IR sched_period
287 is specified as 0, then it is made the same as
288 .IR sched_deadline .
290 The kernel requires that:
292 sched_runtime <= sched_deadline <= sched_period
294 .\" See __checkparam_dl in kernel/sched/core.c
295 In addition, under the current implementation,
296 all of the parameter values must be at least 1024
297 (i.e., just over one microsecond,
298 which is the resolution of the implementation), and less than 2^63.
299 If any of these checks fails,
300 .BR sched_setattr (2)
301 fails with the error
302 .BR EINVAL .
304 The CBS guarantees non-interference between tasks, by throttling
305 threads that attempt to over-run their specified Runtime.
307 To ensure deadline scheduling guarantees,
308 the kernel must prevent situations where the set of
310 threads is not feasible (schedulable) within the given constraints.
311 The kernel thus performs an admittance test when setting or changing
313 policy and attributes.
314 This admission test calculates whether the change is feasible;
315 if it is not,
316 .BR sched_setattr (2)
317 fails with the error
318 .BR EBUSY .
320 For example, it is required (but not necessarily sufficient) for
321 the total utilization to be less than or equal to the total number of
322 CPUs available, where, since each thread can maximally run for
323 Runtime per Period, that thread's utilization is its
324 Runtime divided by its Period.
326 In order to fulfil the guarantees that are made when
327 a thread is admitted to the
329 policy,
331 threads are the highest priority (user controllable) threads in the
332 system; if any
334 thread is runnable,
335 it will preempt any thread scheduled under one of the other policies.
337 A call to
338 .BR fork (2)
339 by a thread scheduled under the
341 policy will fail with the error
342 .BR EAGAIN ,
343 unless the thread has its reset-on-fork flag set (see below).
345 A
347 thread that calls
348 .BR sched_yield (2)
349 will yield the current job and wait for a new period to begin.
350 .\"
351 .\" FIXME Calling sched_getparam() on a SCHED_DEADLINE thread
352 .\" fails with EINVAL, but sched_getscheduler() succeeds.
353 .\" Is that intended? (Why?)
354 .\"
355 .SS SCHED_OTHER: Default Linux time-sharing scheduling
356 \fBSCHED_OTHER\fP can be used at only static priority 0.
357 \fBSCHED_OTHER\fP is the standard Linux time-sharing scheduler that is
358 intended for all threads that do not require the special
359 real-time mechanisms.
360 The thread to run is chosen from the static
361 priority 0 list based on a \fIdynamic\fP priority that is determined only
362 inside this list.
363 The dynamic priority is based on the nice value (set by
364 .BR nice (2),
365 .BR setpriority (2),
366 or
367 .BR sched_setattr (2))
368 and increased for each time quantum the thread is ready to run,
369 but denied to run by the scheduler.
370 This ensures fair progress among all \fBSCHED_OTHER\fP threads.
371 .\"
372 .SS SCHED_BATCH: Scheduling batch processes
373 (Since Linux 2.6.16.)
374 \fBSCHED_BATCH\fP can be used only at static priority 0.
375 This policy is similar to \fBSCHED_OTHER\fP in that it schedules
376 the thread according to its dynamic priority
377 (based on the nice value).
378 The difference is that this policy
379 will cause the scheduler to always assume
380 that the thread is CPU-intensive.
381 Consequently, the scheduler will apply a small scheduling
382 penalty with respect to wakeup behavior,
383 so that this thread is mildly disfavored in scheduling decisions.
385 .\" The following paragraph is drawn largely from the text that
386 .\" accompanied Ingo Molnar's patch for the implementation of
387 .\" SCHED_BATCH.
388 .\" commit b0a9499c3dd50d333e2aedb7e894873c58da3785
389 This policy is useful for workloads that are noninteractive,
390 but do not want to lower their nice value,
391 and for workloads that want a deterministic scheduling policy without
392 interactivity causing extra preemptions (between the workload's tasks).
393 .\"
394 .SS SCHED_IDLE: Scheduling very low priority jobs
395 (Since Linux 2.6.23.)
396 \fBSCHED_IDLE\fP can be used only at static priority 0;
397 the process nice value has no influence for this policy.
399 This policy is intended for running jobs at extremely low
400 priority (lower even than a +19 nice value with the
402 or
404 policies).
405 .\"
406 .SS Resetting scheduling policy for child processes
407 Each thread has a reset-on-fork scheduling flag.
408 When this flag is set, children created by
409 .BR fork (2)
410 do not inherit privileged scheduling policies.
411 The reset-on-fork flag can be set by either:
412 .IP * 3
413 ORing the
415 flag into the
416 .I policy
417 argument when calling
418 .BR sched_setscheduler (2)
419 (since Linux 2.6.32);
420 or
421 .IP *
422 specifying the
424 flag in
425 .IR attr.sched_flags
426 when calling
427 .BR sched_setattr (2).
428 .PP
429 Note that the constants used with these two APIs have different names.
430 The state of the reset-on-fork flag can analogously be retrieved using
431 .BR sched_getscheduler (2)
432 and
433 .BR sched_getattr (2).
435 The reset-on-fork feature is intended for media-playback applications,
436 and can be used to prevent applications evading the
438 resource limit (see
439 .BR getrlimit (2))
440 by creating multiple child processes.
442 More precisely, if the reset-on-fork flag is set,
443 the following rules apply for subsequently created children:
444 .IP * 3
445 If the calling thread has a scheduling policy of
447 or
448 .BR SCHED_RR ,
449 the policy is reset to
451 in child processes.
452 .IP *
453 If the calling process has a negative nice value,
454 the nice value is reset to zero in child processes.
455 .PP
456 After the reset-on-fork flag has been enabled,
457 it can be reset only if the thread has the
459 capability.
460 This flag is disabled in child processes created by
461 .BR fork (2).
462 .\"
463 .SS Privileges and resource limits
464 In Linux kernels before 2.6.12, only privileged
465 .RB ( CAP_SYS_NICE )
466 threads can set a nonzero static priority (i.e., set a real-time
467 scheduling policy).
468 The only change that an unprivileged thread can make is to set the
470 policy, and this can be done only if the effective user ID of the caller
471 matches the real or effective user ID of the target thread
472 (i.e., the thread specified by
473 .IR pid )
474 whose policy is being changed.
476 A thread must be privileged
477 .RB ( CAP_SYS_NICE )
478 in order to set or modify a
480 policy.
482 Since Linux 2.6.12, the
484 resource limit defines a ceiling on an unprivileged thread's
485 static priority for the
487 and
489 policies.
490 The rules for changing scheduling policy and priority are as follows:
491 .IP * 3
492 If an unprivileged thread has a nonzero
494 soft limit, then it can change its scheduling policy and priority,
495 subject to the restriction that the priority cannot be set to a
496 value higher than the maximum of its current priority and its
498 soft limit.
499 .IP *
500 If the
502 soft limit is 0, then the only permitted changes are to lower the priority,
503 or to switch to a non-real-time policy.
504 .IP *
505 Subject to the same rules,
506 another unprivileged thread can also make these changes,
507 as long as the effective user ID of the thread making the change
508 matches the real or effective user ID of the target thread.
509 .IP *
510 Special rules apply for the
512 policy.
513 In Linux kernels before 2.6.39,
514 an unprivileged thread operating under this policy cannot
515 change its policy, regardless of the value of its
517 resource limit.
518 In Linux kernels since 2.6.39,
519 .\" commit c02aa73b1d18e43cfd79c2f193b225e84ca497c8
520 an unprivileged thread can switch to either the
522 or the
524 policy so long as its nice value falls within the range permitted by its
526 resource limit (see
527 .BR getrlimit (2)).
528 .PP
529 Privileged
530 .RB ( CAP_SYS_NICE )
531 threads ignore the
533 limit; as with older kernels,
534 they can make arbitrary changes to scheduling policy and priority.
535 See
536 .BR getrlimit (2)
537 for further information on
539 .SS Limiting the CPU usage of real-time and deadline processes
540 A nonblocking infinite loop in a thread scheduled under the
542 .BR SCHED_RR ,
543 or
545 policy will block all threads with lower
546 priority forever.
547 Prior to Linux 2.6.25, the only way of preventing a runaway real-time
548 process from freezing the system was to run (at the console)
549 a shell scheduled under a higher static priority than the tested application.
550 This allows an emergency kill of tested
551 real-time applications that do not block or terminate as expected.
553 Since Linux 2.6.25, there are other techniques for dealing with runaway
554 real-time and deadline processes.
555 One of these is to use the
557 resource limit to set a ceiling on the CPU time that
558 a real-time process may consume.
559 See
560 .BR getrlimit (2)
561 for details.
563 Since version 2.6.25, Linux also provides two
564 .I /proc
565 files that can be used to reserve a certain amount of CPU time
566 to be used by non-real-time processes.
567 Reserving some CPU time in this fashion allows some CPU time to be
568 allocated to (say) a root shell that can be used to kill a runaway process.
569 Both of these files specify time values in microseconds:
570 .TP
571 .IR /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_period_us
572 This file specifies a scheduling period that is equivalent to
573 100% CPU bandwidth.
574 The value in this file can range from 1 to
575 .BR INT_MAX ,
576 giving an operating range of 1 microsecond to around 35 minutes.
577 The default value in this file is 1,000,000 (1 second).
578 .TP
579 .IR /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_runtime_us
580 The value in this file specifies how much of the "period" time
581 can be used by all real-time and deadline scheduled processes
582 on the system.
583 The value in this file can range from \-1 to
584 .BR INT_MAX \-1.
585 Specifying \-1 makes the runtime the same as the period;
586 that is, no CPU time is set aside for non-real-time processes
587 (which was the Linux behavior before kernel 2.6.25).
588 The default value in this file is 950,000 (0.95 seconds),
589 meaning that 5% of the CPU time is reserved for processes that
590 don't run under a real-time or deadline scheduling policy.
591 .PP
592 .SS Response time
593 A blocked high priority thread waiting for I/O has a certain
594 response time before it is scheduled again.
595 The device driver writer
596 can greatly reduce this response time by using a "slow interrupt"
597 interrupt handler.
598 .\" as described in
599 .\" .BR request_irq (9).
600 .SS Miscellaneous
601 Child processes inherit the scheduling policy and parameters across a
602 .BR fork (2).
603 The scheduling policy and parameters are preserved across
604 .BR execve (2).
606 Memory locking is usually needed for real-time processes to avoid
607 paging delays; this can be done with
608 .BR mlock (2)
609 or
610 .BR mlockall (2).
612 .PP
613 Originally, Standard Linux was intended as a general-purpose operating
614 system being able to handle background processes, interactive
615 applications, and less demanding real-time applications (applications that
616 need to usually meet timing deadlines).
617 Although the Linux kernel 2.6
618 allowed for kernel preemption and the newly introduced O(1) scheduler
619 ensures that the time needed to schedule is fixed and deterministic
620 irrespective of the number of active tasks, true real-time computing
621 was not possible up to kernel version 2.6.17.
622 .SS Real-time features in the mainline Linux kernel
623 .\" FIXME . Probably this text will need some minor tweaking
624 .\" ask Carsten Emde about this.
625 From kernel version 2.6.18 onward, however, Linux is gradually
626 becoming equipped with real-time capabilities,
627 most of which are derived from the former
628 .I realtime-preempt
629 patches developed by Ingo Molnar, Thomas Gleixner,
630 Steven Rostedt, and others.
631 Until the patches have been completely merged into the
632 mainline kernel,
633 they must be installed to achieve the best real-time performance.
634 These patches are named:
635 .in +4n
636 .nf
638 patch-\fIkernelversion\fP-rt\fIpatchversion\fP
639 .fi
640 .in
641 .PP
642 and can be downloaded from
643 .UR http://www.kernel.org\:/pub\:/linux\:/kernel\:/projects\:/rt/
644 .UE .
646 Without the patches and prior to their full inclusion into the mainline
647 kernel, the kernel configuration offers only the three preemption classes
650 and
652 which respectively provide no, some, and considerable
653 reduction of the worst-case scheduling latency.
655 With the patches applied or after their full inclusion into the mainline
656 kernel, the additional configuration item
658 becomes available.
659 If this is selected, Linux is transformed into a regular
660 real-time operating system.
661 The FIFO and RR scheduling policies are then used to run a thread
662 with true real-time priority and a minimum worst-case scheduling latency.
664 .ad l
665 .nh
666 .BR chrt (1),
667 .BR taskset (1),
668 .BR getpriority (2),
669 .BR mlock (2),
670 .BR mlockall (2),
671 .BR munlock (2),
672 .BR munlockall (2),
673 .BR nice (2),
674 .BR sched_get_priority_max (2),
675 .BR sched_get_priority_min (2),
676 .BR sched_getscheduler (2),
677 .BR sched_getaffinity (2),
678 .BR sched_getparam (2),
679 .BR sched_rr_get_interval (2),
680 .BR sched_setaffinity (2),
681 .BR sched_setscheduler (2),
682 .BR sched_setparam (2),
683 .BR sched_yield (2),
684 .BR setpriority (2),
685 .BR pthread_getaffinity_np (3),
686 .BR pthread_setaffinity_np (3),
687 .BR sched_getcpu (3),
688 .BR capabilities (7),
689 .BR cpuset (7)
690 .ad
691 .PP
692 .I Programming for the real world \- POSIX.4
693 by Bill O. Gallmeister, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-56592-074-0.
694 .PP
695 The Linux kernel source files
696 .IR Documentation/scheduler/sched-deadline.txt ,
697 .IR Documentation/scheduler/sched-rt-group.txt ,
698 .IR Documentation/scheduler/sched-design-CFS.txt ,
699 and
700 .IR Documentation/scheduler/sched-nice-design.txt