]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/man-pages.git/blob - man7/suffixes.7
getent.1, iconv.1, intro.1, ldd.1, locale.1, localedef.1, memusage.1, memusagestat...
[thirdparty/man-pages.git] / man7 / suffixes.7
1 .\" Copyright (c) 1993 by Thomas Koenig (ig25@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de)
2 .\"
3 .\" SPDX-License-Identifier: Linux-man-pages-copyleft
4 .\"
5 .\" Modified Sat Jul 24 17:35:15 1993 by Rik Faith <faith@cs.unc.edu>
6 .\" Modified Sun Feb 19 22:02:32 1995 by Rik Faith <faith@cs.unc.edu>
7 .\" Modified Tue Oct 22 23:28:12 1996 by Eric S. Raymond <esr@thyrsus.com>
8 .\" Modified Sun Jan 26 21:56:56 1997 by Ralph Schleicher
9 .\" <rs@purple.UL.BaWue.DE>
10 .\" Modified Mon Jun 16 20:24:58 1997 by Nicolás Lichtmaier <nick@debian.org>
11 .\" Modified Sun Oct 18 22:11:28 1998 by Joseph S. Myers <jsm28@cam.ac.uk>
12 .\" Modified Mon Nov 16 17:24:47 1998 by Andries Brouwer <aeb@cwi.nl>
13 .\" Modified Thu Nov 16 23:28:25 2000 by David A. Wheeler
14 .\" <dwheeler@dwheeler.com>
15 .\"
16 .\" "nroff" ("man") (or "tbl") needs a long page to avoid warnings
17 .\" from "grotty" (at imagined page breaks). Bug in grotty?
18 .if n .pl 1000v
19 .TH SUFFIXES 7 2022-09-09 "Linux man-pages (unreleased)"
21 suffixes \- list of file suffixes
23 It is customary to indicate the contents of a file with the file suffix,
24 which (typically) consists of a period, followed by one or more letters.
25 Many standard utilities, such as compilers, use this to recognize the type of
26 file they are dealing with.
27 The
28 .BR make (1)
29 utility is driven by rules based on file suffix.
30 .PP
31 Following is a list of suffixes which are likely to be found on a
32 Linux system.
33 .PP
34 .TS
35 l | l
36 _ | _
37 lI | l .
38 Suffix File type
39 ,v files for RCS (Revision Control System)
40 - backup file
41 .C C++ source code, equivalent to \fI.cc\fP
42 .F Fortran source with \fBcpp\fP(1) directives
43 or file compressed using freeze
44 .S assembler source with \fBcpp\fP(1) directives
45 .Y file compressed using yabba
46 .Z file compressed using \fBcompress\fP(1)
47 .[0\-9]+gf TeX generic font files
48 .[0\-9]+pk TeX packed font files
49 .[1\-9] manual page for the corresponding section
50 .[1\-9][a-z] manual page for section plus subsection
51 .a static object code library
52 .ad X application default resource file
53 .ada Ada source (may be body, spec, or combination)
54 .adb Ada body source
55 .ads Ada spec source
56 .afm PostScript font metrics
57 .al Perl autoload file
58 .am \fBautomake\fP(1) input file
59 .arc \fBarc\fP(1) archive
60 .arj \fBarj\fP(1) archive
61 .asc PGP ASCII-armored data
62 .asm (GNU) assembler source file
63 .au Audio sound file
64 .aux LaTeX auxiliary file
65 .avi (msvideo) movie
66 .awk AWK language program
67 .b LILO boot loader image
68 .bak backup file
69 .bash \fBbash\fP(1) shell script
70 .bb basic block list data produced by
71 gcc \-ftest\-coverage
72 .bbg basic block graph data produced by
73 gcc \-ftest\-coverage
74 .bbl BibTeX output
75 .bdf X font file
76 .bib TeX bibliographic database, BibTeX input
77 .bm bitmap source
78 .bmp bitmap
79 .bz2 file compressed using \fBbzip2\fP(1)
80 .c C source
81 .cat message catalog files
82 .cc C++ source
83 .cf configuration file
84 .cfg configuration file
85 .cgi WWW content generating script or program
86 .cls LaTeX Class definition
87 .class Java compiled byte-code
88 .conf configuration file
89 .config configuration file
90 .cpp equivalent to \fI.cc\fR
91 .csh \fBcsh\fP(1) shell script
92 .cxx equivalent to \fI.cc\fR
93 .dat data file
94 .deb Debian software package
95 .def Modula-2 source for definition modules
96 .def other definition files
97 .desc initial part of mail message unpacked with
98 \fBmunpack\fP(1)
99 .diff file differences (\fBdiff\fP(1) command output)
100 .dir dbm data base directory file
101 .doc documentation file
102 .dsc Debian Source Control (source package)
103 .dtx LaTeX package source file
104 .dvi TeX's device independent output
105 .el Emacs-Lisp source
106 .elc compiled Emacs-Lisp source
107 .eps encapsulated PostScript
108 .exp Expect source code
109 .f Fortran source
110 .f77 Fortran 77 source
111 .f90 Fortran 90 source
112 .fas precompiled Common-Lisp
113 .fi Fortran include files
114 .fig FIG image file (used by \fBxfig\fP(1))
115 .fmt TeX format file
116 .gif Compuserve Graphics Image File format
117 .gmo GNU format message catalog
118 .gsf Ghostscript fonts
119 .gz file compressed using \fBgzip\fP(1)
120 .h C or C++ header files
121 .help help file
122 .hf equivalent to \fI.help\fP
123 .hlp equivalent to \fI.help\fP
124 .htm poor man's \fI.html\fP
125 .html HTML document used with the World Wide Web
126 .hqx 7-bit encoded Macintosh file
127 .i C source after preprocessing
128 .icon bitmap source
129 .idx reference or datum-index file for hypertext
130 or database system
131 .image bitmap source
132 .in configuration template, especially for GNU Autoconf
133 .info files for the Emacs info browser
134 .info-[0\-9]+ split info files
135 .ins LaTeX package install file for docstrip
136 .itcl itcl source code;
137 itcl ([incr Tcl]) is an OO extension of tcl
138 .java a Java source file
139 .jpeg Joint Photographic Experts Group format
140 .jpg poor man's \fI.jpeg\fP
141 .kmap \fBlyx\fP(1) keymap
142 .l equivalent to \fI.lex\fP or \fI.lisp\fP
143 .lex \fBlex\fP(1) or \fBflex\fP(1) files
144 .lha lharc archive
145 .lib Common-Lisp library
146 .lisp Lisp source
147 .ln files for use with \fBlint\fP(1)
148 .log log file, in particular produced by TeX
149 .lsm Linux Software Map entry
150 .lsp Common-Lisp source
151 .lzh lharc archive
152 .m Objective-C source code
153 .m4 \fBm4\fP(1) source
154 .mac macro files for various programs
155 .man manual page (usually source rather than formatted)
156 .map map files for various programs
157 .me Nroff source using the me macro package
158 .mf Metafont (font generator for TeX) source
159 .mgp MagicPoint file
160 .mm sources for \fBgroff\fP(1) in mm - format
161 .mo Message catalog binary file
162 .mod Modula-2 source for implementation modules
163 .mov (quicktime) movie
164 .mp Metapost source
165 .mp2 MPEG Layer 2 (audio) file
166 .mp3 MPEG Layer 3 (audio) file
167 .mpeg movie file
168 .o object file
169 .old old or backup file
170 .orig backup (original) version of a file, from \fBpatch\fP(1)
171 .out output file, often executable program (a.out)
172 .p Pascal source
173 .pag dbm data base data file
174 .patch file differences for \fBpatch\fP(1)
175 .pbm portable bitmap format
176 .pcf X11 font files
177 .pdf Adobe Portable Data Format
178 (use Acrobat/\fBacroread\fP or \fBxpdf\fP)
179 .perl Perl source (see .ph, .pl, and .pm)
180 .pfa PostScript font definition files, ASCII format
181 .pfb PostScript font definition files, binary format
182 .pgm portable greymap format
183 .pgp PGP binary data
184 .ph Perl header file
185 .php PHP program file
186 .php3 PHP3 program file
187 .pid File to store daemon PID (e.g., crond.pid)
188 .pl TeX property list file or Perl library file
189 .pm Perl module
190 .png Portable Network Graphics file
191 .po Message catalog source
192 .pod \fBperldoc\fP(1) file
193 .ppm portable pixmap format
194 .pr bitmap source
195 .ps PostScript file
196 .py Python source
197 .pyc compiled python
198 .qt quicktime movie
199 .r RATFOR source (obsolete)
200 .rej patches that \fBpatch\fP(1) couldn't apply
201 .rpm RPM software package
202 .rtf Rich Text Format file
203 .rules rules for something
204 .s assembler source
205 .sa stub libraries for a.out shared libraries
206 .sc \fBsc\fP(1) spreadsheet commands
207 .scm Scheme source code
208 .sed sed source file
209 .sgml SGML source file
210 .sh \fBsh\fP(1) scripts
211 .shar archive created by the \fBshar\fP(1) utility
212 .so Shared library or dynamically loadable object
213 .sql SQL source
214 .sqml SQML schema or query program
215 .sty LaTeX style files
216 .sym Modula-2 compiled definition modules
217 .tar archive created by the \fBtar\fP(1) utility
218 .tar.Z tar(1) archive compressed with \fBcompress\fP(1)
219 .tar.bz2 tar(1) archive compressed with \fBbzip2\fP(1)
220 .tar.gz tar(1) archive compressed with \fBgzip\fP(1)
221 .taz tar(1) archive compressed with \fBcompress\fP(1)
222 .tcl tcl source code
223 .tex TeX or LaTeX source
224 .texi equivalent to \fI.texinfo\fP
225 .texinfo Texinfo documentation source
226 .text text file
227 .tfm TeX font metric file
228 .tgz tar archive compressed with \fBgzip\fP(1)
229 .tif poor man's \fI.tiff\fP
230 .tiff Tagged Image File Format
231 .tk tcl/tk script
232 .tmp temporary file
233 .tmpl template files
234 .txt equivalent to \fI.text\fP
235 .uu equivalent to \fI.uue\fP
236 .uue binary file encoded with \fBuuencode\fP(1)
237 .vf TeX virtual font file
238 .vpl TeX virtual property list file
239 .w Silvio Levi's CWEB
240 .wav wave sound file
241 .web Donald Knuth's WEB
242 .wml Source file for Web Meta Language
243 .xbm X11 bitmap source
244 .xcf GIMP graphic
245 .xml eXtended Markup Language file
246 .xpm X11 pixmap source
247 .xs Perl xsub file produced by h2xs
248 .xsl XSL stylesheet
249 .y \fByacc\fP(1) or \fBbison\fP(1) (parser generator) files
250 .z File compressed using \fBpack\fP(1) (or an old \fBgzip\fP(1))
251 .zip \fBzip\fP(1) archive
252 .zoo \fBzoo\fP(1) archive
253 \(ti Emacs or \fBpatch\fP(1) backup file
254 rc startup (`run control') file, e.g., \fI.newsrc\fP
255 .TE
257 General UNIX conventions.
258 .SH BUGS
259 This list is not exhaustive.
261 .BR file (1),
262 .BR make (1)