]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/sarg.git/blob - sarg.1
Add a double check on the data at the user's level
[thirdparty/sarg.git] / sarg.1
1 '\" t
2 .\" Title: sarg
3 .\" Author: Frédéric Marchal <fmarchal@users.sourceforge.net>
4 .\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.75.2 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
5 .\" Date: 25 Jan 2011
6 .\" Manual: SARG
7 .\" Source: sarg
8 .\" Language: English
9 .\"
10 .TH "SARG" "1" "25 Jan 2011" "sarg" "SARG"
11 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
12 .\" * set default formatting
13 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
14 .\" disable hyphenation
15 .nh
16 .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
17 .ad l
18 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
20 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
21 .SH "NAME"
22 sarg \- Squid Analysis Report Generator
24 .HP \w'\fBsarg\fR\ 'u
25 \fBsarg\fR [options] [logfile...]
27 .PP
29 \fBsarg\fR
30 is a log file parser and analyzer for the
31 \m[blue]\fBSquid Web Proxy Cache\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2\&. It allows you to view "where" your users are going to on the Internet\&.
32 .PP
34 \fBsarg\fR
35 generates reports in HTML with fields such as: users, IP Addresses, bytes, sites, and times\&. These HTML files can appear in your web server\'s directory for browsing by users or administrators\&. You may also have
36 \fBsarg\fR
37 email the reports to the Squid Cache administrator\&.
38 .PP
40 \fBsarg\fR
41 can read
42 squid
43 or
44 Microsoft ISA
45 access logs\&. Optionally, it can complement the reports with the log of a Squid filter/redirector such as
46 \m[blue]\fBsquidGuard\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[2]\d\s+2\&.
48 .PP
49 A summary of options is included below\&.
50 .PP
51 \fB\-h\fR
52 .RS 4
53 Show summary of options\&.
54 .RE
55 .PP
56 \fB\-a hostname|ip address\fR
57 .RS 4
58 Limits report to records containing the specified hostname/ip address
59 .RE
60 .PP
61 \fB\-b \fR\fB\fIfilename\fR\fR
62 .RS 4
63 Enables UserAgent log and writes it to
64 \fIfilename\fR\&.
65 .if n \{\
66 .sp
67 .\}
68 .RS 4
69 .it 1 an-trap
70 .nr an-no-space-flag 1
71 .nr an-break-flag 1
72 .br
73 .ps +1
74 \fBWarning\fR
75 .ps -1
76 .br
77 This option is currently unused\&.
78 .sp .5v
79 .RE
80 .RE
81 .PP
82 \fB\-c \fR\fB\fIfilename\fR\fR
83 .RS 4
84 Read
85 \fIfilename\fR
86 for a list of the web hosts to exclude from the report\&. See
87 the section called \(lqHOST EXCLUSION FILE\(rq\&.
88 .RE
89 .PP
90 \fB\-\-convert\fR
91 .RS 4
92 Convert a
93 squid
94 log file date/time field to a human\-readable format\&. All the log files are read and output as one text on the standard output\&.
95 .RE
96 .PP
97 \fB\-\-css\fR
98 .RS 4
99 Output, on the standard output, the internal css
100 \fBsarg\fR
101 inlines in the reports\&. You can redirect the output to a file of your choice and edit it\&. Then you can override the internal css with
102 \fIexternal_css_file\fR
103 in
104 sarg\&.conf\&.
105 .sp
106 Using an external css can reduce the size of the report file\&. If you are short on disk space, you may consider exporting the css as explained above\&.
107 .RE
108 .PP
109 \fB\-d \fR\fB\fIdate\fR\fR
110 .RS 4
111 Use
112 \fIdate\fR
113 to restrict the report to some date range during log file processing\&. Format for
114 \fIdate\fR
115 is
116 \fBdd/mm/yyyy\-dd/mm/yyyy\fR
117 or a single date
118 \fBdd/mm/yyyy\fR\&. Date ranges can also be specified as
119 \fIday\-\fR\fI\fBn\fR\fR,
120 \fIweek\-\fR\fI\fBn\fR\fR, or
121 \fImonth\-\fR\fI\fBn\fR\fR
122 where
123 \fBn\fR
124 is the number of days, weeks or months to jump backward\&. Note that there is no spaces around the hyphen\&.
125 .RE
126 .PP
127 \fB\-e \fR\fB\fIemail\fR\fR
128 .RS 4
129 Sends report to
130 \fIemail\fR
131 (stdout for console)\&.
132 .RE
133 .PP
134 \fB\-f \fR\fB\fIfilename\fR\fR
135 .RS 4
136 Reads configuration from
137 \fIfilename\fR\&.
138 .RE
139 .PP
140 \fB\-g e|u\fR
141 .RS 4
142 Sets date format in generated reports\&.
143 .RS 4
144 e = Europe \-> dd/mm/yy
145 .RE
146 .RS 4
147 u = USA \-> mm/dd/yy
148 .RE
149 .RE
150 .PP
151 \fB\-i\fR
152 .RS 4
153 Generates reports by user and ip address\&.
154 .if n \{\
155 .sp
156 .\}
157 .RS 4
158 .it 1 an-trap
159 .nr an-no-space-flag 1
160 .nr an-break-flag 1
161 .br
162 .ps +1
163 \fBNote\fR
164 .ps -1
165 .br
166 This requires the
167 \fIreport_type\fR
168 option in config file to contain "users_sites"\&.
169 .sp .5v
170 .RE
171 .RE
172 .PP
173 \fB\-\-keeplogs\fR
174 .RS 4
175 Don\'t delete any old report\&. It is equivalent to setting
176 \fB\-\-lastlog 0\fR
177 but is provided for convenience\&.
178 .RE
179 .PP
180 \fB\-l \fR\fB\fIfilename\fR\fR
181 .RS 4
182 Uses
183 \fIfilename\fR
184 as the input log\&. This option can be repeated up to 255 times to read multiple files\&. If the files end with the extension
185 \&.gz,
186 \&.bz2
187 or
188 \&.Z
189 they are decompressed\&. If the file name is just
190 \fI\-\fR, the log file is read from standard input\&. In that case, it cannot be compressed\&.
191 .sp
192 This option is kept for compatibility with older versions of sarg but, starting with
193 sarg 2\&.3, the log files may be named on the command line without the
194 \fB\-l\fR
195 option\&. It allows the use of wildcards on the command line\&. Make sure you don\'t exceed the limit of 255 files\&.
196 .RE
197 .PP
198 \fB\-\-lastlog \fR\fB\fIn\fR\fR
199 .RS 4
200 Limit the number of logs kept in the output directory to
201 \fIn\fR\&. Any supernumerary report is deleted starting with the oldest report\&. The value of
202 \fIn\fR
203 must be positive or zero\&. A value of zero means no report should be deleted\&.
204 .RE
205 .PP
206 \fB\-L \fR\fB\fIfilename\fR\fR
207 .RS 4
208 Reads a proxy redirector log file such as one created by
209 squidGuard
210 or
211 Rejik\&. If you use this option, you may want to configure
212 \fIredirector_log_format\fR
213 in
214 sarg\&.conf
215 to match the output format of your web content filtering program\&. This option can be repeated up to 64 times to read multiple files\&.
216 .RE
217 .PP
218 \fB\-n\fR
219 .RS 4
220 Enables ip address resolution\&.
221 .RE
222 .PP
223 \fB\-o \fR\fB\fIdir\fR\fR
224 .RS 4
225 Writes report in
226 \fIdir\fR\&.
227 .RE
228 .PP
229 \fB\-p\fR
230 .RS 4
231 Generates reports using ip address instead of userid\&.
232 .RE
233 .PP
234 \fB\-P \fR\fB\fIprefix\fR\fR \fB\-\-splitprefix \fR\fB\fIprefix\fR\fR
235 .RS 4
236 This option must be used with
237 \fB\-\-split\fR\&. If it is provided, the input log is split among several files each containing one day\&. The name of the output files is made of the
238 \fIprefix\fR
239 and the date formated as
240 \-YYYY\-MM\-DD\&.
241 .sp
242 The output files are written in the output directory specified with
243 \fB\-o\fR
244 or in the current directory\&.
245 .RE
246 .PP
247 \fB\-s \fR\fB\fIstring\fR\fR
248 .RS 4
249 Limits report to the site specified by
250 \fIstring\fR
251 [eg\&. www\&.debian\&.org]
252 .RE
253 .PP
254 \fB\-\-split\fR
255 .RS 4
256 Split the squid log file and output it as text on the standard output omitting the dates outside of the range specified by the
257 \fB\-d\fR
258 parameter\&. If it is combined with
259 \fB\-\-convert\fR
260 the dates are also converted to a human\-readable format\&.
261 .sp
262 Combined with
263 \fB\-P\fR, the log is written in several files each containing one day of the original log\&.
264 .RE
265 .PP
266 \fB\-t \fR\fB\fIstring\fR\fR
267 .RS 4
268 Limits the records included in the report based on time\-of\-day\&. Format for
269 \fIstring\fR
270 is
271 \fBHH:MM\fR
272 or
273 \fBHH:MM\-HH:MM\fR\&. The former reports only the requested time\&. The latter reports any entry falling within the requested range\&. This limit complement the limit imposed by option
274 \fB\-d\fR\&.
275 .RE
276 .PP
277 \fB\-u \fR\fB\fIuser\fR\fR
278 .RS 4
279 Limits reports to
280 \fIuser\fR
281 activities\&.
282 .RE
283 .PP
284 \fB\-w \fR\fB\fIdir\fR\fR
285 .RS 4
286 Store temporary files in
287 \fIdir\fR\&. In fact,
288 \fBsarg\fR
289 stores its temporary files in the
290 sarg
291 subdirectory of
292 \fIdir\fR\&. Be sure to set the HTML output directory to a place outside of the temporary directory or sarg may fail or delete the report when it completes its task\&.
293 .RE
294 .PP
295 \fB\-x\fR
296 .RS 4
297 Writes debug messages to
298 stdout
299 .RE
300 .PP
301 \fB\-z\fR
302 .RS 4
303 Writes process messages to
304 stdout\&.
305 .RE
307 .PP
308 Sarg can be told to exclude visited hosts from the report by providing it with a file containing one host to exclude per line\&. The "host" may be one of the following:
309 .sp
310 .RS 4
311 .ie n \{\
312 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c
313 .\}
314 .el \{\
315 .sp -1
316 .IP \(bu 2.3
317 .\}
318 a full host name,
319 .RE
320 .sp
321 .RS 4
322 .ie n \{\
323 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c
324 .\}
325 .el \{\
326 .sp -1
327 .IP \(bu 2.3
328 .\}
329 a host name starting with a wildcard (*) to match any prefix,
330 .RE
331 .sp
332 .RS 4
333 .ie n \{\
334 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c
335 .\}
336 .el \{\
337 .sp -1
338 .IP \(bu 2.3
339 .\}
340 a single ip address,
341 .RE
342 .sp
343 .RS 4
344 .ie n \{\
345 \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c
346 .\}
347 .el \{\
348 .sp -1
349 .IP \(bu 2.3
350 .\}
351 a subnet noted a\&.b\&.c\&.d/e\&.
352 .RE
353 .PP
354 \fBExample\ \&1.\ \&Example of a hosts exclusion file\fR
355 .RS 4
356 *\&.google\&.com
357 .RE
358 .RS 4
359 10\&.0\&.0\&.0/8
360 .RE
361 .PP
362 Sarg cannot exclude IPv6 addresses at the moment\&.
363 .SH "SEE ALSO"
364 .PP
365 squid(8)
367 .PP
368 This manual page was written by
369 Luigi Gangitano
370 gangitano@lugroma3\&.org, for the
371 Debian GNU/Linux
372 system (but may be used by others)\&. Revised by
373 Billy Newsom\&.
374 .PP
375 Currently maintained by
376 Frédéric Marchal
377 fmarchal@users\&.sourceforge\&.net\&.
379 .PP
380 \fBFrédéric Marchal\fR <\&fmarchal@users\&.sourceforge\&.net\&>
381 .RS 4
382 Docbook version of the manual page
383 .RE
384 .PP
385 \fBBilly Newsom\fR
386 .RS 4
387 Revision of the manual page
388 .RE
389 .PP
390 \fBLuigi Gangitano\fR <\&gangitano@lugroma3\&.org\&>
391 .RS 4
392 Author of the first manual page
393 .RE
395 .br
396 Copyright \(co 2011 Frédéric Marchal
397 .br
398 .SH "NOTES"
399 .IP " 1." 4
400 Squid Web Proxy Cache
401 .RS 4
402 \%http://www.squid-cache.org/
403 .RE
404 .IP " 2." 4
405 squidGuard
406 .RS 4
407 \%http://www.squidguard.org/
408 .RE