]> git.ipfire.org Git - ipfire-2.x.git/blob - src/scripts/dialctrl.pl
Merge branch 'kernel-update' of git.ipfire.org:/pub/git/ipfire-2.x into kernel-update
[ipfire-2.x.git] / src / scripts / dialctrl.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 #
3 # Dialup Statistics for IPFire
4 # based on SilverStar's work on
5 # http://goodymuc.go.funpic.de
6 #
8 require '/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl';
9 require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl";
10 require "${General::swroot}/header.pl";
12 ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$ydat,$isdst)=localtime();
13 $jahr=$year;
14 $monat=$mon+1;
15 $tag=$mday;
16 $jahr=$year;
18 $jahr=$year +1900;
20 if (length($monat) == 1)
21 {
22 $monat="0$monat";
23 }
24 if(length($tag) == 1)
25 {
26 $tag="0$tag";
27 }
28 if(length($hour) == 1)
29 {
30 $hour="0$hour";
31 }
32 if(length($min) == 1)
33 {
34 $min="0$min";
35 }
36 if(length($sec) == 1)
37 {
38 $sec="0$sec";
39 }
41 my $s_date = $tag."/".$monat."/".$jahr;
42 my $s_time = $hour.":".$min.":".$sec;
43 my $file_log = "/var/log/counter/dialup.log";
44 my $file_connect = "/var/log/counter/connect";
45 my $file_reset = "/var/log/counter/reset";
47 if ($ARGV[0] eq 'up') {
48 if (! -e "$file_log") {
49 &new;
50 } else {
51 open(CONNECT,">$file_connect");
52 close(CONNECT);
53 open(COUNTER,"<$file_log");
54 $line = <COUNTER>;
55 ($start,$update,$up,$down,$rec,$on,$bit) = split(/\|/,$line);
56 close(COUNTER);
57 $up++;
58 $update = $s_date." on ".$s_time;
59 open(COUNTER,">$file_log");
60 print COUNTER "$start\|$update\|$up\|$down\|$rec\|$on\|$bit";
61 close(COUNTER);
62 }
63 }
65 if ($ARGV[0] eq 'down') {
66 if (! -e "$file_log") {
67 &new;
68 } else {
69 open(COUNTER,"<$file_log");
70 $line = <COUNTER>;
71 ($start,$update,$up,$down,$rec,$on,$bit) = split(/\|/,$line);
72 close(COUNTER);
73 $on =~ /(\d+)d\s+(\d+)h\s+(\d+)m\s+(\d+)s/;
74 $d1 = $1; $h1 = $2; $m1 = $3; $s1 = $4;
75 $con = &General::age("$file_connect");
76 $con =~ /(\d+)d\s+(\d+)h\s+(\d+)m\s+(\d+)s/;
77 $d2 = $1; $h2 = $2; $m2 = $3; $s2 = $4;
78 $sum_d = ($d1 + $d2) * 86400;
79 $sum_h = ($h1 + $h2) * 3600;
80 $sum_m = ($m1 + $m2) * 60;
81 $sum_s = ($s1 + $s2);
82 $sum_1 = $sum_d + $sum_h + $sum_m + $sum_s;
83 $d = int($sum_1 / 86400);
84 $totalhours = int($sum_1 / 3600);
85 $h = $totalhours % 24;
86 $totalmins = int($sum_1 / 60);
87 $m = $totalmins % 60;
88 $s = $sum_1 % 60;
89 $on = "${d}d ${h}h ${m}m ${s}s";
90 $down++;
91 $update = $s_date." on ".$s_time;
92 open(COUNTER,">$file_log");
93 print COUNTER "$start\|$update\|$up\|$down\|$rec\|$on\|$bit";
94 close(COUNTER);
95 }
96 }
98 if ($ARGV[0] eq 'rec') {
99 if (! -e "$file_log") {
100 &new;
101 } else {
102 open(COUNTER,"<$file_log");
103 $line = <COUNTER>;
104 ($start,$update,$up,$down,$rec,$on,$bit) = split(/\|/,$line);
105 close(COUNTER);
106 $rec++;
107 $update = $s_date." on ".$s_time;
108 open(COUNTER,">$file_log");
109 print COUNTER "$start\|$update\|$up\|$down\|$rec\|$on\|$bit";
110 close(COUNTER);
111 }
112 }
114 elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'show') {
115 if (! -e "$file_log") {
116 &new;
117 }
118 else {
119 open(COUNTER,"<$file_log");
120 $line = <COUNTER>;
121 ($start,$update,$up,$down,$rec,$on,$bit) = split(/\|/,$line);
122 $on =~ /(\d+)d\s+(\d+)h\s+(\d+)m\s+(\d+)s/;
123 $d1 = $1; $h1 = $2; $m1 = $3; $s1 = $4;
124 close(COUNTER);
125 if ( ! -e "${General::swroot}/red/active") {
126 $timecon = "0d 0h 0m 0s";
127 } else {
128 $timecon = &General::age("$file_connect");
129 }
130 $timecon =~ /(\d+)d\s+(\d+)h\s+(\d+)m\s+(\d+)s/;
131 $d2 = $1; $h2 = $2; $m2 = $3; $s2 = $4;
132 $timeres = &General::age("$file_reset");
133 $timeres =~ /(\d+)d\s+(\d+)h\s+(\d+)m\s+(\d+)s/;
134 $d3 = $1; $h3 = $2; $m3 = $3; $s3 = $4;
135 $sum_d1 = ($d1 + $d2) * 86400;
136 $sum_h1 = ($h1 + $h2) * 3600;
137 $sum_m1 = ($m1 + $m2) * 60;
138 $sum_s1 = ($s1 + $s2);
139 $sum_1 = $sum_d1 + $sum_h1 + $sum_m1 + $sum_s1;
140 $sum_d2 = $d3 * 86400;
141 $sum_h2 = $h3 * 3600;
142 $sum_m2 = $m3 * 60;
143 $sum_s2 = $s3;
144 $sum_2 = $sum_d2 + $sum_h2 + $sum_m2 + $sum_s2;
145 $d = int($sum_1 / 86400);
146 $totalhours = int($sum_1 / 3600);
147 $h = $totalhours % 24;
148 $totalmins = int($sum_1 / 60);
149 $m = $totalmins % 60;
150 $s = $sum_1 % 60;
151 $current = "${d}d ${h}h ${m}m ${s}s";
152 $ontime = ( $sum_1 * 100 ) / $sum_2;
153 if ($ontime >= 99.95) {
154 $ontime = sprintf("%.0f", $ontime);
155 }
156 elsif ($ontime <= 0.05) {
157 $ontime = sprintf("%.0f", $ontime);
158 }
159 else {
160 $ontime = sprintf("%.1f", $ontime);
161 }
163 print <<END
164 <br />$Lang::tr{'since'} $update
165 <tr><td colspan='3' align='center'>$Lang::tr{'connections'}: $up | $Lang::tr{'disconnects'}: $down | $Lang::tr{'attemps'}: $rec
166 <tr><td><b>$Lang::tr{'total connection time'}:</b><td align='right'>$current<td align='left'> ~ $ontime%
167 END
168 ;
169 }
170 }
172 elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'reset') {
173 &new;
174 }
176 elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '') {
177 print "\nDont run on the console...\n\n";
178 }
180 exit 0;
182 sub new {
183 open(COUNTER,">$file_log");
184 $start = $s_date." on ".$s_time;
185 $update = "&#8249;no action since clearing&#8250;";
186 $up = "0";
187 $down = "0";
188 $rec = "0";
189 $on = "0d 0h 0m";
190 $bit = "0";
191 print COUNTER "$start\|$update\|$up\|$down\|$rec\|$on\|$bit";
192 close(COUNTER);
193 open(CONNECT,">$file_connect");
194 print CONNECT "0";
195 close(CONNECT);
196 open(RESET,">$file_reset");
197 print RESET "0";
198 close(RESET);
199 }