]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/openssl.git/blob - test/recipes/80-test_pkcs12.t
Add a PKCS12 test to check with one input cert we get one output cert
[thirdparty/openssl.git] / test / recipes / 80-test_pkcs12.t
1 #! /usr/bin/env perl
2 # Copyright 2016-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 #
4 # Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
5 # this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
6 # in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
7 # https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
9 use strict;
10 use warnings;
12 use OpenSSL::Test qw/:DEFAULT srctop_file/;
13 use OpenSSL::Test::Utils;
15 use Encode;
17 setup("test_pkcs12");
19 my $pass = "σύνθημα γνώρισμα";
21 my $savedcp;
22 if (eval { require Win32::API; 1; }) {
23 # Trouble is that Win32 perl uses CreateProcessA, which
24 # makes it problematic to pass non-ASCII arguments, from perl[!]
25 # that is. This is because CreateProcessA is just a wrapper for
26 # CreateProcessW and will call MultiByteToWideChar and use
27 # system default locale. Since we attempt Greek pass-phrase
28 # conversion can be done only with Greek locale.
30 Win32::API->Import("kernel32","UINT GetSystemDefaultLCID()");
31 if (GetSystemDefaultLCID() != 0x408) {
32 plan skip_all => "Non-Greek system locale";
33 } else {
34 # Ensure correct code page so that VERBOSE output is right.
35 Win32::API->Import("kernel32","UINT GetConsoleOutputCP()");
36 Win32::API->Import("kernel32","BOOL SetConsoleOutputCP(UINT cp)");
37 $savedcp = GetConsoleOutputCP();
38 SetConsoleOutputCP(1253);
39 $pass = Encode::encode("cp1253",Encode::decode("utf-8",$pass));
40 }
41 } elsif ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
42 plan skip_all => "Win32::API unavailable";
43 } elsif ($^O ne "VMS") {
44 # Running MinGW tests transparently under Wine apparently requires
45 # UTF-8 locale...
47 foreach(`locale -a`) {
48 s/\R$//;
49 if ($_ =~ m/^C\.UTF\-?8/i) {
50 $ENV{LC_ALL} = $_;
51 last;
52 }
53 }
54 }
57 plan tests => 13;
59 # Test different PKCS#12 formats
60 ok(run(test(["pkcs12_format_test"])), "test pkcs12 formats");
61 # Test with legacy APIs
62 ok(run(test(["pkcs12_format_test", "-legacy"])), "test pkcs12 formats using legacy APIs");
63 # Test with a non-default library context (and no loaded providers in the default context)
64 ok(run(test(["pkcs12_format_test", "-context"])), "test pkcs12 formats using a non-default library context");
66 SKIP: {
67 skip "VMS doesn't have command line UTF-8 support yet in DCL", 1
68 if $^O eq "VMS";
70 # just see that we can read shibboleth.pfx protected with $pass
71 ok(run(app(["openssl", "pkcs12", "-noout",
72 "-password", "pass:$pass",
73 "-in", srctop_file("test", "shibboleth.pfx")])),
74 "test_load_cert_pkcs12");
75 }
77 my @path = qw(test certs);
78 my $outfile1 = "out1.p12";
79 my $outfile2 = "out2.p12";
80 my $outfile3 = "out3.p12";
81 my $outfile4 = "out4.p12";
82 my $outfile5 = "out5.p12";
84 # Test the -chain option with -untrusted
85 ok(run(app(["openssl", "pkcs12", "-export", "-chain",
86 "-CAfile", srctop_file(@path, "sroot-cert.pem"),
87 "-untrusted", srctop_file(@path, "ca-cert.pem"),
88 "-in", srctop_file(@path, "ee-cert.pem"),
89 "-nokeys", "-passout", "pass:", "-out", $outfile1])),
90 "test_pkcs12_chain_untrusted");
92 # Test the -passcerts option
93 SKIP: {
94 skip "Skipping PKCS#12 test because DES is disabled in this build", 1
95 if disabled("des");
96 ok(run(app(["openssl", "pkcs12", "-export",
97 "-in", srctop_file(@path, "ee-cert.pem"),
98 "-certfile", srctop_file(@path, "v3-certs-TDES.p12"),
99 "-passcerts", "pass:v3-certs",
100 "-nokeys", "-passout", "pass:v3-certs", "-descert",
101 "-out", $outfile2])),
102 "test_pkcs12_passcerts");
103 }
105 SKIP: {
106 skip "Skipping legacy PKCS#12 test because the required algorithms are disabled", 1
107 if disabled("des") || disabled("rc2") || disabled("legacy");
108 # Test reading legacy PKCS#12 file
109 ok(run(app(["openssl", "pkcs12", "-export",
110 "-in", srctop_file(@path, "v3-certs-RC2.p12"),
111 "-passin", "pass:v3-certs",
112 "-provider", "default", "-provider", "legacy",
113 "-nokeys", "-passout", "pass:v3-certs", "-descert",
114 "-out", $outfile3])),
115 "test_pkcs12_passcerts_legacy");
116 }
118 # Test export of PEM file with both cert and key
119 # -nomac necessary to avoid legacy provider requirement
120 ok(run(app(["openssl", "pkcs12", "-export",
121 "-inkey", srctop_file(@path, "cert-key-cert.pem"),
122 "-in", srctop_file(@path, "cert-key-cert.pem"),
123 "-passout", "pass:v3-certs",
124 "-nomac", "-out", $outfile4], stderr => "outerr.txt")),
125 "test_export_pkcs12_cert_key_cert");
126 open DATA, "outerr.txt";
127 my @match = grep /:error:/, <DATA>;
128 close DATA;
129 ok(scalar @match > 0 ? 0 : 1, "test_export_pkcs12_outerr_empty");
131 ok(run(app(["openssl", "pkcs12",
132 "-in", $outfile4,
133 "-passin", "pass:v3-certs",
134 "-nomacver", "-nodes"])),
135 "test_import_pkcs12_cert_key_cert");
137 ok(run(app(["openssl", "pkcs12", "-export", "-out", $outfile5,
138 "-in", srctop_file(@path, "ee-cert.pem"), "-caname", "testname",
139 "-nokeys", "-passout", "pass:", "-certpbe", "NONE"])),
140 "test nokeys single cert");
142 my @pkcs12info = run(app(["openssl", "pkcs12", "-info", "-in", $outfile5,
143 "-passin", "pass:"]), capture => 1);
145 # Test that with one input certificate, we get one output certificate
146 ok(grep(/subject=CN = server.example/, @pkcs12info) == 1,
147 "test one cert in output");
148 # Test that the expected friendly name is present in the output
149 ok(grep(/testname/, @pkcs12info) == 1, "test friendly name in output");
151 SetConsoleOutputCP($savedcp) if (defined($savedcp));