]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/openssl.git/blob - test/recipes/tconversion.pl
test_rsa: Test for PVK format conversion
[thirdparty/openssl.git] / test / recipes / tconversion.pl
1 #! /usr/bin/env perl
2 # Copyright 2015-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 #
4 # Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
5 # this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
6 # in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
7 # https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
10 use strict;
11 use warnings;
13 use File::Compare qw/compare_text/;
14 use File::Copy;
15 use OpenSSL::Test qw/:DEFAULT/;
17 my %conversionforms = (
18 # Default conversion forms. Other series may be added with
19 # specific test types as key.
20 "*" => [ "d", "p" ],
21 "msb" => [ "d", "p", "msblob" ],
22 "pvk" => [ "d", "p", "pvk" ],
23 );
24 sub tconversion {
25 my %opts = @_;
27 die "Missing option -type" unless $opts{-type};
28 die "Missing option -in" unless $opts{-in};
29 my $testtype = $opts{-type};
30 my $t = $opts{-in};
31 my $prefix = $opts{-prefix} // $testtype;
32 my @conversionforms =
33 defined($conversionforms{$testtype}) ?
34 @{$conversionforms{$testtype}} :
35 @{$conversionforms{"*"}};
36 my @openssl_args;
37 if (defined $opts{-args}) {
38 @openssl_args = @{$opts{-args}} if ref $opts{-args} eq 'ARRAY';
39 @openssl_args = ($opts{-args}) if ref $opts{-args} eq '';
40 }
41 @openssl_args = ($testtype) unless @openssl_args;
43 my $n = scalar @conversionforms;
44 my $totaltests =
45 1 # for initializing
46 + $n # initial conversions from p to all forms (A)
47 + $n*$n # conversion from result of A to all forms (B)
48 + 1 # comparing original test file to p form of A
49 + $n*($n-1); # comparing first conversion to each form in A with B
50 $totaltests-- if ($testtype eq "p7d"); # no comparison of original test file
51 $totaltests -= $n if ($testtype eq "pvk"); # no comparisons of the pvk form
52 plan tests => $totaltests;
54 my @cmd = ("openssl", @openssl_args);
56 my $init;
57 if (scalar @openssl_args > 0 && $openssl_args[0] eq "pkey") {
58 $init = ok(run(app([@cmd, "-in", $t, "-out", "$prefix-fff.p"])),
59 'initializing');
60 } else {
61 $init = ok(copy($t, "$prefix-fff.p"), 'initializing');
62 }
63 if (!$init) {
64 diag("Trying to copy $t to $prefix-fff.p : $!");
65 }
67 SKIP: {
68 skip "Not initialized, skipping...", 22 unless $init;
70 foreach my $to (@conversionforms) {
71 ok(run(app([@cmd,
72 "-in", "$prefix-fff.p",
73 "-inform", "p",
74 "-out", "$prefix-f.$to",
75 "-outform", $to])),
76 "p -> $to");
77 }
79 foreach my $to (@conversionforms) {
80 foreach my $from (@conversionforms) {
81 ok(run(app([@cmd,
82 "-in", "$prefix-f.$from",
83 "-inform", $from,
84 "-out", "$prefix-ff.$from$to",
85 "-outform", $to])),
86 "$from -> $to");
87 }
88 }
90 if ($testtype ne "p7d") {
91 is(cmp_text("$prefix-fff.p", "$prefix-f.p"), 0,
92 'comparing orig to p');
93 }
95 foreach my $to (@conversionforms) {
96 next if $to eq "d" or $to eq "pvk";
97 foreach my $from (@conversionforms) {
98 is(cmp_text("$prefix-f.$to", "$prefix-ff.$from$to"), 0,
99 "comparing $to to $from$to");
100 }
101 }
102 }
103 }
105 sub cmp_text {
106 return compare_text(@_, sub {
107 $_[0] =~ s/\R//g;
108 $_[1] =~ s/\R//g;
109 return $_[0] ne $_[1];
110 });
111 }
113 sub file_contains {
114 $_ = shift @_;
115 my $pattern = shift @_;
116 open(DATA, $_) or return 0;
117 $_= join('', <DATA>);
118 close(DATA);
119 s/\s+/ /g; # take multiple whitespace (including newline) as single space
120 return m/$pattern/ ? 1 : 0;
121 }
123 sub cert_contains {
124 my $cert = shift @_;
125 my $pattern = shift @_;
126 my $expected = shift @_;
127 my $name = shift @_;
128 my $out = "cert_contains.out";
129 run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-text", "-in", $cert, "-out", $out]));
130 is(file_contains($out, $pattern), $expected, ($name ? "$name: " : "").
131 "$cert should ".($expected ? "" : "not ")."contain: \"$pattern\"");
132 # not unlinking $out
133 }
135 sub uniq (@) {
136 my %seen = ();
137 grep { not $seen{$_}++ } @_;
138 }
140 sub file_n_different_lines {
141 my $filename = shift @_;
142 open(DATA, $filename) or return 0;
143 chomp(my @lines = <DATA>);
144 close(DATA);
145 return scalar(uniq @lines);
146 }
148 sub cert_ext_has_n_different_lines {
149 my $cert = shift @_;
150 my $expected = shift @_;
151 my $exts = shift @_;
152 my $name = shift @_;
153 my $out = "cert_n_different_exts.out";
154 run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-ext", $exts,
155 "-in", $cert, "-out", $out]));
156 is(file_n_different_lines($out), $expected, ($name ? "$name: " : "").
157 "$cert '$exts' output should contain $expected different lines");
158 # not unlinking $out
159 }
161 1;