]> git.ipfire.org Git - people/shoehn/ipfire.org.git/blob - www/templates/modules/release-item.html
Show image checksums on the download page.
[people/shoehn/ipfire.org.git] / www / templates / modules / release-item.html
1 <h3>
2 {% if latest %}{{ _("Latest release") }}:{% end %}
3 {{ escape(release.name) }}
4 </h3>
6 {% if release.files %}
7 <div class="tabbable">
8 <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
9 <li class="active">
10 <a href="#arch_unknown" data-toggle="tab">{{ _("Choose an architecture:") }}</a>
11 </li>
12 {% if files["i586"] %}
13 <li><a href="#arch_i586" data-toggle="tab">i586</a></li>
14 {% end %}
15 {% if files["arm"] %}
16 <li><a href="#arch_arm" data-toggle="tab">ARM</a></li>
17 {% end %}
18 </ul>
20 <div class="tab-content">
21 <div class="tab-pane active" id="arch_unknown">
22 {% if lang == "de" %}
23 <p>
24 Bitte klicke auf den Button, um IPFire für
25 i586-kompatible Computer als ISO-Installationsimage
26 herunterzuladen.
27 Dies ist das am häufigsten benötigte Medium.
28 In der Tableiste finden sich alternative Architekturen
29 und Imageformate zum Download.
30 </p>
31 {% else %}
32 <p>
33 Please click the button to download the IPFire
34 ISO image for i586-compatible computers.
35 This is the default image, you will most likely
36 need to install IPFire.
37 You may also pick your desired architecture from
38 the tabs above and see a list of all image
39 formats.
40 </p>
41 {% end %}
43 <hr>
45 <div class="ac">
46 {{ modules.DownloadButton(release) }}
47 </div>
49 {% if not release.stable %}
50 <hr>
52 <div class="row">
53 <div class="span6 offset3">
54 <div class="alert alert-error">
55 <strong>{{ _("Caution!") }}</strong>
57 {% if lang == "de" %}
58 Dieses Release ist nicht als <em>stabile</em> Version
59 von IPFire freigegeben und nur für Testumgebungen gedacht.
60 Daher sollte dieses Release nicht in produktiven
61 Umgebungen eingesetzt werden und Fehler berichtet werden.
62 {% else %}
63 This release is not a stable version of IPFire and
64 intended for testing purposes only.
65 Do not use this release in production and please
66 report any bugs.
67 {% end %}
68 </div>
69 </div>
70 </div>
71 {% end %}
72 </div>
74 {% for arch in files.keys() %}
75 <div class="tab-pane" id="arch_{{ arch }}">
76 <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
77 <thead>
78 <tr>
79 <th>{{ _("Image type") }}</th>
80 <th>{{ _("Size") }}</th>
81 </tr>
82 </thead>
83 <tbody>
84 {% for file in files[arch] %}
85 <tr>
86 <td>
87 {% if file.torrent_hash %}
88 <p class="pull-right">
89 <a href="{{ file.magnet_link }}">
90 <i class="icon-magnet"></i>
91 </a>
92 <a href="http://tracker.ipfire.org/{{ file.torrent_hash }}/download">
93 <i class="icon-download-alt"></i>
94 </a>
95 </p>
96 {% end %}
97 <a class="download-splash" href="{{ file.url }}">{{ _(file.desc) }}</a>
98 <br>{{ _(file.rem) }}
100 {% if file.sha1 %}
101 <br><br><em>{{ _("SHA1 checksum") }}: {{ file.sha1 }}</em>
102 {% end %}
103 </td>
104 <td>
105 {{ format_size(file.size) }}
106 </td>
107 </tr>
108 {% end %}
109 </tbody>
110 </table>
112 <p class="pull-right">
113 <strong>{{ _("Legend:") }}</strong>
114 <i class="icon-magnet"></i> {{ _("Magnet link") }},
115 <i class="icon-download-alt"></i> {{ _("Torrent download") }}
116 </p>
117 </div>
118 {% end %}
119 </div>
120 </div>
121 {% else %}
122 <div class="alert">
123 {{ _("There are no downloads available for this release.") }}
124 </div>
125 {% end %}