]> git.ipfire.org Git - people/ms/strongswan.git/blob - ChangeLog
- storing release revision in svn property "release-revision", because I forget it...
[people/ms/strongswan.git] / ChangeLog
1 strongSwan-4.0.0 / R:967
2 ==========================
4 - removed IKEV2 ifdefs
5 - applied patch from andreas
6 - added charonstart option to config
7 - new ikev2 tests for UML
8 - applied patch from andreas
9 - pem loading
10 - secrets file parsing
11 - ikev2 testcase
12 - some other additions here and there
13 - connection termination is handled cleanly by name now
14 - fixed bad bug, certs load now cleanly again
15 - fixed make install (subdir order)
16 - fixed include path
17 - added missing script
18 - finished initial import of strongswan file tree
19 - removed a lot of old and unused stuff
20 - moved RFCs from ikev2 into doc dir
21 - added missing files for starter
22 - applied patch for charon (this time really)
23 - import of strongswan-2.7.0
24 - applied patch for charon
25 - renamed get_block_size of hasher
26 - reworked usage of IDs in various states
27 - using ID_ANY for any, not NULL as before
28 - initiator sends IDr payload in IKE_AUTH when ID unique
29 - fixed charon checks
30 - using status & statusall
31 - patch for 2.7.0
32 - add connection names to connections
33 - stroke status / ipsec status shows them
34 - added statusall for stroke
35 - added status by connection name
36 - some tests repaired, more to come
37 - fixed spi conversion
38 - improved "stroke status" output
39 - setup PID file after daemon initilization, to correctly inform
40 starter about daemon startup
41 - added separate implementation for connection_store, credential_store, policy_store
42 - added folder structure to config
43 - credentials are fetched solely on IDs now
44 - identification_t supports now almost all id types
45 - x509 certificates work with identification_t now
46 - fixes here, fixes there
47 - fixed doxygen build
48 - seperates now in lib and charon
49 - library initialization done at a central point (library.c)
50 - some leak_detective fixes
51 - updated Todos
52 - fixed log-to-syslog behavior
53 - added patch against strongswan-2.6.4
54 - x509 certificate loading with pluto asn1 code
55 - x509 needs a lot more attention!
56 - renamed some files
57 - using asn1 pluto stuff now
58 - removed, since we use pluto asn1 stuff
59 - leak detective is usable, but does not show static function names
60 - a script which gets address via ldd and resolves address via addr2line would be nice
61 - fixed a leak in child_sa with new detective ;-)
62 - some improvements to new asn1 stuff
63 - to be continued
64 - fixed bad bugs in kernel interface
65 - added some logging info
66 - works now much more stable
67 - startet importing pluto ASN1 stuff
68 - der PKCS#1 key loading works (as it did with der_decoder)
69 - split up in libstrong, charon, stroke, testing done
70 - new leak detective with malloc hook in library
71 - useable, but needs improvements
72 - logger_manager has now a single instance per library
73 - allows use of loggers from any linking prog
74 - a LOT of other things
75 ../svn-commit.tmp
76 - added misssing stroke.h
77 - improved strokeing
78 - down connection
79 - status
80 - some other tweaks
81 - rewrote a lot of RSA stuff
82 - done major work for ASN1/decoder
83 - allow loading of ASN1 der encoded private keys, public keys and certificates
84 - extracting public key from certificates
85 - passing certificates from stroke to charon
86 => basic authentication with RSA certificates works!
87 - starter work on asn1 with der de/encoder
88 - RSA private and public key can load read key from ASN1 DER
89 - some other fixes here and there
90 - rewrite of logger_manager, uses now one instance per context
91 - cleanups for logger here and there
92 - removed critical flag check in payload verification (conformance to IKEv2)
93 - so thats and theres everywere... ;-)
94 - patch for strongswan-2.6.3
95 - added charon support for strongswan build process
96 - ipsec starter supports charon startup and control
97 - removed old diploma thesis scripts
98 - some cleanups
99 - compatibility to strongswan, Makefile can be called by "make programs"
100 and "make install" (ikev2 patch must be applied to strongswan)
101 - first version of stroke control utility
102 - moved output to doc/api, since doc is used for other docs now
103 - some first documentation in english
104 - removed old eclipse project files
105 - works quite well now with ipsec.conf & ipsec starter
106 - belongs to previous commit ;-)
107 - reworked configuration framework completly
108 - configuration is now split up in: connections, policies, credentials and daemon config
109 - further alloc/free fixes needed!
110 - first attempt for connection loading and starting via "stroke"
111 - some improvements here and there
112 - configuration_manager replaced by configuration_t interface
113 - current configuration_manager is now static_configuration (testing)
114 - first draft of starter_configuration, which should once interact with ipsec starter (via whack?)
115 - some cleanups
116 - socket_t uses RAW socket, which allows parallel service of pluto/charon
117 - comments and cleanups
118 - working policy installation and removal
119 - fixed policy setup bug
120 - proposal setup implementation begun
121 - fixed socket code, so we know on which address we receive traffic
122 - AH/ESP setup in kernel is working now!!! :-)))
123 - installing of child sa works
124 - need correct IP adresses to actually use IPsec
125 - new RFCs of IKEv2, IKEv2 algs and IPSec arch added
126 - update of IKEv2 clarification document
127 - refactored ike proposal
128 - uses now proposal_t, wich is also used by child proposals
129 - ike key derivation refactored
130 - crypter_t api has get_key_size now
131 - some other improvements here and there
132 - config uses uml hosts alice and bob
133 - key derivation for child_sa works
134 - some fixes here and there
135 - fixed memleaks
136 - works with new proposal code
137 - still some(!) memleaks
138 - fixed alot of bugs in child_proposal
139 - near to working state ;-)
140 - dead end implementation
142 - ... there is a lot more of it, but
143 nothing of interest