]> git.ipfire.org Git - people/pmueller/ipfire-2.x.git/blob - src/squid-accounting/acct.pl
[people/pmueller/ipfire-2.x.git] / src / squid-accounting / acct.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 ###############################################################################
3 # #
4 # IPFire.org - A linux based firewall #
5 # Copyright (C) 2014 IPFire Team <alexander.marx@ipfire.org> #
6 # #
7 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
9 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
10 # (at your option) any later version. #
11 # #
12 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
13 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
15 # GNU General Public License for more details. #
16 # #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
18 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
19 # #
20 ###############################################################################
23 ###########
24 # Modules #
25 ###########
27 use Time::Local;
28 use File::ReadBackwards;
29 use strict;
30 #use warnings;
32 require '/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl';
33 require "${General::swroot}/accounting/acct-lib.pl";
34 require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl";
36 #############
37 # Variables #
38 #############
40 my $count = 0;
41 my $dbh;
42 my $logfile = "/var/log/squid/access.log";
43 my $line = '';
44 my $checktime = 3600; #1 hour = 3600 sec
45 my $starttime = time;
46 my ($time,$elapsed,$ip,$state,$bytes,$method,$url,$user,$peerstate,$type); #split logfileline into variables
47 my $name;
48 my $name1;
49 my $settingsfile = "${General::swroot}/accounting/settings.conf";
50 my $proxyenabled = "${General::swroot}/proxy/enable";
51 my %counter = ();
52 my %counterip = ();
53 my %settings = ();
54 my %toplist = ();
55 my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$ydat,$isdst)=localtime();
56 my $skipurlcount=0;
57 my $skipurlsum=0;
58 &General::readhash("$settingsfile", \%settings);
59 my $skipurl=$settings{'SKIPURLS'};
60 $skipurl="'".$skipurl."'";
61 my ($mini,$max)=&ACCT::getminmax;
62 my $now = localtime;
63 my $proxylog;
64 my $proxysrv;
66 ########
67 # Main #
68 ########
70 &checkproxy;
72 #If we have a disabled file and the proxy is off, we don't need to check anything, exit!
73 if((! -f $proxyenabled || $proxylog eq $Lang::tr{'stopped'}) && -f "${General::swroot}/accounting/disabled"){
74 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'}," Proxy or proxylogging disabled - exiting with no data collection\n");
75 exit 0;
76 }
77 #If proxy was turned off within last hour, we need to check missing minutes and write a disabled file
78 if ((! -f $proxyenabled || $proxylog eq $Lang::tr{'stopped'}) && ! -f "${General::swroot}/accounting/disabled"){
79 $checktime = (time-$max);
80 open (FH,">${General::swroot}/accounting/disabled");
81 close (FH);
82 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'}," Proxy or proxylogging was disabled during last hour - just checking meantime and disabling data collection\n");
83 }
85 #If proxy is on, we are doing a normal run. maybe we had a disabled file, so delete it here
86 if (-f $proxyenabled && $proxylog eq $Lang::tr{'running'}){
87 #check if we are running again after the was shutdown and reenabled
88 if (-f "${General::swroot}/accounting/disabled"){
89 unlink("${General::swroot}/accounting/disabled");
90 }
91 #Find out if the month changed
92 $dbh=&ACCT::connectdb;
93 my $m=sprintf("%d",(localtime((time-3600)))[4]+1);
94 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'},"month before one hour $m, now is ".($mon+1)."\n");
95 if ($m < ($mon+1) || $m == '12' && ($mon+1) == '1'){
96 #Logrotate
97 my $year1=$year+1900;
98 system ("tar", "cfz", "/var/log/accounting-$m-$year1.tar.gz", "/var/log/accounting.log");
99 unlink ("/var/log/accounting.log");
100 open (FH,">/var/log/accounting.log");
101 close (FH);
102 chmod 0755, "/var/log/accounting.log";
103 #move all db entries older than 2 months to second table and cumulate them hourly
104 &ACCT::movedbdata;
105 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'},"New Month. Old trafficvalues moved to ACCT_HIST Table\n");
106 if ($settings{'USEMAIL'} eq 'on'){
107 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'},"Mailserver is activated - Now sending bills via mail...\n");
108 my $res=&ACCT::getbillgroups;
109 foreach my $line (@$res){
110 my ($grp) = @$line;
111 &sendbill($grp,$settings{'MWST'},$settings{'CURRENCY'});
112 }
113 }else{
114 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'},"Mailserver is deactivated - We are NOT sending bills via mail...\n");
115 }
116 }
118 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'},"Start reading last hour of access.log\n");
119 &readlog;
120 &fill_db;
121 &ACCT::closedb;
122 $skipurlsum=sprintf("%.2f",$skipurlsum/(1024*1024));
123 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'},"skipped: $skipurlcount Adressen\n");
124 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'},"skipped: $skipurlsum MB\n") if ($skipurl);
125 }
126 #############
127 # functions #
128 #############
130 sub checkproxy{
131 if(-f "${General::swroot}/proxy/enable"){
132 $proxysrv=$Lang::tr{'running'};
133 }else{
134 $proxysrv=$Lang::tr{'stopped'};
135 }
136 my $srce = "${General::swroot}/proxy/squid.conf";
137 my $string1 = 'access\.log';
138 open(FH, $srce);
139 while(my $line = <FH>) {
140 if($line =~ m/$string1/) {
141 $proxylog=$Lang::tr{'running'};
142 }
143 }
144 close FH;
145 return;
146 }
148 sub readlog{
149 my $url1;
150 my $user1;
151 $count = 0;
152 my $urlcnt=0;
153 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'},"Start: $now. Reading data back till: ".localtime(($starttime-$checktime)).".\n");
154 #Open Logfile and begin to read the file backwards
155 my $bw = File::ReadBackwards->new( $logfile ) or die "can't read $logfile $!" ;
156 while( defined( $line = $bw->readline ) ) {
157 undef $url1;
158 chomp $line;
159 #Divide $line into single variables to get timestamp and check if we are within hte desired timerange
160 ($time,$elapsed,$ip,$state,$bytes,$method,$url,$user,$peerstate,$type)=split(m/\s+/, $line);
161 $count += $bytes;
162 $time = substr($time, 0, -4);
163 if (($time > ($starttime-$checktime))){
164 #Skip DENIED stated lines (can be reactivated later)
165 next if ($state =~ m/DENIED/);
167 #extract site name
168 if ($url =~ m/([a-z]+:\/\/)??([a-z0-9\-]+\.){1}(([a-z0-9\-]+\.){0,})([a-z0-9\-]+){1}(:[0-9]+)?\/(.*)/o) {
169 $url=$2.$3.$5;
170 } else {
171 my ($a,$b)=split(":",$url);
172 $url=$a;
173 }
175 #Skip special URLs like intranet and webservers from local network
176 if ($url =~ m/$skipurl/o) {
177 $skipurlcount++;
178 $skipurlsum+=$bytes;
179 next;
180 };
182 #Increase urlcounter
183 $urlcnt++;
185 #Get Data for accounting
186 $counter{$user}{'bytes'} += $bytes if ($user ne '-');
187 $counter{$ip}{'bytes'} += $bytes;
188 }else{
189 #If we are out of timewindow, break
190 last;
191 }
192 }
193 $count=sprintf("%.2f",$count/(1024*1024));
194 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'},"got $count MB from $urlcnt URLs this run.\n");
195 $bw->close;
196 }
197 sub fill_db{
198 my $tim=time();
199 #Fill ACCT table with accounting information
200 foreach my $name (sort keys %counter){
201 foreach my $bytes (keys %{ $counter{$name} }) {
202 $dbh->do("insert into ACCT (TIME_RUN,NAME,BYTES) values ('$tim','$name','$counter{$name}{$bytes}');");
203 }
204 }
205 }
206 sub sendbill {
207 my $rggrp=$_[0];
208 my $mwst=$_[1];
209 my $cur = $_[2];
210 my @now = localtime(time);
211 $now[5] = $now[5] + 1900;
212 my $actmonth = $now[4]+1;
213 my $month = '0'.$actmonth if $actmonth < 10;
214 my $actyear = $now[5];
215 my ($from,$till)=&ACCT::getmonth($actmonth,$actyear); #FIXME month and year as variables!
216 my @billar = &ACCT::GetTaValues($from,$till,$rggrp);
217 my $address_cust = &ACCT::getTaAddress($rggrp,'CUST');
218 my $address_host = &ACCT::getTaAddress($rggrp,'HOST');
219 my $billpos = &ACCT::getextrabillpos($rggrp);
220 my $no = &ACCT::getBillNr;
221 my $back = &ACCT::pdf2(\@billar,$actmonth,$actyear,$mwst,$address_cust,$address_host,$billpos,$rggrp,$cur);
222 my ($company_cust,$type_cust,$name1_cust,$str_cust,$str_nr_cust,$plz_cust,$city_cust,$bank,$iban,$bic,$blz,$kto,$email,$internet,$hrb,$stnr,$tel_host,$fax_host,$ccmail,$billgrp,$text,$host,$cust,$cent);
224 foreach my $addrline_cust (@$address_cust){
225 ($company_cust,$type_cust,$name1_cust,$str_cust,$str_nr_cust,$plz_cust,$city_cust,$bank,$iban,$bic,$blz,$kto,$email,$internet,$hrb,$stnr,$tel_host,$fax_host,$ccmail,$billgrp,$text,$host,$cust,$cent)=@$addrline_cust;
226 }
228 if ($back eq '0'){
229 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'},"Bill for $company_cust successfully created.\n");
230 my $file="'/var/ipfire/accounting/bill/$rggrp/$month-$actyear-$no.pdf'";
231 $settings{'MAILTXT'} =~ tr/\|/\r\n/ ;
232 my $cmd = "/usr/local/bin/sendEmail ";
233 $cmd .= " -f $settings{'MAILSENDER'}"; #Sender
234 $cmd .= " -t $email"; #Recipient
235 if ($ccmail){
236 $cmd .= " -cc $ccmail";
237 }
238 #Send Mail via TLS?
239 if ($settings{'TLS'} eq 'on'){
240 $cmd .= " -o tls=yes"; #TLS
241 }
242 $cmd .= " -u '$settings{'MAILSUB'}'"; #Subject
243 $cmd .= " -m '$settings{'MAILTXT'}'"; #Mailtext
244 $cmd .= " -s $settings{'MAILSRV'}:$settings{'MAILPORT'}"; #Mailserver:port
245 $cmd .= " -a $file";
246 my $res=system ($cmd);
247 if ($res == 0){
248 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'},"Bill for $company_cust successfully sent.\n");
249 }elsif ($res > 0){
250 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'},"ERROR: Bill for $company_cust NOT sent.\n");
251 }
252 return 0;
254 }else{
255 &ACCT::logger($settings{'LOG'},"ERROR Bill for $company_cust could not be created.\n");
256 my $cmd = "/usr/local/bin/sendEmail ";
257 $cmd .= " -f $settings{'MAILSENDER'}";
258 $cmd .= " -t $settings{'MAILSENDER'}";
259 $cmd .= " -u Fehler Squid Accounting";
260 $cmd .= " -m 'Die Rechnung konnte nicht erzeugt und per Mail versendet werden' $company_cust";
261 $cmd .= " -s $settings{'MAILSRV'}:$settings{'MAILPORT'}";
262 my $res=system ($cmd);
263 return 0;
264 }
265 }