]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/nqptp.git/blob - nqptp-clock-sources.c
Merge branch 'main' of github.com:mikebrady/nqptp into main
[thirdparty/nqptp.git] / nqptp-clock-sources.c
1 /*
2 * This file is part of the nqptp distribution (https://github.com/mikebrady/nqptp).
3 * Copyright (c) 2021 Mike Brady.
4 *
5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
10 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * General Public License for more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16 *
17 * Commercial licensing is also available.
18 */
20 #include "nqptp-clock-sources.h"
21 #include "debug.h"
22 #include "nqptp-ptp-definitions.h"
23 #include <arpa/inet.h>
24 #include <ifaddrs.h>
25 #include <string.h>
26 #include <sys/types.h>
28 #ifndef FIELD_SIZEOF
29 #define FIELD_SIZEOF(t, f) (sizeof(((t *)0)->f))
30 #endif
32 clock_source_private_data clocks_private[MAX_CLOCKS];
34 int find_clock_source_record(char *sender_string, clock_source_private_data *clocks_private_info) {
35 // return the index of the clock in the clock information arrays or -1
36 int response = -1;
37 int i = 0;
38 int found = 0;
39 while ((found == 0) && (i < MAX_CLOCKS)) {
40 if ((clocks_private_info[i].in_use != 0) &&
41 (strcasecmp(sender_string, (const char *)&clocks_private_info[i].ip) == 0))
42 found = 1;
43 else
44 i++;
45 }
46 if (found == 1)
47 response = i;
48 return response;
49 }
51 int create_clock_source_record(char *sender_string,
52 clock_source_private_data *clocks_private_info) {
53 // sometimes, the mutex will already be locked
54 // return the index of a clock entry in the clock information arrays or -1 if full
55 // initialise the entries in the shared and private arrays
56 int response = -1;
57 int i = 0;
58 int found = 0;
59 while ((found == 0) && (i < MAX_CLOCKS)) {
60 if (clocks_private_info[i].in_use == 0)
61 found = 1;
62 else
63 i++;
64 }
66 if (found == 1) {
67 response = i;
68 memset(&clocks_private_info[i], 0, sizeof(clock_source_private_data));
69 strncpy((char *)&clocks_private_info[i].ip, sender_string,
70 FIELD_SIZEOF(clock_source_private_data, ip) - 1);
71 clocks_private_info[i].in_use = 1;
72 clocks_private_info[i].t2 = 0;
73 clocks_private_info[i].current_stage = waiting_for_sync;
74 clocks_private_info[i].vacant_samples = MAX_TIMING_SAMPLES;
75 debug(2, "create record for ip: %s.", &clocks_private_info[i].ip);
76 } else {
77 die("Clock tables full!");
78 }
79 return response;
80 }
82 void manage_clock_sources(uint64_t reception_time, clock_source_private_data *clocks_private_info) {
83 debug(3, "manage_clock_sources");
84 int i;
86 // do a garbage collect for clock records no longer in use
87 for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLOCKS; i++) {
88 // only if its in use and not a timing peer... don't need a mutex to check
89 if ((clocks_private_info[i].in_use != 0) &&
90 ((clocks_private_info[i].flags & (1 << clock_is_a_timing_peer)) == 0)) {
91 int64_t time_since_last_use = reception_time - clocks_private_info[i].time_of_last_use;
92 // using a sync timeout to determine when to drop the record...
93 // the following give the sync receipt time in whole seconds
94 // depending on the aPTPinitialLogSyncInterval and the aPTPsyncReceiptTimeout
95 int64_t syncTimeout = (1 << (32 + aPTPinitialLogSyncInterval));
96 syncTimeout = syncTimeout * aPTPsyncReceiptTimeout;
97 syncTimeout = syncTimeout >> 32;
98 // seconds to nanoseconds
99 syncTimeout = syncTimeout * 1000000000;
100 if (time_since_last_use > syncTimeout) {
101 uint32_t old_flags = clocks_private_info[i].flags;
102 debug(2, "delete record for: %s.", &clocks_private_info[i].ip);
103 memset(&clocks_private_info[i], 0, sizeof(clock_source_private_data));
104 if (old_flags != 0)
105 update_master();
106 }
107 }
108 }
109 }
111 // check all the entries in the clock array and mark all those that
112 // belong to ourselves
114 void update_clock_self_identifications(clock_source_private_data *clocks_private_info) {
115 // first, turn off all the self-id flags
116 int i;
117 for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLOCKS; i++) {
118 clocks_private_info[i].is_one_of_ours = 0;
119 }
121 struct ifaddrs *ifap, *ifa;
122 void *addr = NULL;
123 short family;
124 getifaddrs(&ifap);
125 for (ifa = ifap; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
126 family = ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family;
127 #ifdef AF_INET6
128 if (ifa->ifa_addr && family == AF_INET6) {
129 struct sockaddr_in6 *sa6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)ifa->ifa_addr;
130 addr = &(sa6->sin6_addr);
131 }
132 #endif
133 if (ifa->ifa_addr && family == AF_INET) {
134 struct sockaddr_in *sa4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)ifa->ifa_addr;
135 addr = &(sa4->sin_addr);
136 }
137 char ip_string[64];
138 memset(ip_string, 0, sizeof(ip_string));
139 if (addr != NULL)
140 inet_ntop(family, addr, ip_string, sizeof(ip_string));
141 if (strlen(ip_string) != 0) {
142 // now set the is_one_of_ours flag of any clock with this ip
143 for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLOCKS; i++) {
144 if (strcasecmp(ip_string, clocks_private_info[i].ip) == 0) {
145 debug(2, "found an entry for one of our clocks");
146 clocks_private_info[i].is_one_of_ours = 1;
147 }
148 }
149 }
150 }
151 freeifaddrs(ifap);
152 }
154 void update_master() {
155 int old_master = -1;
156 // find the current master clock if there is one and turn off all mastership
157 int i;
158 for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLOCKS; i++) {
159 if ((clocks_private[i].flags & (1 << clock_is_master)) != 0)
160 if (old_master == -1)
161 old_master = i; // find old master
162 clocks_private[i].flags &= ~(1 << clock_is_master); // turn them all off
163 }
165 int best_so_far = -1;
166 int timing_peer_count = 0;
167 uint32_t acceptance_mask =
168 (1 << clock_is_valid) | (1 << clock_is_qualified) | (1 << clock_is_a_timing_peer);
169 for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLOCKS; i++) {
170 if ((clocks_private[i].flags & acceptance_mask) == acceptance_mask) {
171 // found a possible clock candidate
172 timing_peer_count++;
173 if (best_so_far == -1) {
174 best_so_far = i;
175 } else {
176 // do the data set comparison detailed in Figure 27 and Figure 28 on pp89-90
177 if (clocks_private[i].grandmasterIdentity ==
178 clocks_private[best_so_far].grandmasterIdentity) {
179 // should implement Figure 28 here
180 } else if (clocks_private[i].grandmasterPriority1 <
181 clocks_private[best_so_far].grandmasterPriority1) {
182 best_so_far = i;
183 } else if (clocks_private[i].grandmasterClass <
184 clocks_private[best_so_far].grandmasterClass) {
185 best_so_far = i;
186 } else if (clocks_private[i].grandmasterAccuracy <
187 clocks_private[best_so_far].grandmasterAccuracy) {
188 best_so_far = i;
189 } else if (clocks_private[i].grandmasterVariance <
190 clocks_private[best_so_far].grandmasterVariance) {
191 best_so_far = i;
192 } else if (clocks_private[i].grandmasterPriority2 <
193 clocks_private[best_so_far].grandmasterPriority2) {
194 best_so_far = i;
195 } else if (clocks_private[i].grandmasterIdentity <
196 clocks_private[best_so_far].grandmasterIdentity) {
197 best_so_far = i;
198 }
199 }
200 }
201 }
202 if (best_so_far == -1) {
203 // no master clock
204 if (old_master != -1) {
205 // but there was a master clock, so remove it
206 debug(1, "shm interface -- remove master clock designation");
207 update_master_clock_info(0, NULL, 0, 0);
208 }
209 if (timing_peer_count == 0)
210 debug(2, "No timing peer list found");
211 else
212 debug(1, "No master clock not found!");
213 } else {
214 // we found a master clock
215 clocks_private[best_so_far].flags |= (1 << clock_is_master);
216 // master_clock_index = best_so_far;
217 if (old_master != best_so_far) {
218 update_master_clock_info(clocks_private[best_so_far].clock_id,
219 (const char *)&clocks_private[best_so_far].ip,
220 clocks_private[best_so_far].local_time,
221 clocks_private[best_so_far].local_to_source_time_offset);
222 }
223 }
225 int records_in_use = 0;
226 for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLOCKS; i++)
227 if (clocks_private[i].in_use != 0)
228 records_in_use++;
229 if (records_in_use > 0) {
230 debug(1, "");
231 debug(1, "Current NQPTP Status:");
232 uint32_t peer_mask = (1 << clock_is_a_timing_peer);
233 uint32_t peer_clock_mask = peer_mask | (1 << clock_is_valid);
234 uint32_t peer_master_mask = peer_clock_mask | (1 << clock_is_master);
235 uint32_t non_peer_clock_mask = (1 << clock_is_valid);
236 uint32_t non_peer_master_mask = non_peer_clock_mask | (1 << clock_is_master);
237 for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLOCKS; i++) {
238 if (clocks_private[i].in_use != 0) {
239 if ((clocks_private[i].flags & peer_master_mask) == peer_master_mask) {
240 debug(1, " Peer Master: %" PRIx64 " %s.", clocks_private[i].clock_id,
241 clocks_private[i].ip);
242 } else if ((clocks_private[i].flags & peer_clock_mask) == peer_clock_mask) {
243 debug(1, " Peer Clock: %" PRIx64 " %s.", clocks_private[i].clock_id,
244 clocks_private[i].ip);
245 } else if ((clocks_private[i].flags & peer_mask) == peer_mask) {
246 debug(1, " Peer: %s.", clocks_private[i].ip);
247 } else if ((clocks_private[i].flags & non_peer_master_mask) == non_peer_master_mask) {
248 debug(1, " Non Peer Master: %" PRIx64 " %s.", clocks_private[i].clock_id,
249 clocks_private[i].ip);
250 } else if ((clocks_private[i].flags & non_peer_clock_mask) == non_peer_clock_mask) {
251 debug(1, " Non Peer Clock: %" PRIx64 " %s.", clocks_private[i].clock_id,
252 clocks_private[i].ip);
253 } else {
254 debug(1, " Non Peer Record: %s.", clocks_private[i].ip);
255 }
256 }
257 }
258 }
259 }