]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/pdns.git/blob - pdns/dnsdist.hh
dnsdist: Add metrics about unknown/inactive TLS ticket keys
[thirdparty/pdns.git] / pdns / dnsdist.hh
1 /*
2 * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist.
3 * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to
10 * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries
11 * produced as the result of such linking.
12 *
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
21 */
22 #pragma once
23 #include "config.h"
24 #include "ext/luawrapper/include/LuaContext.hpp"
26 #include <atomic>
27 #include <mutex>
28 #include <string>
29 #include <thread>
30 #include <time.h>
31 #include <unistd.h>
32 #include <unordered_map>
34 #include <boost/variant.hpp>
36 #include "bpf-filter.hh"
37 #include "capabilities.hh"
38 #include "circular_buffer.hh"
39 #include "dnscrypt.hh"
40 #include "dnsdist-cache.hh"
41 #include "dnsdist-dynbpf.hh"
42 #include "dnsname.hh"
43 #include "doh.hh"
44 #include "ednsoptions.hh"
45 #include "gettime.hh"
46 #include "iputils.hh"
47 #include "misc.hh"
48 #include "mplexer.hh"
49 #include "sholder.hh"
50 #include "tcpiohandler.hh"
51 #include "uuid-utils.hh"
53 void carbonDumpThread();
54 uint64_t uptimeOfProcess(const std::string& str);
56 extern uint16_t g_ECSSourcePrefixV4;
57 extern uint16_t g_ECSSourcePrefixV6;
58 extern bool g_ECSOverride;
60 typedef std::unordered_map<string, string> QTag;
62 struct DNSQuestion
63 {
64 DNSQuestion(const DNSName* name, uint16_t type, uint16_t class_, unsigned int consumed_, const ComboAddress* lc, const ComboAddress* rem, struct dnsheader* header, size_t bufferSize, uint16_t queryLen, bool isTcp, const struct timespec* queryTime_):
65 qname(name), local(lc), remote(rem), dh(header), queryTime(queryTime_), size(bufferSize), consumed(consumed_), tempFailureTTL(boost::none), qtype(type), qclass(class_), len(queryLen), ecsPrefixLength(rem->sin4.sin_family == AF_INET ? g_ECSSourcePrefixV4 : g_ECSSourcePrefixV6), tcp(isTcp), ecsOverride(g_ECSOverride) {
66 const uint16_t* flags = getFlagsFromDNSHeader(dh);
67 origFlags = *flags;
68 }
69 DNSQuestion(const DNSQuestion&) = delete;
70 DNSQuestion& operator=(const DNSQuestion&) = delete;
71 DNSQuestion(DNSQuestion&&) = default;
74 boost::optional<boost::uuids::uuid> uniqueId;
75 #endif
76 Netmask ecs;
77 boost::optional<Netmask> subnet;
78 std::string sni; /* Server Name Indication, if any (DoT or DoH) */
79 std::string poolname;
80 const DNSName* qname{nullptr};
81 const ComboAddress* local{nullptr};
82 const ComboAddress* remote{nullptr};
83 std::shared_ptr<QTag> qTag{nullptr};
84 std::shared_ptr<std::map<uint16_t, EDNSOptionView> > ednsOptions;
85 std::shared_ptr<DNSCryptQuery> dnsCryptQuery{nullptr};
86 std::shared_ptr<DNSDistPacketCache> packetCache{nullptr};
87 struct dnsheader* dh{nullptr};
88 const struct timespec* queryTime{nullptr};
89 struct DOHUnit* du{nullptr};
90 size_t size;
91 unsigned int consumed{0};
92 int delayMsec{0};
93 boost::optional<uint32_t> tempFailureTTL;
94 uint32_t cacheKeyNoECS;
95 uint32_t cacheKey;
96 const uint16_t qtype;
97 const uint16_t qclass;
98 uint16_t len;
99 uint16_t ecsPrefixLength;
100 uint16_t origFlags;
101 uint8_t ednsRCode{0};
102 const bool tcp;
103 bool skipCache{false};
104 bool ecsOverride;
105 bool useECS{true};
106 bool addXPF{true};
107 bool ecsSet{false};
108 bool ecsAdded{false};
109 bool ednsAdded{false};
110 bool useZeroScope{false};
111 bool dnssecOK{false};
112 };
114 struct DNSResponse : DNSQuestion
115 {
116 DNSResponse(const DNSName* name, uint16_t type, uint16_t class_, unsigned int consumed_, const ComboAddress* lc, const ComboAddress* rem, struct dnsheader* header, size_t bufferSize, uint16_t responseLen, bool isTcp, const struct timespec* queryTime_):
117 DNSQuestion(name, type, class_, consumed_, lc, rem, header, bufferSize, responseLen, isTcp, queryTime_) { }
118 DNSResponse(const DNSResponse&) = delete;
119 DNSResponse& operator=(const DNSResponse&) = delete;
120 DNSResponse(DNSResponse&&) = default;
121 };
123 /* so what could you do:
124 drop,
125 fake up nxdomain,
126 provide actual answer,
127 allow & and stop processing,
128 continue processing,
129 modify header: (servfail|refused|notimp), set TC=1,
130 send to pool */
132 class DNSAction
133 {
134 public:
135 enum class Action { Drop, Nxdomain, Refused, Spoof, Allow, HeaderModify, Pool, Delay, Truncate, ServFail, None, NoOp, NoRecurse };
136 static std::string typeToString(const Action& action)
137 {
138 switch(action) {
139 case Action::Drop:
140 return "Drop";
141 case Action::Nxdomain:
142 return "Send NXDomain";
143 case Action::Refused:
144 return "Send Refused";
145 case Action::Spoof:
146 return "Spoof an answer";
147 case Action::Allow:
148 return "Allow";
149 case Action::HeaderModify:
150 return "Modify the header";
151 case Action::Pool:
152 return "Route to a pool";
153 case Action::Delay:
154 return "Delay";
155 case Action::Truncate:
156 return "Truncate over UDP";
157 case Action::ServFail:
158 return "Send ServFail";
159 case Action::None:
160 case Action::NoOp:
161 return "Do nothing";
162 case Action::NoRecurse:
163 return "Set rd=0";
164 }
166 return "Unknown";
167 }
169 virtual Action operator()(DNSQuestion*, string* ruleresult) const =0;
170 virtual ~DNSAction()
171 {
172 }
173 virtual string toString() const = 0;
174 virtual std::map<string, double> getStats() const
175 {
176 return {{}};
177 }
178 };
180 class DNSResponseAction
181 {
182 public:
183 enum class Action { Allow, Delay, Drop, HeaderModify, ServFail, None };
184 virtual Action operator()(DNSResponse*, string* ruleresult) const =0;
185 virtual ~DNSResponseAction()
186 {
187 }
188 virtual string toString() const = 0;
189 };
191 struct DynBlock
192 {
193 DynBlock(): action(DNSAction::Action::None), warning(false)
194 {
195 }
197 DynBlock(const std::string& reason_, const struct timespec& until_, const DNSName& domain_, DNSAction::Action action_): reason(reason_), until(until_), domain(domain_), action(action_), warning(false)
198 {
199 }
201 DynBlock(const DynBlock& rhs): reason(rhs.reason), until(rhs.until), domain(rhs.domain), action(rhs.action), warning(rhs.warning)
202 {
203 blocks.store(rhs.blocks);
204 }
206 DynBlock& operator=(const DynBlock& rhs)
207 {
208 reason=rhs.reason;
209 until=rhs.until;
210 domain=rhs.domain;
211 action=rhs.action;
212 blocks.store(rhs.blocks);
213 warning=rhs.warning;
214 return *this;
215 }
217 string reason;
218 struct timespec until;
219 DNSName domain;
220 DNSAction::Action action;
221 mutable std::atomic<unsigned int> blocks;
222 bool warning;
223 };
225 extern GlobalStateHolder<NetmaskTree<DynBlock>> g_dynblockNMG;
227 extern vector<pair<struct timeval, std::string> > g_confDelta;
229 extern uint64_t getLatencyCount(const std::string&);
231 struct DNSDistStats
232 {
233 using stat_t=std::atomic<uint64_t>; // aww yiss ;-)
234 stat_t responses{0};
235 stat_t servfailResponses{0};
236 stat_t queries{0};
237 stat_t frontendNXDomain{0};
238 stat_t frontendServFail{0};
239 stat_t frontendNoError{0};
240 stat_t nonCompliantQueries{0};
241 stat_t nonCompliantResponses{0};
242 stat_t rdQueries{0};
243 stat_t emptyQueries{0};
244 stat_t aclDrops{0};
245 stat_t dynBlocked{0};
246 stat_t ruleDrop{0};
247 stat_t ruleNXDomain{0};
248 stat_t ruleRefused{0};
249 stat_t ruleServFail{0};
250 stat_t selfAnswered{0};
251 stat_t downstreamTimeouts{0};
252 stat_t downstreamSendErrors{0};
253 stat_t truncFail{0};
254 stat_t noPolicy{0};
255 stat_t cacheHits{0};
256 stat_t cacheMisses{0};
257 stat_t latency0_1{0}, latency1_10{0}, latency10_50{0}, latency50_100{0}, latency100_1000{0}, latencySlow{0}, latencySum{0};
258 stat_t securityStatus{0};
260 double latencyAvg100{0}, latencyAvg1000{0}, latencyAvg10000{0}, latencyAvg1000000{0};
261 typedef std::function<uint64_t(const std::string&)> statfunction_t;
262 typedef boost::variant<stat_t*, double*, statfunction_t> entry_t;
263 std::vector<std::pair<std::string, entry_t>> entries{
264 {"responses", &responses},
265 {"servfail-responses", &servfailResponses},
266 {"queries", &queries},
267 {"frontend-nxdomain", &frontendNXDomain},
268 {"frontend-servfail", &frontendServFail},
269 {"frontend-noerror", &frontendNoError},
270 {"acl-drops", &aclDrops},
271 {"rule-drop", &ruleDrop},
272 {"rule-nxdomain", &ruleNXDomain},
273 {"rule-refused", &ruleRefused},
274 {"rule-servfail", &ruleServFail},
275 {"self-answered", &selfAnswered},
276 {"downstream-timeouts", &downstreamTimeouts},
277 {"downstream-send-errors", &downstreamSendErrors},
278 {"trunc-failures", &truncFail},
279 {"no-policy", &noPolicy},
280 {"latency0-1", &latency0_1},
281 {"latency1-10", &latency1_10},
282 {"latency10-50", &latency10_50},
283 {"latency50-100", &latency50_100},
284 {"latency100-1000", &latency100_1000},
285 {"latency-slow", &latencySlow},
286 {"latency-avg100", &latencyAvg100},
287 {"latency-avg1000", &latencyAvg1000},
288 {"latency-avg10000", &latencyAvg10000},
289 {"latency-avg1000000", &latencyAvg1000000},
290 {"uptime", uptimeOfProcess},
291 {"real-memory-usage", getRealMemoryUsage},
292 {"special-memory-usage", getSpecialMemoryUsage},
293 {"noncompliant-queries", &nonCompliantQueries},
294 {"noncompliant-responses", &nonCompliantResponses},
295 {"rdqueries", &rdQueries},
296 {"empty-queries", &emptyQueries},
297 {"cache-hits", &cacheHits},
298 {"cache-misses", &cacheMisses},
299 {"cpu-user-msec", getCPUTimeUser},
300 {"cpu-sys-msec", getCPUTimeSystem},
301 {"fd-usage", getOpenFileDescriptors},
302 {"dyn-blocked", &dynBlocked},
303 {"dyn-block-nmg-size", [](const std::string&) { return g_dynblockNMG.getLocal()->size(); }},
304 {"security-status", &securityStatus},
305 // Latency histogram
306 {"latency-sum", &latencySum},
307 {"latency-count", getLatencyCount},
308 };
309 };
311 // Metric types for Prometheus
312 enum class PrometheusMetricType: int {
313 counter = 1,
314 gauge = 2
315 };
317 // Keeps additional information about metrics
318 struct MetricDefinition {
319 MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType _prometheusType, const std::string& _description): description(_description), prometheusType(_prometheusType) {
320 }
322 MetricDefinition() = default;
324 // Metric description
325 std::string description;
326 // Metric type for Prometheus
327 PrometheusMetricType prometheusType;
328 };
330 struct MetricDefinitionStorage {
331 // Return metric definition by name
332 bool getMetricDetails(std::string metricName, MetricDefinition& metric) {
333 auto metricDetailsIter = metrics.find(metricName);
335 if (metricDetailsIter == metrics.end()) {
336 return false;
337 }
339 metric = metricDetailsIter->second;
340 return true;
341 };
343 // Return string representation of Prometheus metric type
344 std::string getPrometheusStringMetricType(PrometheusMetricType metricType) {
345 switch (metricType) {
346 case PrometheusMetricType::counter:
347 return "counter";
348 break;
349 case PrometheusMetricType::gauge:
350 return "gauge";
351 break;
352 default:
353 return "";
354 break;
355 }
356 };
358 std::map<std::string, MetricDefinition> metrics = {
359 { "responses", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of responses received from backends") },
360 { "servfail-responses", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of SERVFAIL answers received from backends") },
361 { "queries", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of received queries")},
362 { "frontend-nxdomain", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of NXDomain answers sent to clients")},
363 { "frontend-servfail", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of SERVFAIL answers sent to clients")},
364 { "frontend-noerror", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of NoError answers sent to clients")},
365 { "acl-drops", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of packets dropped because of the ACL")},
366 { "rule-drop", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of queries dropped because of a rule")},
367 { "rule-nxdomain", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of NXDomain answers returned because of a rule")},
368 { "rule-refused", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of Refused answers returned because of a rule")},
369 { "rule-servfail", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of SERVFAIL answers received because of a rule")},
370 { "self-answered", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of self-answered responses")},
371 { "downstream-timeouts", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of queries not answered in time by a backend")},
372 { "downstream-send-errors", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of errors when sending a query to a backend")},
373 { "trunc-failures", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of errors encountered while truncating an answer")},
374 { "no-policy", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of queries dropped because no server was available")},
375 { "latency0-1", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of queries answered in less than 1ms")},
376 { "latency1-10", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of queries answered in 1-10 ms")},
377 { "latency10-50", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of queries answered in 10-50 ms")},
378 { "latency50-100", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of queries answered in 50-100 ms")},
379 { "latency100-1000", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of queries answered in 100-1000 ms")},
380 { "latency-slow", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of queries answered in more than 1 second")},
381 { "latency-avg100", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::gauge, "Average response latency in microseconds of the last 100 packets")},
382 { "latency-avg1000", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::gauge, "Average response latency in microseconds of the last 1000 packets")},
383 { "latency-avg10000", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::gauge, "Average response latency in microseconds of the last 10000 packets")},
384 { "latency-avg1000000", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::gauge, "Average response latency in microseconds of the last 1000000 packets")},
385 { "uptime", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::gauge, "Uptime of the dnsdist process in seconds")},
386 { "real-memory-usage", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::gauge, "Current memory usage in bytes")},
387 { "noncompliant-queries", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of queries dropped as non-compliant")},
388 { "noncompliant-responses", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of answers from a backend dropped as non-compliant")},
389 { "rdqueries", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of received queries with the recursion desired bit set")},
390 { "empty-queries", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of empty queries received from clients")},
391 { "cache-hits", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of times an answer was retrieved from cache")},
392 { "cache-misses", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of times an answer not found in the cache")},
393 { "cpu-user-msec", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Milliseconds spent by dnsdist in the user state")},
394 { "cpu-sys-msec", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Milliseconds spent by dnsdist in the system state")},
395 { "fd-usage", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::gauge, "Number of currently used file descriptors")},
396 { "dyn-blocked", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::counter, "Number of queries dropped because of a dynamic block")},
397 { "dyn-block-nmg-size", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::gauge, "Number of dynamic blocks entries") },
398 { "security-status", MetricDefinition(PrometheusMetricType::gauge, "Security status of this software. 0=unknown, 1=OK, 2=upgrade recommended, 3=upgrade mandatory") },
399 };
400 };
402 extern MetricDefinitionStorage g_metricDefinitions;
403 extern struct DNSDistStats g_stats;
404 void doLatencyStats(double udiff);
407 struct StopWatch
408 {
409 StopWatch(bool realTime=false): d_needRealTime(realTime)
410 {
411 }
412 struct timespec d_start{0,0};
413 bool d_needRealTime{false};
415 void start() {
416 if(gettime(&d_start, d_needRealTime) < 0)
417 unixDie("Getting timestamp");
419 }
421 void set(const struct timespec& from) {
422 d_start = from;
423 }
425 double udiff() const {
426 struct timespec now;
427 if(gettime(&now, d_needRealTime) < 0)
428 unixDie("Getting timestamp");
430 return 1000000.0*(now.tv_sec - d_start.tv_sec) + (now.tv_nsec - d_start.tv_nsec)/1000.0;
431 }
433 double udiffAndSet() {
434 struct timespec now;
435 if(gettime(&now, d_needRealTime) < 0)
436 unixDie("Getting timestamp");
438 auto ret= 1000000.0*(now.tv_sec - d_start.tv_sec) + (now.tv_nsec - d_start.tv_nsec)/1000.0;
439 d_start = now;
440 return ret;
441 }
443 };
445 class BasicQPSLimiter
446 {
447 public:
448 BasicQPSLimiter()
449 {
450 }
452 BasicQPSLimiter(unsigned int burst): d_tokens(burst)
453 {
454 d_prev.start();
455 }
457 bool check(unsigned int rate, unsigned int burst) const // this is not quite fair
458 {
459 auto delta = d_prev.udiffAndSet();
461 if(delta > 0.0) // time, frequently, does go backwards..
462 d_tokens += 1.0 * rate * (delta/1000000.0);
464 if(d_tokens > burst) {
465 d_tokens = burst;
466 }
468 bool ret=false;
469 if(d_tokens >= 1.0) { // we need this because burst=1 is weird otherwise
470 ret=true;
471 --d_tokens;
472 }
474 return ret;
475 }
477 bool seenSince(const struct timespec& cutOff) const
478 {
479 return cutOff < d_prev.d_start;
480 }
482 protected:
483 mutable StopWatch d_prev;
484 mutable double d_tokens;
485 };
487 class QPSLimiter : public BasicQPSLimiter
488 {
489 public:
490 QPSLimiter(): BasicQPSLimiter()
491 {
492 }
494 QPSLimiter(unsigned int rate, unsigned int burst): BasicQPSLimiter(burst), d_rate(rate), d_burst(burst), d_passthrough(false)
495 {
496 d_prev.start();
497 }
499 unsigned int getRate() const
500 {
501 return d_passthrough ? 0 : d_rate;
502 }
504 int getPassed() const
505 {
506 return d_passed;
507 }
509 int getBlocked() const
510 {
511 return d_blocked;
512 }
514 bool check() const // this is not quite fair
515 {
516 if (d_passthrough) {
517 return true;
518 }
520 bool ret = BasicQPSLimiter::check(d_rate, d_burst);
521 if (ret) {
522 d_passed++;
523 }
524 else {
525 d_blocked++;
526 }
528 return ret;
529 }
530 private:
531 mutable unsigned int d_passed{0};
532 mutable unsigned int d_blocked{0};
533 unsigned int d_rate;
534 unsigned int d_burst;
535 bool d_passthrough{true};
536 };
538 struct ClientState;
540 struct IDState
541 {
542 IDState(): sentTime(true), delayMsec(0), tempFailureTTL(boost::none) { origDest.sin4.sin_family = 0;}
543 IDState(const IDState& orig): origRemote(orig.origRemote), origDest(orig.origDest), age(orig.age)
544 {
545 usageIndicator.store(orig.usageIndicator.load());
546 origFD = orig.origFD;
547 origID = orig.origID;
548 delayMsec = orig.delayMsec;
549 tempFailureTTL = orig.tempFailureTTL;
550 }
552 static const int64_t unusedIndicator = -1;
554 static bool isInUse(int64_t usageIndicator)
555 {
556 return usageIndicator != unusedIndicator;
557 }
559 bool isInUse() const
560 {
561 return usageIndicator != unusedIndicator;
562 }
564 /* return true if the value has been successfully replaced meaning that
565 no-one updated the usage indicator in the meantime */
566 bool tryMarkUnused(int64_t expectedUsageIndicator)
567 {
568 return usageIndicator.compare_exchange_strong(expectedUsageIndicator, unusedIndicator);
569 }
571 /* mark as unused no matter what, return true if the state was in use before */
572 bool markAsUsed()
573 {
574 auto currentGeneration = generation++;
575 return markAsUsed(currentGeneration);
576 }
578 /* mark as unused no matter what, return true if the state was in use before */
579 bool markAsUsed(int64_t currentGeneration)
580 {
581 int64_t oldUsage = usageIndicator.exchange(currentGeneration);
582 return oldUsage != unusedIndicator;
583 }
585 /* We use this value to detect whether this state is in use.
586 For performance reasons we don't want to use a lock here, but that means
587 we need to be very careful when modifying this value. Modifications happen
588 from:
589 - one of the UDP or DoH 'client' threads receiving a query, selecting a backend
590 then picking one of the states associated to this backend (via the idOffset).
591 Most of the time this state should not be in use and usageIndicator is -1, but we
592 might not yet have received a response for the query previously associated to this
593 state, meaning that we will 'reuse' this state and erase the existing state.
594 If we ever receive a response for this state, it will be discarded. This is
595 mostly fine for UDP except that we still need to be careful in order to miss
596 the 'outstanding' counters, which should only be increased when we are picking
597 an empty state, and not when reusing ;
598 For DoH, though, we have dynamically allocated a DOHUnit object that needs to
599 be freed, as well as internal objects internals to libh2o.
600 - one of the UDP receiver threads receiving a response from a backend, picking
601 the corresponding state and sending the response to the client ;
602 - the 'healthcheck' thread scanning the states to actively discover timeouts,
603 mostly to keep some counters like the 'outstanding' one sane.
604 We previously based that logic on the origFD (FD on which the query was received,
605 and therefore from where the response should be sent) but this suffered from an
606 ABA problem since it was quite likely that a UDP 'client thread' would reset it to the
607 same value since we only have so much incoming sockets:
608 - 1/ 'client' thread gets a query and set origFD to its FD, say 5 ;
609 - 2/ 'receiver' thread gets a response, read the value of origFD to 5, check that the qname,
610 qtype and qclass match
611 - 3/ during that time the 'client' thread reuses the state, setting again origFD to 5 ;
612 - 4/ the 'receiver' thread uses compare_exchange_strong() to only replace the value if it's still
613 5, except it's not the same 5 anymore and it overrides a fresh state.
614 We now use a 32-bit unsigned counter instead, which is incremented every time the state is set,
615 wrapping around if necessary, and we set an atomic signed 64-bit value, so that we still have -1
616 when the state is unused and the value of our counter otherwise.
617 */
618 std::atomic<int64_t> usageIndicator{unusedIndicator}; // set to unusedIndicator to indicate this state is empty // 8
619 std::atomic<uint32_t> generation{0}; // increased every time a state is used, to be able to detect an ABA issue // 4
620 ComboAddress origRemote; // 28
621 ComboAddress origDest; // 28
622 StopWatch sentTime; // 16
623 DNSName qname; // 80
624 std::shared_ptr<DNSCryptQuery> dnsCryptQuery{nullptr};
625 #ifdef HAVE_PROTOBUF
626 boost::optional<boost::uuids::uuid> uniqueId;
627 #endif
628 boost::optional<Netmask> subnet{boost::none};
629 std::shared_ptr<DNSDistPacketCache> packetCache{nullptr};
630 std::shared_ptr<QTag> qTag{nullptr};
631 const ClientState* cs{nullptr};
632 DOHUnit* du{nullptr};
633 uint32_t cacheKey; // 4
634 uint32_t cacheKeyNoECS; // 4
635 uint16_t age; // 4
636 uint16_t qtype; // 2
637 uint16_t qclass; // 2
638 uint16_t origID; // 2
639 uint16_t origFlags; // 2
640 int origFD{-1};
641 int delayMsec;
642 boost::optional<uint32_t> tempFailureTTL;
643 bool ednsAdded{false};
644 bool ecsAdded{false};
645 bool skipCache{false};
646 bool destHarvested{false}; // if true, origDest holds the original dest addr, otherwise the listening addr
647 bool dnssecOK{false};
648 bool useZeroScope;
649 };
651 typedef std::unordered_map<string, unsigned int> QueryCountRecords;
652 typedef std::function<std::tuple<bool, string>(const DNSQuestion* dq)> QueryCountFilter;
653 struct QueryCount {
654 QueryCount()
655 {
656 pthread_rwlock_init(&queryLock, nullptr);
657 }
658 QueryCountRecords records;
659 QueryCountFilter filter;
660 pthread_rwlock_t queryLock;
661 bool enabled{false};
662 };
664 extern QueryCount g_qcount;
666 struct ClientState
667 {
668 ClientState(const ComboAddress& local_, bool isTCP, bool doReusePort, int fastOpenQueue, const std::string& itfName, const std::set<int>& cpus_): cpus(cpus_), local(local_), interface(itfName), fastOpenQueueSize(fastOpenQueue), tcp(isTCP), reuseport(doReusePort)
669 {
670 }
672 std::set<int> cpus;
673 ComboAddress local;
674 std::shared_ptr<DNSCryptContext> dnscryptCtx{nullptr};
675 std::shared_ptr<TLSFrontend> tlsFrontend{nullptr};
676 std::shared_ptr<DOHFrontend> dohFrontend{nullptr};
677 std::string interface;
678 std::atomic<uint64_t> queries{0};
679 mutable std::atomic<uint64_t> responses{0};
680 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpDiedReadingQuery{0};
681 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpDiedSendingResponse{0};
682 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpGaveUp{0};
683 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpClientTimeouts{0};
684 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpDownstreamTimeouts{0};
685 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpCurrentConnections{0};
686 std::atomic<uint64_t> tlsNewSessions{0}; // A new TLS session has been negotiated, no resumption
687 std::atomic<uint64_t> tlsResumptions{0}; // A TLS session has been resumed, either via session id or via a TLS ticket
688 std::atomic<uint64_t> tlsUnknownTicketKey{0}; // A TLS ticket has been presented but we don't have the associated key (might have expired)
689 std::atomic<uint64_t> tlsInactiveTicketKey{0}; // A TLS ticket has been successfully resumed but the key is no longer active, we should issue a new one
690 std::atomic<uint64_t> tls10queries{0}; // valid DNS queries received via TLSv1.0
691 std::atomic<uint64_t> tls11queries{0}; // valid DNS queries received via TLSv1.1
692 std::atomic<uint64_t> tls12queries{0}; // valid DNS queries received via TLSv1.2
693 std::atomic<uint64_t> tls13queries{0}; // valid DNS queries received via TLSv1.3
694 std::atomic<uint64_t> tlsUnknownqueries{0}; // valid DNS queries received via unknown TLS version
695 std::atomic<double> tcpAvgQueriesPerConnection{0.0};
696 /* in ms */
697 std::atomic<double> tcpAvgConnectionDuration{0.0};
698 int udpFD{-1};
699 int tcpFD{-1};
700 int fastOpenQueueSize{0};
701 bool muted{false};
702 bool tcp;
703 bool reuseport;
704 bool ready{false};
706 int getSocket() const
707 {
708 return udpFD != -1 ? udpFD : tcpFD;
709 }
711 bool isUDP() const
712 {
713 return udpFD != -1;
714 }
716 bool isTCP() const
717 {
718 return udpFD == -1;
719 }
721 std::string getType() const
722 {
723 std::string result = udpFD != -1 ? "UDP" : "TCP";
725 if (dohFrontend) {
726 result += " (DNS over HTTPS)";
727 }
728 else if (tlsFrontend) {
729 result += " (DNS over TLS)";
730 }
731 else if (dnscryptCtx) {
732 result += " (DNSCrypt)";
733 }
735 return result;
736 }
738 #ifdef HAVE_EBPF
739 shared_ptr<BPFFilter> d_filter;
741 void detachFilter()
742 {
743 if (d_filter) {
744 d_filter->removeSocket(getSocket());
745 d_filter = nullptr;
746 }
747 }
749 void attachFilter(shared_ptr<BPFFilter> bpf)
750 {
751 detachFilter();
753 bpf->addSocket(getSocket());
754 d_filter = bpf;
755 }
756 #endif /* HAVE_EBPF */
758 void updateTCPMetrics(size_t nbQueries, uint64_t durationMs)
759 {
760 tcpAvgQueriesPerConnection = (99.0 * tcpAvgQueriesPerConnection / 100.0) + (nbQueries / 100.0);
761 tcpAvgConnectionDuration = (99.0 * tcpAvgConnectionDuration / 100.0) + (durationMs / 100.0);
762 }
763 };
765 class TCPClientCollection {
766 std::vector<int> d_tcpclientthreads;
767 std::atomic<uint64_t> d_numthreads{0};
768 std::atomic<uint64_t> d_pos{0};
769 std::atomic<uint64_t> d_queued{0};
770 const uint64_t d_maxthreads{0};
771 std::mutex d_mutex;
772 int d_singlePipe[2];
773 const bool d_useSinglePipe;
774 public:
776 TCPClientCollection(size_t maxThreads, bool useSinglePipe=false): d_maxthreads(maxThreads), d_singlePipe{-1,-1}, d_useSinglePipe(useSinglePipe)
778 {
779 d_tcpclientthreads.reserve(maxThreads);
781 if (d_useSinglePipe) {
782 if (pipe(d_singlePipe) < 0) {
783 int err = errno;
784 throw std::runtime_error("Error creating the TCP single communication pipe: " + stringerror(err));
785 }
787 if (!setNonBlocking(d_singlePipe[0])) {
788 int err = errno;
789 close(d_singlePipe[0]);
790 close(d_singlePipe[1]);
791 throw std::runtime_error("Error setting the TCP single communication pipe non-blocking: " + stringerror(err));
792 }
794 if (!setNonBlocking(d_singlePipe[1])) {
795 int err = errno;
796 close(d_singlePipe[0]);
797 close(d_singlePipe[1]);
798 throw std::runtime_error("Error setting the TCP single communication pipe non-blocking: " + stringerror(err));
799 }
800 }
801 }
802 int getThread()
803 {
804 uint64_t pos = d_pos++;
805 ++d_queued;
806 return d_tcpclientthreads[pos % d_numthreads];
807 }
808 bool hasReachedMaxThreads() const
809 {
810 return d_numthreads >= d_maxthreads;
811 }
812 uint64_t getThreadsCount() const
813 {
814 return d_numthreads;
815 }
816 uint64_t getQueuedCount() const
817 {
818 return d_queued;
819 }
820 void decrementQueuedCount()
821 {
822 --d_queued;
823 }
824 void addTCPClientThread();
825 };
827 extern std::unique_ptr<TCPClientCollection> g_tcpclientthreads;
829 struct DownstreamState
830 {
831 typedef std::function<std::tuple<DNSName, uint16_t, uint16_t>(const DNSName&, uint16_t, uint16_t, dnsheader*)> checkfunc_t;
833 DownstreamState(const ComboAddress& remote_, const ComboAddress& sourceAddr_, unsigned int sourceItf, size_t numberOfSockets);
834 DownstreamState(const ComboAddress& remote_): DownstreamState(remote_, ComboAddress(), 0, 1) {}
835 ~DownstreamState()
836 {
837 for (auto& fd : sockets) {
838 if (fd >= 0) {
839 close(fd);
840 fd = -1;
841 }
842 }
843 }
844 boost::uuids::uuid id;
845 std::set<unsigned int> hashes;
846 mutable pthread_rwlock_t d_lock;
847 std::vector<int> sockets;
848 std::mutex socketsLock;
849 std::mutex connectLock;
850 std::unique_ptr<FDMultiplexer> mplexer{nullptr};
851 std::thread tid;
852 const ComboAddress remote;
853 QPSLimiter qps;
854 vector<IDState> idStates;
855 const ComboAddress sourceAddr;
856 checkfunc_t checkFunction;
857 DNSName checkName{"a.root-servers.net."};
858 QType checkType{QType::A};
859 uint16_t checkClass{QClass::IN};
860 std::atomic<uint64_t> idOffset{0};
861 std::atomic<uint64_t> sendErrors{0};
862 std::atomic<uint64_t> outstanding{0};
863 std::atomic<uint64_t> reuseds{0};
864 std::atomic<uint64_t> queries{0};
865 std::atomic<uint64_t> responses{0};
866 struct {
867 std::atomic<uint64_t> sendErrors{0};
868 std::atomic<uint64_t> reuseds{0};
869 std::atomic<uint64_t> queries{0};
870 } prev;
871 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpDiedSendingQuery{0};
872 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpDiedReadingResponse{0};
873 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpGaveUp{0};
874 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpReadTimeouts{0};
875 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpWriteTimeouts{0};
876 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpCurrentConnections{0};
877 std::atomic<double> tcpAvgQueriesPerConnection{0.0};
878 /* in ms */
879 std::atomic<double> tcpAvgConnectionDuration{0.0};
880 string name;
881 size_t socketsOffset{0};
882 double queryLoad{0.0};
883 double dropRate{0.0};
884 double latencyUsec{0.0};
885 int order{1};
886 int weight{1};
887 int tcpConnectTimeout{5};
888 int tcpRecvTimeout{30};
889 int tcpSendTimeout{30};
890 unsigned int checkInterval{1};
891 unsigned int lastCheck{0};
892 const unsigned int sourceItf{0};
893 uint16_t retries{5};
894 uint16_t xpfRRCode{0};
895 uint16_t checkTimeout{1000}; /* in milliseconds */
896 uint8_t currentCheckFailures{0};
897 uint8_t consecutiveSuccessfulChecks{0};
898 uint8_t maxCheckFailures{1};
899 uint8_t minRiseSuccesses{1};
900 StopWatch sw;
901 set<string> pools;
902 enum class Availability { Up, Down, Auto} availability{Availability::Auto};
903 bool mustResolve{false};
904 bool upStatus{false};
905 bool useECS{false};
906 bool setCD{false};
907 bool disableZeroScope{false};
908 std::atomic<bool> connected{false};
909 std::atomic_flag threadStarted;
910 bool tcpFastOpen{false};
911 bool ipBindAddrNoPort{true};
913 bool isUp() const
914 {
915 if(availability == Availability::Down)
916 return false;
917 if(availability == Availability::Up)
918 return true;
919 return upStatus;
920 }
921 void setUp() { availability = Availability::Up; }
922 void setDown() { availability = Availability::Down; }
923 void setAuto() { availability = Availability::Auto; }
924 string getName() const {
925 if (name.empty()) {
926 return remote.toStringWithPort();
927 }
928 return name;
929 }
930 string getNameWithAddr() const {
931 if (name.empty()) {
932 return remote.toStringWithPort();
933 }
934 return name + " (" + remote.toStringWithPort()+ ")";
935 }
936 string getStatus() const
937 {
938 string status;
939 if(availability == DownstreamState::Availability::Up)
940 status = "UP";
941 else if(availability == DownstreamState::Availability::Down)
942 status = "DOWN";
943 else
944 status = (upStatus ? "up" : "down");
945 return status;
946 }
947 bool reconnect();
948 void hash();
949 void setId(const boost::uuids::uuid& newId);
950 void setWeight(int newWeight);
952 void updateTCPMetrics(size_t nbQueries, uint64_t durationMs)
953 {
954 tcpAvgQueriesPerConnection = (99.0 * tcpAvgQueriesPerConnection / 100.0) + (nbQueries / 100.0);
955 tcpAvgConnectionDuration = (99.0 * tcpAvgConnectionDuration / 100.0) + (durationMs / 100.0);
956 }
957 };
958 using servers_t =vector<std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState>>;
960 template <class T> using NumberedVector = std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, T> >;
962 void responderThread(std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> state);
963 extern std::mutex g_luamutex;
964 extern LuaContext g_lua;
965 extern std::string g_outputBuffer; // locking for this is ok, as locked by g_luamutex
967 class DNSRule
968 {
969 public:
970 virtual ~DNSRule ()
971 {
972 }
973 virtual bool matches(const DNSQuestion* dq) const =0;
974 virtual string toString() const = 0;
975 mutable std::atomic<uint64_t> d_matches{0};
976 };
978 using NumberedServerVector = NumberedVector<shared_ptr<DownstreamState>>;
979 typedef std::function<shared_ptr<DownstreamState>(const NumberedServerVector& servers, const DNSQuestion*)> policyfunc_t;
981 struct ServerPolicy
982 {
983 string name;
984 policyfunc_t policy;
985 bool isLua;
986 std::string toString() const {
987 return string("ServerPolicy") + (isLua ? " (Lua)" : "") + " \"" + name + "\"";
988 }
989 };
991 struct ServerPool
992 {
993 ServerPool()
994 {
995 pthread_rwlock_init(&d_lock, nullptr);
996 }
998 const std::shared_ptr<DNSDistPacketCache> getCache() const { return packetCache; };
1000 bool getECS() const
1001 {
1002 return d_useECS;
1003 }
1005 void setECS(bool useECS)
1006 {
1007 d_useECS = useECS;
1008 }
1010 std::shared_ptr<DNSDistPacketCache> packetCache{nullptr};
1011 std::shared_ptr<ServerPolicy> policy{nullptr};
1013 size_t countServers(bool upOnly)
1014 {
1015 size_t count = 0;
1016 ReadLock rl(&d_lock);
1017 for (const auto& server : d_servers) {
1018 if (!upOnly || std::get<1>(server)->isUp() ) {
1019 count++;
1020 }
1021 }
1022 return count;
1023 }
1025 NumberedVector<shared_ptr<DownstreamState>> getServers()
1026 {
1027 NumberedVector<shared_ptr<DownstreamState>> result;
1028 {
1029 ReadLock rl(&d_lock);
1030 result = d_servers;
1031 }
1032 return result;
1033 }
1035 void addServer(shared_ptr<DownstreamState>& server)
1036 {
1037 WriteLock wl(&d_lock);
1038 unsigned int count = (unsigned int) d_servers.size();
1039 d_servers.push_back(make_pair(++count, server));
1040 /* we need to reorder based on the server 'order' */
1041 std::stable_sort(d_servers.begin(), d_servers.end(), [](const std::pair<unsigned int,std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> >& a, const std::pair<unsigned int,std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> >& b) {
1042 return a.second->order < b.second->order;
1043 });
1044 /* and now we need to renumber for Lua (custom policies) */
1045 size_t idx = 1;
1046 for (auto& serv : d_servers) {
1047 serv.first = idx++;
1048 }
1049 }
1051 void removeServer(shared_ptr<DownstreamState>& server)
1052 {
1053 WriteLock wl(&d_lock);
1054 size_t idx = 1;
1055 bool found = false;
1056 for (auto it = d_servers.begin(); it != d_servers.end();) {
1057 if (found) {
1058 /* we need to renumber the servers placed
1059 after the removed one, for Lua (custom policies) */
1060 it->first = idx++;
1061 it++;
1062 }
1063 else if (it->second == server) {
1064 it = d_servers.erase(it);
1065 found = true;
1066 } else {
1067 idx++;
1068 it++;
1069 }
1070 }
1071 }
1073 private:
1074 NumberedVector<shared_ptr<DownstreamState>> d_servers;
1075 pthread_rwlock_t d_lock;
1076 bool d_useECS{false};
1077 };
1078 using pools_t=map<std::string,std::shared_ptr<ServerPool>>;
1079 void setPoolPolicy(pools_t& pools, const string& poolName, std::shared_ptr<ServerPolicy> policy);
1080 void addServerToPool(pools_t& pools, const string& poolName, std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> server);
1081 void removeServerFromPool(pools_t& pools, const string& poolName, std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> server);
1083 struct CarbonConfig
1084 {
1085 ComboAddress server;
1086 std::string namespace_name;
1087 std::string ourname;
1088 std::string instance_name;
1089 unsigned int interval;
1090 };
1092 enum ednsHeaderFlags {
1094 EDNS_HEADER_FLAG_DO = 32768
1095 };
1097 struct DNSDistRuleAction
1098 {
1099 std::shared_ptr<DNSRule> d_rule;
1100 std::shared_ptr<DNSAction> d_action;
1101 boost::uuids::uuid d_id;
1102 uint64_t d_creationOrder;
1103 };
1105 struct DNSDistResponseRuleAction
1106 {
1107 std::shared_ptr<DNSRule> d_rule;
1108 std::shared_ptr<DNSResponseAction> d_action;
1109 boost::uuids::uuid d_id;
1110 uint64_t d_creationOrder;
1111 };
1113 extern GlobalStateHolder<SuffixMatchTree<DynBlock>> g_dynblockSMT;
1114 extern DNSAction::Action g_dynBlockAction;
1116 extern GlobalStateHolder<vector<CarbonConfig> > g_carbon;
1117 extern GlobalStateHolder<ServerPolicy> g_policy;
1118 extern GlobalStateHolder<servers_t> g_dstates;
1119 extern GlobalStateHolder<pools_t> g_pools;
1120 extern GlobalStateHolder<vector<DNSDistRuleAction> > g_rulactions;
1121 extern GlobalStateHolder<vector<DNSDistResponseRuleAction> > g_resprulactions;
1122 extern GlobalStateHolder<vector<DNSDistResponseRuleAction> > g_cachehitresprulactions;
1123 extern GlobalStateHolder<vector<DNSDistResponseRuleAction> > g_selfansweredresprulactions;
1124 extern GlobalStateHolder<NetmaskGroup> g_ACL;
1126 extern ComboAddress g_serverControl; // not changed during runtime
1128 extern std::vector<std::tuple<ComboAddress, bool, bool, int, std::string, std::set<int>>> g_locals; // not changed at runtime (we hope XXX)
1129 extern std::vector<shared_ptr<TLSFrontend>> g_tlslocals;
1130 extern std::vector<shared_ptr<DOHFrontend>> g_dohlocals;
1131 extern std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ClientState>> g_frontends;
1132 extern bool g_truncateTC;
1133 extern bool g_fixupCase;
1134 extern int g_tcpRecvTimeout;
1135 extern int g_tcpSendTimeout;
1136 extern int g_udpTimeout;
1137 extern uint16_t g_maxOutstanding;
1138 extern std::atomic<bool> g_configurationDone;
1139 extern uint64_t g_maxTCPClientThreads;
1140 extern uint64_t g_maxTCPQueuedConnections;
1141 extern size_t g_maxTCPQueriesPerConn;
1142 extern size_t g_maxTCPConnectionDuration;
1143 extern size_t g_maxTCPConnectionsPerClient;
1144 extern std::atomic<uint16_t> g_cacheCleaningDelay;
1145 extern std::atomic<uint16_t> g_cacheCleaningPercentage;
1146 extern bool g_verboseHealthChecks;
1147 extern uint32_t g_staleCacheEntriesTTL;
1148 extern bool g_apiReadWrite;
1149 extern std::string g_apiConfigDirectory;
1150 extern bool g_servFailOnNoPolicy;
1151 extern uint32_t g_hashperturb;
1152 extern bool g_useTCPSinglePipe;
1153 extern uint16_t g_downstreamTCPCleanupInterval;
1154 extern size_t g_udpVectorSize;
1155 extern bool g_preserveTrailingData;
1156 extern bool g_allowEmptyResponse;
1157 extern bool g_roundrobinFailOnNoServer;
1159 #ifdef HAVE_EBPF
1160 extern shared_ptr<BPFFilter> g_defaultBPFFilter;
1161 extern std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DynBPFFilter> > g_dynBPFFilters;
1162 #endif /* HAVE_EBPF */
1164 struct LocalHolders
1165 {
1166 LocalHolders(): acl(g_ACL.getLocal()), policy(g_policy.getLocal()), rulactions(g_rulactions.getLocal()), cacheHitRespRulactions(g_cachehitresprulactions.getLocal()), selfAnsweredRespRulactions(g_selfansweredresprulactions.getLocal()), servers(g_dstates.getLocal()), dynNMGBlock(g_dynblockNMG.getLocal()), dynSMTBlock(g_dynblockSMT.getLocal()), pools(g_pools.getLocal())
1167 {
1168 }
1170 LocalStateHolder<NetmaskGroup> acl;
1171 LocalStateHolder<ServerPolicy> policy;
1172 LocalStateHolder<vector<DNSDistRuleAction> > rulactions;
1173 LocalStateHolder<vector<DNSDistResponseRuleAction> > cacheHitRespRulactions;
1174 LocalStateHolder<vector<DNSDistResponseRuleAction> > selfAnsweredRespRulactions;
1175 LocalStateHolder<servers_t> servers;
1176 LocalStateHolder<NetmaskTree<DynBlock> > dynNMGBlock;
1177 LocalStateHolder<SuffixMatchTree<DynBlock> > dynSMTBlock;
1178 LocalStateHolder<pools_t> pools;
1179 };
1181 struct dnsheader;
1183 void controlThread(int fd, ComboAddress local);
1184 vector<std::function<void(void)>> setupLua(bool client, const std::string& config);
1185 std::shared_ptr<ServerPool> getPool(const pools_t& pools, const std::string& poolName);
1186 std::shared_ptr<ServerPool> createPoolIfNotExists(pools_t& pools, const string& poolName);
1187 NumberedServerVector getDownstreamCandidates(const pools_t& pools, const std::string& poolName);
1189 std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> firstAvailable(const NumberedServerVector& servers, const DNSQuestion* dq);
1191 std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> leastOutstanding(const NumberedServerVector& servers, const DNSQuestion* dq);
1192 std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> wrandom(const NumberedServerVector& servers, const DNSQuestion* dq);
1193 std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> whashed(const NumberedServerVector& servers, const DNSQuestion* dq);
1194 std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> chashed(const NumberedServerVector& servers, const DNSQuestion* dq);
1195 std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> roundrobin(const NumberedServerVector& servers, const DNSQuestion* dq);
1197 struct WebserverConfig
1198 {
1199 std::string password;
1200 std::string apiKey;
1201 boost::optional<std::map<std::string, std::string> > customHeaders;
1202 std::mutex lock;
1203 };
1205 void setWebserverAPIKey(const boost::optional<std::string> apiKey);
1206 void setWebserverPassword(const std::string& password);
1207 void setWebserverCustomHeaders(const boost::optional<std::map<std::string, std::string> > customHeaders);
1209 void dnsdistWebserverThread(int sock, const ComboAddress& local);
1210 void tcpAcceptorThread(void* p);
1212 void dohThread(ClientState* cs);
1213 #endif /* HAVE_DNS_OVER_HTTPS */
1215 void setLuaNoSideEffect(); // if nothing has been declared, set that there are no side effects
1216 void setLuaSideEffect(); // set to report a side effect, cancelling all _no_ side effect calls
1217 bool getLuaNoSideEffect(); // set if there were only explicit declarations of _no_ side effect
1218 void resetLuaSideEffect(); // reset to indeterminate state
1220 bool responseContentMatches(const char* response, const uint16_t responseLen, const DNSName& qname, const uint16_t qtype, const uint16_t qclass, const ComboAddress& remote, unsigned int& consumed);
1221 bool processResponse(char** response, uint16_t* responseLen, size_t* responseSize, LocalStateHolder<vector<DNSDistResponseRuleAction> >& localRespRulactions, DNSResponse& dr, size_t addRoom, std::vector<uint8_t>& rewrittenResponse, bool muted);
1222 bool processRulesResult(const DNSAction::Action& action, DNSQuestion& dq, std::string& ruleresult, bool& drop);
1224 bool checkQueryHeaders(const struct dnsheader* dh);
1226 extern std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DNSCryptContext>> g_dnsCryptLocals;
1227 int handleDNSCryptQuery(char* packet, uint16_t len, std::shared_ptr<DNSCryptQuery> query, uint16_t* decryptedQueryLen, bool tcp, time_t now, std::vector<uint8_t>& response);
1228 boost::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> checkDNSCryptQuery(const ClientState& cs, const char* query, uint16_t& len, std::shared_ptr<DNSCryptQuery>& dnsCryptQuery, time_t now, bool tcp);
1230 bool addXPF(DNSQuestion& dq, uint16_t optionCode);
1232 uint16_t getRandomDNSID();
1234 #include "dnsdist-snmp.hh"
1236 extern bool g_snmpEnabled;
1237 extern bool g_snmpTrapsEnabled;
1238 extern DNSDistSNMPAgent* g_snmpAgent;
1239 extern bool g_addEDNSToSelfGeneratedResponses;
1241 static const size_t s_udpIncomingBufferSize{1500};
1243 enum class ProcessQueryResult { Drop, SendAnswer, PassToBackend };
1244 ProcessQueryResult processQuery(DNSQuestion& dq, ClientState& cs, LocalHolders& holders, std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState>& selectedBackend);
1246 DNSResponse makeDNSResponseFromIDState(IDState& ids, struct dnsheader* dh, size_t bufferSize, uint16_t responseLen, bool isTCP);
1247 void setIDStateFromDNSQuestion(IDState& ids, DNSQuestion& dq, DNSName&& qname);
1249 int pickBackendSocketForSending(std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState>& state);
1250 ssize_t udpClientSendRequestToBackend(const std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState>& ss, const int sd, const char* request, const size_t requestLen, bool healthCheck=false);