]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/pdns.git/blob - pdns/syncres.hh
Merge pull request #7538 from omoerbeek/rec-dnstap
[thirdparty/pdns.git] / pdns / syncres.hh
1 /*
2 * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist.
3 * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to
10 * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries
11 * produced as the result of such linking.
12 *
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
21 */
22 #pragma once
23 #include <string>
24 #include <atomic>
25 #include "utility.hh"
26 #include "dns.hh"
27 #include "qtype.hh"
28 #include <vector>
29 #include <set>
30 #include <unordered_set>
31 #include <map>
32 #include <cmath>
33 #include <iostream>
34 #include <utility>
35 #include "misc.hh"
36 #include "lwres.hh"
37 #include <boost/optional.hpp>
38 #include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
39 #include <boost/utility.hpp>
40 #include "sstuff.hh"
41 #include "recursor_cache.hh"
42 #include "recpacketcache.hh"
43 #include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
44 #include <boost/optional.hpp>
45 #include <boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp>
46 #include "mtasker.hh"
47 #include "iputils.hh"
48 #include "validate.hh"
49 #include "ednssubnet.hh"
50 #include "filterpo.hh"
51 #include "negcache.hh"
52 #include "sholder.hh"
54 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
55 #include "config.h"
56 #endif
59 #include <boost/uuid/uuid.hpp>
60 #ifdef HAVE_FSTRM
61 #include "fstrm_logger.hh"
62 #endif /* HAVE_FSTRM */
63 #endif
65 extern GlobalStateHolder<SuffixMatchNode> g_dontThrottleNames;
66 extern GlobalStateHolder<NetmaskGroup> g_dontThrottleNetmasks;
68 class RecursorLua4;
70 typedef map<
71 DNSName,
72 pair<
73 vector<ComboAddress>,
74 bool
75 >
76 > NsSet;
78 template<class Thing> class Throttle : public boost::noncopyable
79 {
80 public:
81 Throttle() : d_limit(3), d_ttl(60), d_last_clean(time(nullptr))
82 {
83 }
85 struct entry
86 {
87 time_t ttd;
88 unsigned int count;
89 };
90 typedef map<Thing,entry> cont_t;
92 bool shouldThrottle(time_t now, const Thing& t)
93 {
94 if(now > d_last_clean + 300 ) {
96 d_last_clean=now;
97 for(typename cont_t::iterator i=d_cont.begin();i!=d_cont.end();) {
98 if( i->second.ttd < now) {
99 d_cont.erase(i++);
100 }
101 else
102 ++i;
103 }
104 }
106 typename cont_t::iterator i=d_cont.find(t);
107 if(i==d_cont.end())
108 return false;
109 if(now > i->second.ttd || i->second.count == 0) {
110 d_cont.erase(i);
111 return false;
112 }
113 i->second.count--;
115 return true; // still listed, still blocked
116 }
117 void throttle(time_t now, const Thing& t, time_t ttl=0, unsigned int tries=0)
118 {
119 typename cont_t::iterator i=d_cont.find(t);
120 entry e={ now+(ttl ? ttl : d_ttl), tries ? tries : d_limit};
122 if(i==d_cont.end()) {
123 d_cont[t]=e;
124 }
125 else if(i->second.ttd > e.ttd || (i->second.count) < e.count)
126 d_cont[t]=e;
127 }
129 unsigned int size() const
130 {
131 return (unsigned int)d_cont.size();
132 }
134 const cont_t& getThrottleMap() const
135 {
136 return d_cont;
137 }
139 void clear()
140 {
141 d_cont.clear();
142 }
144 private:
145 unsigned int d_limit;
146 time_t d_ttl;
147 time_t d_last_clean;
148 cont_t d_cont;
149 };
152 /** Class that implements a decaying EWMA.
153 This class keeps an exponentially weighted moving average which, additionally, decays over time.
154 The decaying is only done on get.
155 */
156 class DecayingEwma
157 {
158 public:
159 DecayingEwma() : d_val(0.0)
160 {
161 d_needinit=true;
162 d_last.tv_sec = d_last.tv_usec = 0;
163 d_lastget=d_last;
164 }
166 DecayingEwma(const DecayingEwma& orig) : d_last(orig.d_last), d_lastget(orig.d_lastget), d_val(orig.d_val), d_needinit(orig.d_needinit)
167 {
168 }
170 void submit(int val, const struct timeval* tv)
171 {
172 struct timeval now=*tv;
174 if(d_needinit) {
175 d_last=now;
176 d_lastget=now;
177 d_needinit=false;
178 d_val = val;
179 }
180 else {
181 float diff= makeFloat(d_last - now);
183 d_last=now;
184 double factor=exp(diff)/2.0; // might be '0.5', or 0.0001
185 d_val=(float)((1-factor)*val+ (float)factor*d_val);
186 }
187 }
189 double get(const struct timeval* tv)
190 {
191 struct timeval now=*tv;
192 float diff=makeFloat(d_lastget-now);
193 d_lastget=now;
194 float factor=exp(diff/60.0f); // is 1.0 or less
195 return d_val*=factor;
196 }
198 double peek(void) const
199 {
200 return d_val;
201 }
203 bool stale(time_t limit) const
204 {
205 return limit > d_lastget.tv_sec;
206 }
208 private:
209 struct timeval d_last; // stores time
210 struct timeval d_lastget; // stores time
211 float d_val;
212 bool d_needinit;
213 };
215 template<class Thing> class Counters : public boost::noncopyable
216 {
217 public:
218 Counters()
219 {
220 }
221 unsigned long value(const Thing& t) const
222 {
223 typename cont_t::const_iterator i=d_cont.find(t);
225 if(i==d_cont.end()) {
226 return 0;
227 }
228 return (unsigned long)i->second;
229 }
230 unsigned long incr(const Thing& t)
231 {
232 typename cont_t::iterator i=d_cont.find(t);
234 if(i==d_cont.end()) {
235 d_cont[t]=1;
236 return 1;
237 }
238 else {
239 if (i->second < std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max())
240 i->second++;
241 return (unsigned long)i->second;
242 }
243 }
244 unsigned long decr(const Thing& t)
245 {
246 typename cont_t::iterator i=d_cont.find(t);
248 if(i!=d_cont.end() && --i->second == 0) {
249 d_cont.erase(i);
250 return 0;
251 } else
252 return (unsigned long)i->second;
253 }
254 void clear(const Thing& t)
255 {
256 typename cont_t::iterator i=d_cont.find(t);
258 if(i!=d_cont.end()) {
259 d_cont.erase(i);
260 }
261 }
262 void clear()
263 {
264 d_cont.clear();
265 }
266 size_t size() const
267 {
268 return d_cont.size();
269 }
270 private:
271 typedef map<Thing,unsigned long> cont_t;
272 cont_t d_cont;
273 };
276 class SyncRes : public boost::noncopyable
277 {
278 public:
279 enum LogMode { LogNone, Log, Store};
280 typedef std::function<int(const ComboAddress& ip, const DNSName& qdomain, int qtype, bool doTCP, bool sendRDQuery, int EDNS0Level, struct timeval* now, boost::optional<Netmask>& srcmask, boost::optional<const ResolveContext&> context, LWResult *lwr, bool* chained)> asyncresolve_t;
282 struct EDNSStatus
283 {
284 EDNSStatus() : mode(UNKNOWN), modeSetAt(0) {}
285 enum EDNSMode { UNKNOWN=0, EDNSOK=1, EDNSIGNORANT=2, NOEDNS=3 } mode;
286 time_t modeSetAt;
287 };
289 //! This represents a number of decaying Ewmas, used to store performance per nameserver-name.
290 /** Modelled to work mostly like the underlying DecayingEwma. After you've called get,
291 d_best is filled out with the best address for this collection */
292 struct DecayingEwmaCollection
293 {
294 void submit(const ComboAddress& remote, int usecs, const struct timeval* now)
295 {
296 d_collection[remote].submit(usecs, now);
297 }
299 double get(const struct timeval* now)
300 {
301 if(d_collection.empty())
302 return 0;
303 double ret=std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
304 double tmp;
305 for (auto& entry : d_collection) {
306 if((tmp = entry.second.get(now)) < ret) {
307 ret=tmp;
308 d_best=entry.first;
309 }
310 }
312 return ret;
313 }
315 bool stale(time_t limit) const
316 {
317 for(const auto& entry : d_collection)
318 if(!entry.second.stale(limit))
319 return false;
320 return true;
321 }
323 void purge(const std::map<ComboAddress, double>& keep)
324 {
325 for (auto iter = d_collection.begin(); iter != d_collection.end(); ) {
326 if (keep.find(iter->first) != keep.end()) {
327 ++iter;
328 }
329 else {
330 iter = d_collection.erase(iter);
331 }
332 }
333 }
335 typedef std::map<ComboAddress, DecayingEwma> collection_t;
336 collection_t d_collection;
337 ComboAddress d_best;
338 };
340 typedef map<DNSName, DecayingEwmaCollection> nsspeeds_t;
341 typedef map<ComboAddress, EDNSStatus> ednsstatus_t;
343 vState getDSRecords(const DNSName& zone, dsmap_t& ds, bool onlyTA, unsigned int depth, bool bogusOnNXD=true, bool* foundCut=nullptr);
345 class AuthDomain
346 {
347 public:
348 typedef multi_index_container <
349 DNSRecord,
350 indexed_by <
351 ordered_non_unique<
352 composite_key< DNSRecord,
353 member<DNSRecord, DNSName, &DNSRecord::d_name>,
354 member<DNSRecord, uint16_t, &DNSRecord::d_type>
355 >,
356 composite_key_compare<std::less<DNSName>, std::less<uint16_t> >
357 >
358 >
359 > records_t;
361 records_t d_records;
362 vector<ComboAddress> d_servers;
363 DNSName d_name;
364 bool d_rdForward{false};
366 int getRecords(const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, std::vector<DNSRecord>& records) const;
367 bool isAuth() const
368 {
369 return d_servers.empty();
370 }
371 bool isForward() const
372 {
373 return !isAuth();
374 }
375 bool shouldRecurse() const
376 {
377 return d_rdForward;
378 }
379 const DNSName& getName() const
380 {
381 return d_name;
382 }
384 private:
385 void addSOA(std::vector<DNSRecord>& records) const;
386 };
388 typedef map<DNSName, AuthDomain> domainmap_t;
389 typedef Throttle<boost::tuple<ComboAddress,DNSName,uint16_t> > throttle_t;
390 typedef Counters<ComboAddress> fails_t;
392 struct ThreadLocalStorage {
393 NegCache negcache;
394 nsspeeds_t nsSpeeds;
395 throttle_t throttle;
396 ednsstatus_t ednsstatus;
397 fails_t fails;
398 std::shared_ptr<domainmap_t> domainmap;
399 };
401 static void setDefaultLogMode(LogMode lm)
402 {
403 s_lm = lm;
404 }
405 static uint64_t doEDNSDump(int fd);
406 static uint64_t doDumpNSSpeeds(int fd);
407 static uint64_t doDumpThrottleMap(int fd);
408 static int getRootNS(struct timeval now, asyncresolve_t asyncCallback);
409 static void clearDelegationOnly()
410 {
411 s_delegationOnly.clear();
412 }
413 static void addDelegationOnly(const DNSName& name)
414 {
415 s_delegationOnly.insert(name);
416 }
417 static void addDontQuery(const std::string& mask)
418 {
419 if (!s_dontQuery)
420 s_dontQuery = std::unique_ptr<NetmaskGroup>(new NetmaskGroup());
422 s_dontQuery->addMask(mask);
423 }
424 static void addDontQuery(const Netmask& mask)
425 {
426 if (!s_dontQuery)
427 s_dontQuery = std::unique_ptr<NetmaskGroup>(new NetmaskGroup());
429 s_dontQuery->addMask(mask);
430 }
431 static void clearDontQuery()
432 {
433 s_dontQuery = nullptr;
434 }
435 static void parseEDNSSubnetWhitelist(const std::string& wlist);
436 static void parseEDNSSubnetAddFor(const std::string& subnetlist);
437 static void addEDNSLocalSubnet(const std::string& subnet)
438 {
439 s_ednslocalsubnets.addMask(subnet);
440 }
441 static void addEDNSRemoteSubnet(const std::string& subnet)
442 {
443 s_ednsremotesubnets.addMask(subnet);
444 }
445 static void addEDNSDomain(const DNSName& domain)
446 {
447 s_ednsdomains.add(domain);
448 }
449 static void clearEDNSLocalSubnets()
450 {
451 s_ednslocalsubnets.clear();
452 }
453 static void clearEDNSRemoteSubnets()
454 {
455 s_ednsremotesubnets.clear();
456 }
457 static void clearEDNSDomains()
458 {
459 s_ednsdomains = SuffixMatchNode();
460 }
461 static void pruneNSSpeeds(time_t limit)
462 {
463 for(auto i = t_sstorage.nsSpeeds.begin(), end = t_sstorage.nsSpeeds.end(); i != end; ) {
464 if(i->second.stale(limit)) {
465 i = t_sstorage.nsSpeeds.erase(i);
466 }
467 else {
468 ++i;
469 }
470 }
471 }
472 static uint64_t getNSSpeedsSize()
473 {
474 return t_sstorage.nsSpeeds.size();
475 }
476 static void submitNSSpeed(const DNSName& server, const ComboAddress& ca, uint32_t usec, const struct timeval* now)
477 {
478 t_sstorage.nsSpeeds[server].submit(ca, usec, now);
479 }
480 static void clearNSSpeeds()
481 {
482 t_sstorage.nsSpeeds.clear();
483 }
484 static EDNSStatus::EDNSMode getEDNSStatus(const ComboAddress& server)
485 {
486 const auto& it = t_sstorage.ednsstatus.find(server);
487 if (it == t_sstorage.ednsstatus.end())
488 return EDNSStatus::UNKNOWN;
490 return it->second.mode;
491 }
492 static uint64_t getEDNSStatusesSize()
493 {
494 return t_sstorage.ednsstatus.size();
495 }
496 static void clearEDNSStatuses()
497 {
498 t_sstorage.ednsstatus.clear();
499 }
500 static uint64_t getThrottledServersSize()
501 {
502 return t_sstorage.throttle.size();
503 }
504 static void clearThrottle()
505 {
506 t_sstorage.throttle.clear();
507 }
508 static bool isThrottled(time_t now, const ComboAddress& server, const DNSName& target, uint16_t qtype)
509 {
510 return t_sstorage.throttle.shouldThrottle(now, boost::make_tuple(server, target, qtype));
511 }
512 static bool isThrottled(time_t now, const ComboAddress& server)
513 {
514 return t_sstorage.throttle.shouldThrottle(now, boost::make_tuple(server, "", 0));
515 }
516 static void doThrottle(time_t now, const ComboAddress& server, time_t duration, unsigned int tries)
517 {
518 t_sstorage.throttle.throttle(now, boost::make_tuple(server, "", 0), duration, tries);
519 }
520 static uint64_t getFailedServersSize()
521 {
522 return t_sstorage.fails.size();
523 }
524 static void clearFailedServers()
525 {
526 t_sstorage.fails.clear();
527 }
528 static unsigned long getServerFailsCount(const ComboAddress& server)
529 {
530 return t_sstorage.fails.value(server);
531 }
533 static void clearNegCache()
534 {
535 t_sstorage.negcache.clear();
536 }
538 static uint64_t getNegCacheSize()
539 {
540 return t_sstorage.negcache.size();
541 }
543 static void pruneNegCache(unsigned int maxEntries)
544 {
545 t_sstorage.negcache.prune(maxEntries);
546 }
548 static uint64_t wipeNegCache(const DNSName& name, bool subtree = false)
549 {
550 return t_sstorage.negcache.wipe(name, subtree);
551 }
553 static void setDomainMap(std::shared_ptr<domainmap_t> newMap)
554 {
555 t_sstorage.domainmap = newMap;
556 }
558 static const std::shared_ptr<domainmap_t> getDomainMap()
559 {
560 return t_sstorage.domainmap;
561 }
563 static void setECSScopeZeroAddress(const Netmask& scopeZeroMask)
564 {
565 s_ecsScopeZero.source = scopeZeroMask;
566 }
568 static void clearECSStats()
569 {
570 s_ecsqueries.store(0);
571 s_ecsresponses.store(0);
573 for (size_t idx = 0; idx < 32; idx++) {
574 SyncRes::s_ecsResponsesBySubnetSize4[idx].store(0);
575 }
577 for (size_t idx = 0; idx < 128; idx++) {
578 SyncRes::s_ecsResponsesBySubnetSize6[idx].store(0);
579 }
580 }
582 explicit SyncRes(const struct timeval& now);
584 int beginResolve(const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, uint16_t qclass, vector<DNSRecord>&ret);
585 void setId(int id)
586 {
587 if(doLog())
588 d_prefix="["+itoa(id)+"] ";
589 }
591 void setLogMode(LogMode lm)
592 {
593 d_lm = lm;
594 }
596 bool doLog() const
597 {
598 return d_lm != LogNone;
599 }
601 void setCacheOnly(bool state=true)
602 {
603 d_cacheonly=state;
604 }
606 void setDoEDNS0(bool state=true)
607 {
608 d_doEDNS0=state;
609 }
611 void setDoDNSSEC(bool state=true)
612 {
613 d_doDNSSEC=state;
614 }
616 void setDNSSECValidationRequested(bool requested=true)
617 {
618 d_DNSSECValidationRequested = requested;
619 }
621 bool isDNSSECValidationRequested() const
622 {
623 return d_DNSSECValidationRequested;
624 }
626 bool shouldValidate() const
627 {
628 return d_DNSSECValidationRequested && !d_wasOutOfBand;
629 }
631 void setWantsRPZ(bool state=true)
632 {
633 d_wantsRPZ=state;
634 }
636 bool getWantsRPZ() const
637 {
638 return d_wantsRPZ;
639 }
641 string getTrace() const
642 {
643 return d_trace.str();
644 }
646 void setLuaEngine(shared_ptr<RecursorLua4> pdl)
647 {
648 d_pdl = pdl;
649 }
651 bool wasVariable() const
652 {
653 return d_wasVariable;
654 }
656 bool wasOutOfBand() const
657 {
658 return d_wasOutOfBand;
659 }
661 struct timeval getNow() const
662 {
663 return d_now;
664 }
666 void setSkipCNAMECheck(bool skip = false)
667 {
668 d_skipCNAMECheck = skip;
669 }
671 void setQuerySource(const ComboAddress& requestor, boost::optional<const EDNSSubnetOpts&> incomingECS);
673 #ifdef HAVE_PROTOBUF
674 void setInitialRequestId(boost::optional<const boost::uuids::uuid&> initialRequestId)
675 {
676 d_initialRequestId = initialRequestId;
677 }
679 void setOutgoingProtobufServers(std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RemoteLogger>>>& servers)
680 {
681 d_outgoingProtobufServers = servers;
682 }
683 #endif
685 #ifdef HAVE_FSTRM
686 void setFrameStreamServers(std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameStreamLogger>>>& servers)
687 {
688 d_frameStreamServers = servers;
689 }
690 #endif /* HAVE_FSTRM */
692 void setAsyncCallback(asyncresolve_t func)
693 {
694 d_asyncResolve = func;
695 }
697 vState getValidationState() const
698 {
699 return d_queryValidationState;
700 }
702 static thread_local ThreadLocalStorage t_sstorage;
704 static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_queries;
705 static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_outgoingtimeouts;
706 static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_outgoing4timeouts;
707 static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_outgoing6timeouts;
708 static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_throttledqueries;
709 static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_dontqueries;
710 static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_authzonequeries;
711 static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_outqueries;
712 static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_tcpoutqueries;
713 static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_nodelegated;
714 static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_unreachables;
715 static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_ecsqueries;
716 static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_ecsresponses;
717 static std::map<uint8_t, std::atomic<uint64_t>> s_ecsResponsesBySubnetSize4;
718 static std::map<uint8_t, std::atomic<uint64_t>> s_ecsResponsesBySubnetSize6;
720 static string s_serverID;
721 static unsigned int s_minimumTTL;
722 static unsigned int s_minimumECSTTL;
723 static unsigned int s_maxqperq;
724 static unsigned int s_maxtotusec;
725 static unsigned int s_maxdepth;
726 static unsigned int s_maxnegttl;
727 static unsigned int s_maxbogusttl;
728 static unsigned int s_maxcachettl;
729 static unsigned int s_packetcachettl;
730 static unsigned int s_packetcacheservfailttl;
731 static unsigned int s_serverdownmaxfails;
732 static unsigned int s_serverdownthrottletime;
733 static unsigned int s_ecscachelimitttl;
734 static uint8_t s_ecsipv4limit;
735 static uint8_t s_ecsipv6limit;
736 static uint8_t s_ecsipv4cachelimit;
737 static uint8_t s_ecsipv6cachelimit;
738 static bool s_doIPv6;
739 static bool s_noEDNSPing;
740 static bool s_noEDNS;
741 static bool s_rootNXTrust;
742 static bool s_nopacketcache;
744 std::unordered_map<std::string,bool> d_discardedPolicies;
745 DNSFilterEngine::Policy d_appliedPolicy;
746 unsigned int d_authzonequeries;
747 unsigned int d_outqueries;
748 unsigned int d_tcpoutqueries;
749 unsigned int d_throttledqueries;
750 unsigned int d_timeouts;
751 unsigned int d_unreachables;
752 unsigned int d_totUsec;
754 private:
755 ComboAddress d_requestor;
756 ComboAddress d_cacheRemote;
758 static std::unordered_set<DNSName> s_delegationOnly;
759 static NetmaskGroup s_ednslocalsubnets;
760 static NetmaskGroup s_ednsremotesubnets;
761 static SuffixMatchNode s_ednsdomains;
762 static EDNSSubnetOpts s_ecsScopeZero;
763 static LogMode s_lm;
764 static std::unique_ptr<NetmaskGroup> s_dontQuery;
765 const static std::unordered_set<uint16_t> s_redirectionQTypes;
767 struct GetBestNSAnswer
768 {
769 DNSName qname;
770 set<pair<DNSName,DNSName> > bestns;
771 uint8_t qtype; // only A and AAAA anyhow
772 bool operator<(const GetBestNSAnswer &b) const
773 {
774 return boost::tie(qname, qtype, bestns) <
775 boost::tie(b.qname, b.qtype, b.bestns);
776 }
777 };
779 typedef std::map<DNSName,vState> zonesStates_t;
781 int doResolveAt(NsSet &nameservers, DNSName auth, bool flawedNSSet, const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret,
782 unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>&beenthere, vState& state);
783 bool doResolveAtThisIP(const std::string& prefix, const DNSName& qname, const QType& qtype, LWResult& lwr, boost::optional<Netmask>& ednsmask, const DNSName& auth, bool const sendRDQuery, const DNSName& nsName, const ComboAddress& remoteIP, bool doTCP, bool* truncated);
784 bool processAnswer(unsigned int depth, LWResult& lwr, const DNSName& qname, const QType& qtype, DNSName& auth, bool wasForwarded, const boost::optional<Netmask> ednsmask, bool sendRDQuery, NsSet &nameservers, std::vector<DNSRecord>& ret, const DNSFilterEngine& dfe, bool* gotNewServers, int* rcode, vState& state);
786 int doResolve(const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret, unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>& beenthere, vState& state);
787 bool doOOBResolve(const AuthDomain& domain, const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret, int& res);
788 bool doOOBResolve(const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret, unsigned int depth, int &res);
789 domainmap_t::const_iterator getBestAuthZone(DNSName* qname) const;
790 bool doCNAMECacheCheck(const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret, unsigned int depth, int &res, vState& state, bool wasAuthZone, bool wasForwardRecurse);
791 bool doCacheCheck(const DNSName &qname, const DNSName& authname, bool wasForwardedOrAuthZone, bool wasAuthZone, bool wasForwardRecurse, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&ret, unsigned int depth, int &res, vState& state);
792 void getBestNSFromCache(const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, vector<DNSRecord>&bestns, bool* flawedNSSet, unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>& beenthere);
793 DNSName getBestNSNamesFromCache(const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, NsSet& nsset, bool* flawedNSSet, unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>&beenthere);
795 inline vector<std::pair<DNSName, double>> shuffleInSpeedOrder(NsSet &nameservers, const string &prefix);
796 inline vector<ComboAddress> shuffleForwardSpeed(const vector<ComboAddress> &rnameservers, const string &prefix, const bool wasRd);
797 bool moreSpecificThan(const DNSName& a, const DNSName &b) const;
798 vector<ComboAddress> getAddrs(const DNSName &qname, unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>& beenthere, bool cacheOnly);
800 bool nameserversBlockedByRPZ(const DNSFilterEngine& dfe, const NsSet& nameservers);
801 bool nameserverIPBlockedByRPZ(const DNSFilterEngine& dfe, const ComboAddress&);
802 bool throttledOrBlocked(const std::string& prefix, const ComboAddress& remoteIP, const DNSName& qname, const QType& qtype, bool pierceDontQuery);
804 vector<ComboAddress> retrieveAddressesForNS(const std::string& prefix, const DNSName& qname, vector<std::pair<DNSName, double>>::const_iterator& tns, const unsigned int depth, set<GetBestNSAnswer>& beenthere, const vector<std::pair<DNSName, double>>& rnameservers, NsSet& nameservers, bool& sendRDQuery, bool& pierceDontQuery, bool& flawedNSSet, bool cacheOnly);
806 void sanitizeRecords(const std::string& prefix, LWResult& lwr, const DNSName& qname, const QType& qtype, const DNSName& auth, bool wasForwarded, bool rdQuery);
807 RCode::rcodes_ updateCacheFromRecords(unsigned int depth, LWResult& lwr, const DNSName& qname, const QType& qtype, const DNSName& auth, bool wasForwarded, const boost::optional<Netmask>, vState& state, bool& needWildcardProof, bool& gatherWildcardProof, unsigned int& wildcardLabelsCount, bool sendRDQuery);
808 bool processRecords(const std::string& prefix, const DNSName& qname, const QType& qtype, const DNSName& auth, LWResult& lwr, const bool sendRDQuery, vector<DNSRecord>& ret, set<DNSName>& nsset, DNSName& newtarget, DNSName& newauth, bool& realreferral, bool& negindic, vState& state, const bool needWildcardProof, const bool gatherwildcardProof, const unsigned int wildcardLabelsCount);
810 bool doSpecialNamesResolve(const DNSName &qname, const QType &qtype, const uint16_t qclass, vector<DNSRecord> &ret);
812 int asyncresolveWrapper(const ComboAddress& ip, bool ednsMANDATORY, const DNSName& domain, int type, bool doTCP, bool sendRDQuery, struct timeval* now, boost::optional<Netmask>& srcmask, LWResult* res, bool* chained) const;
814 boost::optional<Netmask> getEDNSSubnetMask(const DNSName&dn, const ComboAddress& rem);
816 bool validationEnabled() const;
817 uint32_t computeLowestTTD(const std::vector<DNSRecord>& records, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent> >& signatures, uint32_t signaturesTTL) const;
818 void updateValidationState(vState& state, const vState stateUpdate);
819 vState validateRecordsWithSigs(unsigned int depth, const DNSName& qname, const QType& qtype, const DNSName& name, const std::vector<DNSRecord>& records, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent> >& signatures);
820 vState validateDNSKeys(const DNSName& zone, const std::vector<DNSRecord>& dnskeys, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent> >& signatures, unsigned int depth);
821 vState getDNSKeys(const DNSName& signer, skeyset_t& keys, unsigned int depth);
822 dState getDenialValidationState(const NegCache::NegCacheEntry& ne, const vState state, const dState expectedState, bool referralToUnsigned);
823 void updateDenialValidationState(vState& neValidationState, const DNSName& neName, vState& state, const dState denialState, const dState expectedState, bool allowOptOut);
824 void computeNegCacheValidationStatus(const NegCache::NegCacheEntry* ne, const DNSName& qname, const QType& qtype, const int res, vState& state, unsigned int depth);
825 vState getTA(const DNSName& zone, dsmap_t& ds);
826 bool haveExactValidationStatus(const DNSName& domain);
827 vState getValidationStatus(const DNSName& subdomain, bool allowIndeterminate=true);
828 void updateValidationStatusInCache(const DNSName &qname, const QType& qt, bool aa, vState newState) const;
830 bool lookForCut(const DNSName& qname, unsigned int depth, const vState existingState, vState& newState);
831 void computeZoneCuts(const DNSName& begin, const DNSName& end, unsigned int depth);
833 void setUpdatingRootNS()
834 {
835 d_updatingRootNS = true;
836 }
838 zonesStates_t d_cutStates;
839 ostringstream d_trace;
840 shared_ptr<RecursorLua4> d_pdl;
841 boost::optional<Netmask> d_outgoingECSNetwork;
842 std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RemoteLogger>>> d_outgoingProtobufServers{nullptr};
843 std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameStreamLogger>>> d_frameStreamServers{nullptr};
844 #ifdef HAVE_PROTOBUF
845 boost::optional<const boost::uuids::uuid&> d_initialRequestId;
846 #endif
847 asyncresolve_t d_asyncResolve{nullptr};
848 struct timeval d_now;
849 string d_prefix;
850 vState d_queryValidationState{Indeterminate};
852 /* When d_cacheonly is set to true, we will only check the cache.
853 * This is set when the RD bit is unset in the incoming query
854 */
855 bool d_cacheonly;
856 bool d_doDNSSEC;
857 bool d_DNSSECValidationRequested{false};
858 bool d_doEDNS0{true};
859 bool d_requireAuthData{true};
860 bool d_skipCNAMECheck{false};
861 bool d_updatingRootNS{false};
862 bool d_wantsRPZ{true};
863 bool d_wasOutOfBand{false};
864 bool d_wasVariable{false};
866 LogMode d_lm;
867 };
869 class Socket;
870 /* external functions, opaque to us */
871 int asendtcp(const string& data, Socket* sock);
872 int arecvtcp(string& data, size_t len, Socket* sock, bool incompleteOkay);
875 struct PacketID
876 {
877 PacketID() : id(0), type(0), sock(0), inNeeded(0), inIncompleteOkay(false), outPos(0), nearMisses(0), fd(-1)
878 {
879 remote.reset();
880 }
882 uint16_t id; // wait for a specific id/remote pair
883 uint16_t type; // and this is its type
884 ComboAddress remote; // this is the remote
885 DNSName domain; // this is the question
887 Socket* sock; // or wait for an event on a TCP fd
888 string inMSG; // they'll go here
889 size_t inNeeded; // if this is set, we'll read until inNeeded bytes are read
890 bool inIncompleteOkay;
892 string outMSG; // the outgoing message that needs to be sent
893 string::size_type outPos; // how far we are along in the outMSG
895 typedef set<uint16_t > chain_t;
896 mutable chain_t chain;
897 mutable uint32_t nearMisses; // number of near misses - host correct, id wrong
898 int fd;
900 bool operator<(const PacketID& b) const
901 {
902 int ourSock= sock ? sock->getHandle() : 0;
903 int bSock = b.sock ? b.sock->getHandle() : 0;
904 if( tie(remote, ourSock, type) < tie(b.remote, bSock, b.type))
905 return true;
906 if( tie(remote, ourSock, type) > tie(b.remote, bSock, b.type))
907 return false;
909 return tie(domain, fd, id) < tie(b.domain, b.fd, b.id);
910 }
911 };
913 struct PacketIDBirthdayCompare: public std::binary_function<PacketID, PacketID, bool>
914 {
915 bool operator()(const PacketID& a, const PacketID& b) const
916 {
917 int ourSock= a.sock ? a.sock->getHandle() : 0;
918 int bSock = b.sock ? b.sock->getHandle() : 0;
919 if( tie(a.remote, ourSock, a.type) < tie(b.remote, bSock, b.type))
920 return true;
921 if( tie(a.remote, ourSock, a.type) > tie(b.remote, bSock, b.type))
922 return false;
924 return a.domain < b.domain;
925 }
926 };
927 extern thread_local std::unique_ptr<MemRecursorCache> t_RC;
928 extern thread_local std::unique_ptr<RecursorPacketCache> t_packetCache;
929 typedef MTasker<PacketID,string> MT_t;
930 MT_t* getMT();
932 struct RecursorStats
933 {
934 std::atomic<uint64_t> servFails;
935 std::atomic<uint64_t> nxDomains;
936 std::atomic<uint64_t> noErrors;
937 std::atomic<uint64_t> answers0_1, answers1_10, answers10_100, answers100_1000, answersSlow;
938 std::atomic<uint64_t> auth4Answers0_1, auth4Answers1_10, auth4Answers10_100, auth4Answers100_1000, auth4AnswersSlow;
939 std::atomic<uint64_t> auth6Answers0_1, auth6Answers1_10, auth6Answers10_100, auth6Answers100_1000, auth6AnswersSlow;
940 std::atomic<uint64_t> ourtime0_1, ourtime1_2, ourtime2_4, ourtime4_8, ourtime8_16, ourtime16_32, ourtimeSlow;
941 double avgLatencyUsec{0};
942 double avgLatencyOursUsec{0};
943 std::atomic<uint64_t> qcounter; // not increased for unauth packets
944 std::atomic<uint64_t> ipv6qcounter;
945 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpqcounter;
946 std::atomic<uint64_t> unauthorizedUDP; // when this is increased, qcounter isn't
947 std::atomic<uint64_t> unauthorizedTCP; // when this is increased, qcounter isn't
948 std::atomic<uint64_t> policyDrops;
949 std::atomic<uint64_t> tcpClientOverflow;
950 std::atomic<uint64_t> clientParseError;
951 std::atomic<uint64_t> serverParseError;
952 std::atomic<uint64_t> tooOldDrops;
953 std::atomic<uint64_t> truncatedDrops;
954 std::atomic<uint64_t> queryPipeFullDrops;
955 std::atomic<uint64_t> unexpectedCount;
956 std::atomic<uint64_t> caseMismatchCount;
957 std::atomic<uint64_t> spoofCount;
958 std::atomic<uint64_t> resourceLimits;
959 std::atomic<uint64_t> overCapacityDrops;
960 std::atomic<uint64_t> ipv6queries;
961 std::atomic<uint64_t> chainResends;
962 std::atomic<uint64_t> nsSetInvalidations;
963 std::atomic<uint64_t> ednsPingMatches;
964 std::atomic<uint64_t> ednsPingMismatches;
965 std::atomic<uint64_t> noPingOutQueries, noEdnsOutQueries;
966 std::atomic<uint64_t> packetCacheHits;
967 std::atomic<uint64_t> noPacketError;
968 std::atomic<uint64_t> ignoredCount;
969 std::atomic<uint64_t> emptyQueriesCount;
970 time_t startupTime;
971 std::atomic<uint64_t> dnssecQueries;
972 std::atomic<uint64_t> dnssecAuthenticDataQueries;
973 std::atomic<uint64_t> dnssecCheckDisabledQueries;
974 std::atomic<uint64_t> variableResponses;
975 unsigned int maxMThreadStackUsage;
976 std::atomic<uint64_t> dnssecValidations; // should be the sum of all dnssecResult* stats
977 std::map<vState, std::atomic<uint64_t> > dnssecResults;
978 std::map<DNSFilterEngine::PolicyKind, std::atomic<uint64_t> > policyResults;
979 std::atomic<uint64_t> rebalancedQueries{0};
980 };
982 //! represents a running TCP/IP client session
983 class TCPConnection : public boost::noncopyable
984 {
985 public:
986 TCPConnection(int fd, const ComboAddress& addr);
987 ~TCPConnection();
989 int getFD() const
990 {
991 return d_fd;
992 }
994 std::string data;
995 const ComboAddress d_remote;
996 size_t queriesCount{0};
997 enum stateenum {BYTE0, BYTE1, GETQUESTION, DONE} state{BYTE0};
998 uint16_t qlen{0};
999 uint16_t bytesread{0};
1001 static unsigned int getCurrentConnections() { return s_currentConnections; }
1002 private:
1003 const int d_fd;
1004 static AtomicCounter s_currentConnections; //!< total number of current TCP connections
1005 };
1007 class ImmediateServFailException
1008 {
1009 public:
1010 ImmediateServFailException(string r) : reason(r) {};
1012 string reason; //! Print this to tell the user what went wrong
1013 };
1015 typedef boost::circular_buffer<ComboAddress> addrringbuf_t;
1016 extern thread_local std::unique_ptr<addrringbuf_t> t_servfailremotes, t_largeanswerremotes, t_remotes, t_bogusremotes, t_timeouts;
1018 extern thread_local std::unique_ptr<boost::circular_buffer<pair<DNSName,uint16_t> > > t_queryring, t_servfailqueryring, t_bogusqueryring;
1019 extern thread_local std::shared_ptr<NetmaskGroup> t_allowFrom;
1020 string doQueueReloadLuaScript(vector<string>::const_iterator begin, vector<string>::const_iterator end);
1021 string doTraceRegex(vector<string>::const_iterator begin, vector<string>::const_iterator end);
1022 void parseACLs();
1023 extern RecursorStats g_stats;
1024 extern unsigned int g_networkTimeoutMsec;
1025 extern unsigned int g_numThreads;
1026 extern uint16_t g_outgoingEDNSBufsize;
1027 extern std::atomic<uint32_t> g_maxCacheEntries, g_maxPacketCacheEntries;
1028 extern bool g_lowercaseOutgoing;
1031 std::string reloadAuthAndForwards();
1032 ComboAddress parseIPAndPort(const std::string& input, uint16_t port);
1033 ComboAddress getQueryLocalAddress(int family, uint16_t port);
1034 typedef boost::function<void*(void)> pipefunc_t;
1035 void broadcastFunction(const pipefunc_t& func);
1036 void distributeAsyncFunction(const std::string& question, const pipefunc_t& func);
1038 int directResolve(const DNSName& qname, const QType& qtype, int qclass, vector<DNSRecord>& ret);
1040 template<class T> T broadcastAccFunction(const boost::function<T*()>& func);
1042 std::shared_ptr<SyncRes::domainmap_t> parseAuthAndForwards();
1043 uint64_t* pleaseGetNsSpeedsSize();
1044 uint64_t* pleaseGetCacheSize();
1045 uint64_t* pleaseGetNegCacheSize();
1046 uint64_t* pleaseGetCacheHits();
1047 uint64_t* pleaseGetCacheMisses();
1048 uint64_t* pleaseGetConcurrentQueries();
1049 uint64_t* pleaseGetThrottleSize();
1050 uint64_t* pleaseGetPacketCacheHits();
1051 uint64_t* pleaseGetPacketCacheSize();
1052 uint64_t* pleaseWipeCache(const DNSName& canon, bool subtree=false);
1053 uint64_t* pleaseWipePacketCache(const DNSName& canon, bool subtree);
1054 uint64_t* pleaseWipeAndCountNegCache(const DNSName& canon, bool subtree=false);
1055 void doCarbonDump(void*);
1056 void primeHints(void);
1058 extern __thread struct timeval g_now;
1060 struct ThreadTimes
1061 {
1062 uint64_t msec;
1063 vector<uint64_t> times;
1064 ThreadTimes& operator+=(const ThreadTimes& rhs)
1065 {
1066 times.push_back(rhs.msec);
1067 return *this;
1068 }
1069 };