]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/util-linux.git/blob - Documentation/parse-date.txt
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[thirdparty/util-linux.git] / Documentation / parse-date.txt
3 parse_date - parses a date string into a timespec struct.
6 #include "timeutils.h"
8 int parse_date(struct timespec *result, char const *p,
9 struct timespec const *now)
11 LDADD libcommon.la
14 Parse a date/time string, storing the resulting time value into *result.
15 The string itself is pointed to by *p. Return 1 if successful.
16 *p can be an incomplete or relative time specification; if so, use
17 *now as the basis for the returned time.
20 This function is based upon gnulib's parse-datetime.y-dd7a871.
22 Below is a plain text version of the gnulib parse-datetime.texi-dd7a871 manual
23 describing the input strings that are recognized.
25 Any future modifications to the util-linux parser that affect input strings
26 should be noted below.
29 1 Date input formats
30 ********************
32 First, a quote:
34 Our units of temporal measurement, from seconds on up to months,
35 are so complicated, asymmetrical and disjunctive so as to make
36 coherent mental reckoning in time all but impossible. Indeed, had
37 some tyrannical god contrived to enslave our minds to time, to
38 make it all but impossible for us to escape subjection to sodden
39 routines and unpleasant surprises, he could hardly have done
40 better than handing down our present system. It is like a set of
41 trapezoidal building blocks, with no vertical or horizontal
42 surfaces, like a language in which the simplest thought demands
43 ornate constructions, useless particles and lengthy
44 circumlocutions. Unlike the more successful patterns of language
45 and science, which enable us to face experience boldly or at least
46 level-headedly, our system of temporal calculation silently and
47 persistently encourages our terror of time.
49 ... It is as though architects had to measure length in feet,
50 width in meters and height in ells; as though basic instruction
51 manuals demanded a knowledge of five different languages. It is
52 no wonder then that we often look into our own immediate past or
53 future, last Tuesday or a week from Sunday, with feelings of
54 helpless confusion. ...
56 --Robert Grudin, `Time and the Art of Living'.
58 This section describes the textual date representations that GNU
59 programs accept. These are the strings you, as a user, can supply as
60 arguments to the various programs. The C interface (via the
61 `parse_datetime' function) is not described here.
63 1.1 General date syntax
64 =======================
66 A "date" is a string, possibly empty, containing many items separated
67 by whitespace. The whitespace may be omitted when no ambiguity arises.
68 The empty string means the beginning of today (i.e., midnight). Order
69 of the items is immaterial. A date string may contain many flavors of
70 items:
72 * calendar date items
74 * time of day items
76 * time zone items
78 * combined date and time of day items
80 * day of the week items
82 * relative items
84 * pure numbers.
86 We describe each of these item types in turn, below.
88 A few ordinal numbers may be written out in words in some contexts.
89 This is most useful for specifying day of the week items or relative
90 items (see below). Among the most commonly used ordinal numbers, the
91 word `last' stands for -1, `this' stands for 0, and `first' and `next'
92 both stand for 1. Because the word `second' stands for the unit of
93 time there is no way to write the ordinal number 2, but for convenience
94 `third' stands for 3, `fourth' for 4, `fifth' for 5, `sixth' for 6,
95 `seventh' for 7, `eighth' for 8, `ninth' for 9, `tenth' for 10,
96 `eleventh' for 11 and `twelfth' for 12.
98 When a month is written this way, it is still considered to be
99 written numerically, instead of being "spelled in full"; this changes
100 the allowed strings.
102 In the current implementation, only English is supported for words
103 and abbreviations like `AM', `DST', `EST', `first', `January',
104 `Sunday', `tomorrow', and `year'.
106 The output of the `date' command is not always acceptable as a date
107 string, not only because of the language problem, but also because
108 there is no standard meaning for time zone items like `IST'. When using
109 `date' to generate a date string intended to be parsed later, specify a
110 date format that is independent of language and that does not use time
111 zone items other than `UTC' and `Z'. Here are some ways to do this:
113 $ LC_ALL=C TZ=UTC0 date
114 Mon Mar 1 00:21:42 UTC 2004
115 $ TZ=UTC0 date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ'
116 2004-03-01 00:21:42Z
117 $ date --rfc-3339=ns # --rfc-3339 is a GNU extension.
118 2004-02-29 16:21:42.692722128-08:00
119 $ date --rfc-2822 # a GNU extension
120 Sun, 29 Feb 2004 16:21:42 -0800
121 $ date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z' # %z is a GNU extension.
122 2004-02-29 16:21:42 -0800
123 $ date +'@%s.%N' # %s and %N are GNU extensions.
124 @1078100502.692722128
126 Alphabetic case is completely ignored in dates. Comments may be
127 introduced between round parentheses, as long as included parentheses
128 are properly nested. Hyphens not followed by a digit are currently
129 ignored. Leading zeros on numbers are ignored.
131 Invalid dates like `2005-02-29' or times like `24:00' are rejected.
132 In the typical case of a host that does not support leap seconds, a
133 time like `23:59:60' is rejected even if it corresponds to a valid leap
134 second.
136 1.2 Calendar date items
137 =======================
139 A "calendar date item" specifies a day of the year. It is specified
140 differently, depending on whether the month is specified numerically or
141 literally. All these strings specify the same calendar date:
143 1972-09-24 # ISO 8601.
144 72-9-24 # Assume 19xx for 69 through 99,
145 # 20xx for 00 through 68.
146 72-09-24 # Leading zeros are ignored.
147 9/24/72 # Common U.S. writing.
148 24 September 1972
149 24 Sept 72 # September has a special abbreviation.
150 24 Sep 72 # Three-letter abbreviations always allowed.
151 Sep 24, 1972
152 24-sep-72
153 24sep72
155 The year can also be omitted. In this case, the last specified year
156 is used, or the current year if none. For example:
158 9/24
159 sep 24
161 Here are the rules.
163 For numeric months, the ISO 8601 format `YEAR-MONTH-DAY' is allowed,
164 where YEAR is any positive number, MONTH is a number between 01 and 12,
165 and DAY is a number between 01 and 31. A leading zero must be present
166 if a number is less than ten. If YEAR is 68 or smaller, then 2000 is
167 added to it; otherwise, if YEAR is less than 100, then 1900 is added to
168 it. The construct `MONTH/DAY/YEAR', popular in the United States, is
169 accepted. Also `MONTH/DAY', omitting the year.
171 Literal months may be spelled out in full: `January', `February',
172 `March', `April', `May', `June', `July', `August', `September',
173 `October', `November' or `December'. Literal months may be abbreviated
174 to their first three letters, possibly followed by an abbreviating dot.
175 It is also permitted to write `Sept' instead of `September'.
177 When months are written literally, the calendar date may be given as
178 any of the following:
185 Or, omitting the year:
189 1.3 Time of day items
190 =====================
192 A "time of day item" in date strings specifies the time on a given day.
193 Here are some examples, all of which represent the same time:
195 20:02:00.000000
196 20:02
197 8:02pm
198 20:02-0500 # In EST (U.S. Eastern Standard Time).
200 More generally, the time of day may be given as
201 `HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND', where HOUR is a number between 0 and 23, MINUTE
202 is a number between 0 and 59, and SECOND is a number between 0 and 59
203 possibly followed by `.' or `,' and a fraction containing one or more
204 digits. Alternatively, `:SECOND' can be omitted, in which case it is
205 taken to be zero. On the rare hosts that support leap seconds, SECOND
206 may be 60.
208 If the time is followed by `am' or `pm' (or `a.m.' or `p.m.'), HOUR
209 is restricted to run from 1 to 12, and `:MINUTE' may be omitted (taken
210 to be zero). `am' indicates the first half of the day, `pm' indicates
211 the second half of the day. In this notation, 12 is the predecessor of
212 1: midnight is `12am' while noon is `12pm'. (This is the zero-oriented
213 interpretation of `12am' and `12pm', as opposed to the old tradition
214 derived from Latin which uses `12m' for noon and `12pm' for midnight.)
216 The time may alternatively be followed by a time zone correction,
217 expressed as `SHHMM', where S is `+' or `-', HH is a number of zone
218 hours and MM is a number of zone minutes. The zone minutes term, MM,
219 may be omitted, in which case the one- or two-digit correction is
220 interpreted as a number of hours. You can also separate HH from MM
221 with a colon. When a time zone correction is given this way, it forces
222 interpretation of the time relative to Coordinated Universal Time
223 (UTC), overriding any previous specification for the time zone or the
224 local time zone. For example, `+0530' and `+05:30' both stand for the
225 time zone 5.5 hours ahead of UTC (e.g., India). This is the best way to
226 specify a time zone correction by fractional parts of an hour. The
227 maximum zone correction is 24 hours.
229 Either `am'/`pm' or a time zone correction may be specified, but not
230 both.
232 1.4 Time zone items
233 ===================
235 A "time zone item" specifies an international time zone, indicated by a
236 small set of letters, e.g., `UTC' or `Z' for Coordinated Universal
237 Time. Any included periods are ignored. By following a
238 non-daylight-saving time zone by the string `DST' in a separate word
239 (that is, separated by some white space), the corresponding daylight
240 saving time zone may be specified. Alternatively, a
241 non-daylight-saving time zone can be followed by a time zone
242 correction, to add the two values. This is normally done only for
243 `UTC'; for example, `UTC+05:30' is equivalent to `+05:30'.
245 Time zone items other than `UTC' and `Z' are obsolescent and are not
246 recommended, because they are ambiguous; for example, `EST' has a
247 different meaning in Australia than in the United States. Instead,
248 it's better to use unambiguous numeric time zone corrections like
249 `-0500', as described in the previous section.
251 If neither a time zone item nor a time zone correction is supplied,
252 timestamps are interpreted using the rules of the default time zone
253 (*note Specifying time zone rules::).
255 1.5 Combined date and time of day items
256 =======================================
258 The ISO 8601 date and time of day extended format consists of an ISO
259 8601 date, a `T' character separator, and an ISO 8601 time of day.
260 This format is also recognized if the `T' is replaced by a space.
262 In this format, the time of day should use 24-hour notation.
263 Fractional seconds are allowed, with either comma or period preceding
264 the fraction. ISO 8601 fractional minutes and hours are not supported.
265 Typically, hosts support nanosecond timestamp resolution; excess
266 precision is silently discarded.
268 Here are some examples:
270 2012-09-24T20:02:00.052-05:00
271 2012-12-31T23:59:59,999999999+11:00
272 1970-01-01 00:00Z
274 1.6 Day of week items
275 =====================
277 The explicit mention of a day of the week will forward the date (only
278 if necessary) to reach that day of the week in the future.
280 Days of the week may be spelled out in full: `Sunday', `Monday',
281 `Tuesday', `Wednesday', `Thursday', `Friday' or `Saturday'. Days may
282 be abbreviated to their first three letters, optionally followed by a
283 period. The special abbreviations `Tues' for `Tuesday', `Wednes' for
284 `Wednesday' and `Thur' or `Thurs' for `Thursday' are also allowed.
286 A number may precede a day of the week item to move forward
287 supplementary weeks. It is best used in expression like `third
288 monday'. In this context, `last DAY' or `next DAY' is also acceptable;
289 they move one week before or after the day that DAY by itself would
290 represent.
292 A comma following a day of the week item is ignored.
294 1.7 Relative items in date strings
295 ==================================
297 "Relative items" adjust a date (or the current date if none) forward or
298 backward. The effects of relative items accumulate. Here are some
299 examples:
301 1 year
302 1 year ago
303 3 years
304 2 days
306 The unit of time displacement may be selected by the string `year'
307 or `month' for moving by whole years or months. These are fuzzy units,
308 as years and months are not all of equal duration. More precise units
309 are `fortnight' which is worth 14 days, `week' worth 7 days, `day'
310 worth 24 hours, `hour' worth 60 minutes, `minute' or `min' worth 60
311 seconds, and `second' or `sec' worth one second. An `s' suffix on
312 these units is accepted and ignored.
314 The unit of time may be preceded by a multiplier, given as an
315 optionally signed number. Unsigned numbers are taken as positively
316 signed. No number at all implies 1 for a multiplier. Following a
317 relative item by the string `ago' is equivalent to preceding the unit
318 by a multiplier with value -1.
320 The string `tomorrow' is worth one day in the future (equivalent to
321 `day'), the string `yesterday' is worth one day in the past (equivalent
322 to `day ago').
324 The strings `now' or `today' are relative items corresponding to
325 zero-valued time displacement, these strings come from the fact a
326 zero-valued time displacement represents the current time when not
327 otherwise changed by previous items. They may be used to stress other
328 items, like in `12:00 today'. The string `this' also has the meaning
329 of a zero-valued time displacement, but is preferred in date strings
330 like `this thursday'.
332 When a relative item causes the resulting date to cross a boundary
333 where the clocks were adjusted, typically for daylight saving time, the
334 resulting date and time are adjusted accordingly.
336 The fuzz in units can cause problems with relative items. For
337 example, `2003-07-31 -1 month' might evaluate to 2003-07-01, because
338 2003-06-31 is an invalid date. To determine the previous month more
339 reliably, you can ask for the month before the 15th of the current
340 month. For example:
342 $ date -R
343 Thu, 31 Jul 2003 13:02:39 -0700
344 $ date --date='-1 month' +'Last month was %B?'
345 Last month was July?
346 $ date --date="$(date +%Y-%m-15) -1 month" +'Last month was %B!'
347 Last month was June!
349 Also, take care when manipulating dates around clock changes such as
350 daylight saving leaps. In a few cases these have added or subtracted
351 as much as 24 hours from the clock, so it is often wise to adopt
352 universal time by setting the `TZ' environment variable to `UTC0'
353 before embarking on calendrical calculations.
355 1.8 Pure numbers in date strings
356 ================================
358 The precise interpretation of a pure decimal number depends on the
359 context in the date string.
361 If the decimal number is of the form YYYYMMDD and no other calendar
362 date item (*note Calendar date items::) appears before it in the date
363 string, then YYYY is read as the year, MM as the month number and DD as
364 the day of the month, for the specified calendar date.
366 If the decimal number is of the form HHMM and no other time of day
367 item appears before it in the date string, then HH is read as the hour
368 of the day and MM as the minute of the hour, for the specified time of
369 day. MM can also be omitted.
371 If both a calendar date and a time of day appear to the left of a
372 number in the date string, but no relative item, then the number
373 overrides the year.
375 1.9 Seconds since the Epoch
376 ===========================
378 If you precede a number with `@', it represents an internal timestamp
379 as a count of seconds. The number can contain an internal decimal
380 point (either `.' or `,'); any excess precision not supported by the
381 internal representation is truncated toward minus infinity. Such a
382 number cannot be combined with any other date item, as it specifies a
383 complete timestamp.
385 Internally, computer times are represented as a count of seconds
386 since an epoch--a well-defined point of time. On GNU and POSIX
387 systems, the epoch is 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, so `@0' represents this
388 time, `@1' represents 1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC, and so forth. GNU and
389 most other POSIX-compliant systems support such times as an extension
390 to POSIX, using negative counts, so that `@-1' represents 1969-12-31
391 23:59:59 UTC.
393 Traditional Unix systems count seconds with 32-bit two's-complement
394 integers and can represent times from 1901-12-13 20:45:52 through
395 2038-01-19 03:14:07 UTC. More modern systems use 64-bit counts of
396 seconds with nanosecond subcounts, and can represent all the times in
397 the known lifetime of the universe to a resolution of 1 nanosecond.
399 On most hosts, these counts ignore the presence of leap seconds.
400 For example, on most hosts `@915148799' represents 1998-12-31 23:59:59
401 UTC, `@915148800' represents 1999-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, and there is no
402 way to represent the intervening leap second 1998-12-31 23:59:60 UTC.
404 1.10 Specifying time zone rules
405 ===============================
407 Normally, dates are interpreted using the rules of the current time
408 zone, which in turn are specified by the `TZ' environment variable, or
409 by a system default if `TZ' is not set. To specify a different set of
410 default time zone rules that apply just to one date, start the date
411 with a string of the form `TZ="RULE"'. The two quote characters (`"')
412 must be present in the date, and any quotes or backslashes within RULE
413 must be escaped by a backslash.
415 For example, with the GNU `date' command you can answer the question
416 "What time is it in New York when a Paris clock shows 6:30am on October
417 31, 2004?" by using a date beginning with `TZ="Europe/Paris"' as shown
418 in the following shell transcript:
420 $ export TZ="America/New_York"
421 $ date --date='TZ="Europe/Paris" 2004-10-31 06:30'
422 Sun Oct 31 01:30:00 EDT 2004
424 In this example, the `--date' operand begins with its own `TZ'
425 setting, so the rest of that operand is processed according to
426 `Europe/Paris' rules, treating the string `2004-10-31 06:30' as if it
427 were in Paris. However, since the output of the `date' command is
428 processed according to the overall time zone rules, it uses New York
429 time. (Paris was normally six hours ahead of New York in 2004, but
430 this example refers to a brief Halloween period when the gap was five
431 hours.)
433 A `TZ' value is a rule that typically names a location in the `tz'
434 database (http://www.twinsun.com/tz/tz-link.htm). A recent catalog of
435 location names appears in the TWiki Date and Time Gateway
436 (http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/xtra/tzdate). A few non-GNU hosts require a
437 colon before a location name in a `TZ' setting, e.g.,
438 `TZ=":America/New_York"'.
440 The `tz' database includes a wide variety of locations ranging from
441 `Arctic/Longyearbyen' to `Antarctica/South_Pole', but if you are at sea
442 and have your own private time zone, or if you are using a non-GNU host
443 that does not support the `tz' database, you may need to use a POSIX
444 rule instead. Simple POSIX rules like `UTC0' specify a time zone
445 without daylight saving time; other rules can specify simple daylight
446 saving regimes. *Note Specifying the Time Zone with `TZ': (libc)TZ
447 Variable.
449 1.11 Authors of `parse_datetime'
450 ================================
452 `parse_datetime' started life as `getdate', as originally implemented
453 by Steven M. Bellovin (<smb@research.att.com>) while at the University
454 of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The code was later tweaked by a
455 couple of people on Usenet, then completely overhauled by Rich $alz
456 (<rsalz@bbn.com>) and Jim Berets (<jberets@bbn.com>) in August, 1990.
457 Various revisions for the GNU system were made by David MacKenzie, Jim
458 Meyering, Paul Eggert and others, including renaming it to `get_date' to
459 avoid a conflict with the alternative Posix function `getdate', and a
460 later rename to `parse_datetime'. The Posix function `getdate' can
461 parse more locale-specific dates using `strptime', but relies on an
462 environment variable and external file, and lacks the thread-safety of
463 `parse_datetime'.
465 This chapter was originally produced by François Pinard
466 (<pinard@iro.umontreal.ca>) from the `parse_datetime.y' source code,
467 and then edited by K. Berry (<kb@cs.umb.edu>).