]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/e2fsprogs.git/blob - e2fsprogs.spec
[thirdparty/e2fsprogs.git] / e2fsprogs.spec
1 Summary: Utilities for managing the second extended (ext2) filesystem.
2 Name: e2fsprogs
3 Version: 1.19
4 Release: 0
5 Copyright: GPL
6 Group: System Environment/Base
7 Source: ftp://tsx-11.mit.edu/pub/linux/packages/ext2fs/e2fsprogs-1.19.tar.gz
8 BuildRoot: /tmp/e2fsprogs-root
10 %description
11 The e2fsprogs package contains a number of utilities for creating,
12 checking, modifying and correcting any inconsistencies in second
13 extended (ext2) filesystems. E2fsprogs contains e2fsck (used to repair
14 filesystem inconsistencies after an unclean shutdown), mke2fs (used to
15 initialize a partition to contain an empty ext2 filesystem), debugfs
16 (used to examine the internal structure of a filesystem, to manually
17 repair a corrupted filesystem or to create test cases for e2fsck), tune2fs
18 (used to modify filesystem parameters) and most of the other core ext2fs
19 filesystem utilities.
21 You should install the e2fsprogs package if you are using any ext2
22 filesystems (if you're not sure, you probably should install this
23 package).
25 %package devel
26 Summary: Ext2 filesystem-specific static libraries and headers.
27 Group: Development/Libraries
28 Requires: e2fsprogs
30 %description devel
31 E2fsprogs-devel contains the libraries and header files needed to
32 develop second extended (ext2) filesystem-specific programs.
34 You should install e2fsprogs-devel if you want to develop ext2
35 filesystem-specific programs. If you install e2fsprogs-devel, you will
36 also need to install e2fsprogs.
38 %prep
39 %setup
41 %build
42 CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --enable-elf-shlibs
44 make libs progs docs
46 %install
47 export PATH=/sbin:$PATH
48 make install DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
49 make install-libs DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
51 %clean
52 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
54 %post
55 /sbin/ldconfig
57 %postun
58 /sbin/ldconfig
60 %files
61 %attr(-, root, root) %doc README RELEASE-NOTES
62 %attr(-, root, root) /sbin/e2fsck
63 %attr(-, root, root) /sbin/e2label
64 %attr(-, root, root) /sbin/fsck.ext2
65 %attr(-, root, root) /sbin/debugfs
66 %attr(-, root, root) /sbin/mke2fs
67 %attr(-, root, root) /sbin/badblocks
68 %attr(-, root, root) /sbin/tune2fs
69 %attr(-, root, root) /sbin/dumpe2fs
70 %attr(-, root, root) /sbin/fsck
71 %attr(-, root, root) /sbin/resize2fs
72 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/sbin/mklost+found
73 %attr(-, root, root) /sbin/mkfs.ext2
75 %attr(-, root, root) /lib/libe2p.so.2.3
76 %attr(-, root, root) /lib/libext2fs.so.2.4
77 %attr(-, root, root) /lib/libss.so.2.0
78 %attr(-, root, root) /lib/libcom_err.so.2.0
79 %attr(-, root, root) /lib/libuuid.so.1.2
81 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/bin/chattr
82 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/bin/lsattr
83 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/bin/uuidgen
84 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man8/e2fsck.8
85 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man8/e2label.8
86 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man8/debugfs.8
87 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man8/tune2fs.8
88 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man8/mklost+found.8
89 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man8/mke2fs.8
90 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man8/dumpe2fs.8
91 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man8/badblocks.8
92 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man8/fsck.8
93 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man8/resize2fs.8
94 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man1/chattr.1
95 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man1/lsattr.1
96 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man1/uuidgen.1
98 %files devel
99 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/info/libext2fs.info*
100 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/libe2p.a
101 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/libext2fs.a
102 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/libss.a
103 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/libcom_err.a
104 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/libuuid.a
105 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/include/ss
106 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/include/ext2fs
107 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/include/et
108 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/include/uuid
109 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/libe2p.so
110 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/libext2fs.so
111 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/libss.so
112 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/libcom_err.so
113 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/lib/libuuid.so
114 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/bin/mk_cmds
115 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/bin/compile_et
116 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/share/et/et_c.awk
117 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/share/et/et_h.awk
118 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/share/ss/ct_c.awk
119 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/share/ss/ct_c.sed
120 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man1/compile_et.1
121 %attr(-, root, root) /usr/man/man3/com_err.3