]> git.ipfire.org Git - ipfire.org.git/commitdiff
Remove obsolete pakfire CGI scripts.
authorMichael Tremer <michael.tremer@ipfire.org>
Thu, 7 Feb 2013 12:51:24 +0000 (12:51 +0000)
committerMichael Tremer <michael.tremer@ipfire.org>
Thu, 7 Feb 2013 12:51:24 +0000 (12:51 +0000)
pakfire/counter.py [deleted file]
pakfire/show.py [deleted file]
pakfire/version/empty.txt [deleted file]

diff --git a/pakfire/counter.py b/pakfire/counter.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fcaa2be..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-import cgitb, sys, os, time, cgi
-### HTTP-Header
-print "Content-type: text/html"
-form = cgi.FieldStorage()
-uuid = form.getfirst('uuid')
-ver  = form.getfirst('ver')
-ipak = form.getfirst('ipak')
-dpak = form.getfirst('dpak')
-upak = form.getfirst('upak')
-ret  = form.getfirst('return')
-if not uuid or not ver:
-       sys.exit(1) # Exit when the arguments are not set
-if not os.path.exists("version/"+ver):
-       os.mkdir("version/"+ver)
-zeit = time.time()
-string = "%s %d" % (os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'], zeit)
-if ipak:
-       string += " installed %s %s" % (ipak, ret)
-elif dpak:
-       string += " deleted %s %s" % (dpak, ret)
-elif upak:
-       string += " upgraded %s %s" % (upak, ret)
-       string += " update"
-string += "\n"
-f = open("version/"+ver+"/"+uuid, "a")
-for file in os.listdir("version/"+ver):
-       time_diff = zeit - os.path.getmtime("version/"+ver+"/"+file)
-       if time_diff > 259200:
-               os.remove("version/"+ver+"/"+file)
-print "200 OK"
diff --git a/pakfire/show.py b/pakfire/show.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ac69ee0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-import cgitb
-import os
-import time
-import socket
-import cgi
-#import DNS
-import GeoIP
-#gi = GeoIP.new(GeoIP.GEOIP_STANDARD)
-def print_header():
-       print '''<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-          "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-       <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
-       <head>
-               <title>IPFire - Distribution</title>
-               <style type="text/css">
-                       body { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; background-color:#f0f0f0; }
-                       a:link { color: black; text-decoration: none; }
-                       a:visited { color: black; text-decoration: none; }
-                       table { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8pt; border: 1px solid; }
-                       td.header { background-color: #a0a0a0; text-align: center; color: white; }
-                       td.date { text-align: center; }
-                       font.installed { color: green; }
-                       font.deleted { color: red; }
-                       font.update { color: blue; }
-                       font.error { color: red; }
-                       td.online { background: green; color: white; text-align: center; }
-                       td.offline { background: red; color: white; text-align: center; }
-               </style>
-               <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60; URL=%s?ver=%s&amp;uuid=%s" />
-       </head>
-       <body>
-               <h1>IPFire Distribution</h1>
-               <p>Made: %s</p>''' % (os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'], ver, uuid, time.ctime())
-       print "</table>"
-def beautify_ip(ip):
-       try:
-               hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)
-               string = "<b>%s</b> (%s - %s)" % (hostname[0], ip, gi.country_code_by_addr(ip))
-       except socket.herror, e:
-               error = "Couldn't look up name: %s" % e
-               string = "<b>%s</b> (%s)" % (error, ip)
-       return string
-def beautify_time(timestamp):
-       return time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y - %H:%M", time.localtime(float(timestamp)))
-def get_attributes(line):
-       status = ""
-       pak = ""
-       command = ""
-       args = line.split(" ")
-       ip = args[0]
-       timestamp = args[1]
-       if len(args) > 2:
-               command = args[2]
-               if len(args) > 3:
-                       pak = args[3]
-                       if len(args) > 4:
-                               status = args[4]
-       return ip, timestamp, command, pak, status
-def showuuid(uuid, ver):
-       print "<h3><a href='%s?ver=%s&amp;uuid=%s#%s'>%s</a></h3>" % (os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'], dir, uuid, uuid, uuid)
-def summurize_addons():
-       addons={}
-       installed={}
-       upgraded={}
-       deleted={}
-       oldest="9999999999999"
-       newest="0000000000000"
-       for dir in os.listdir("version/"):
-               if (dir == "empty.txt" ):
-                  pass
-               else:
-       #               print dir+"<br />"
-                       for uuid in os.listdir("version/"+dir):
-       #                       print uuid+"<br />"
-                               f = open("version/"+dir+"/"+uuid)
-                               while True:
-                                       line = f.readline()
-                                       if len(line) == 0:
-                                               break # EOF
-                                       status = ""
-                                       pak = ""
-                                       command = ""
-                                       args = line.split(" ")
-                                       if oldest > args[1]:
-                                               oldest = args[1]
-                                       if newest < args[1]:
-                                               newest = args[1]
-                                       if len(args) > 2:
-                                               command = args[2]
-       #                                       print command
-                                       if len(args) > 3:
-                                               pak = args[3]
-       #                                       print pak
-                                       if len(args) > 4:
-                                               status = args[4]
-       #                                       print status+"<br />"
-                                       if (status == "0\n") and (command == "installed") and (dir == "2.1" or dir == "2.3" ):
-                                               addons[pak] = addons.get(pak,0)+1
-                                               installed[pak] = installed.get(pak,0)+1
-                                       if (status == "0\n") and (command == "deleted") and (dir == "2.1" or dir == "2.3"):
-                                               addons[pak] = addons.get(pak,0)-1
-                                               deleted[pak] = deleted.get(pak,0)+1
-                                       if (status == "0\n") and (command == "upgraded") and (dir == "2.1" or dir == "2.3"):
-                                               upgraded[pak] = upgraded.get(pak,0)+1
-                               f.close()
-       print "Oldest one installed - %s" % beautify_time(oldest)
-       for x in range(10):
-                       print "&nbsp;"
-       print "Latest action done - %s" % beautify_time(newest)
-       print "<br /><br /><table width='50%'><tr>"
-       for x in range(1,31):
-                       if ( x % 8 ):
-                                print "<td align='center'>Core %s - %s</td>" % (x,upgraded.get("core-upgrade-" + str(x),0))
-                       else:
-                                print "<td align='center'>Core %s - %s</td></tr><tr>" % (x,upgraded.get("core-upgrade-" + str(x),0))
-       print "</table><br /><br /><table width='50%'>"
-       print "<tr><td class='header'>Addon</td><td class='header'>Anzahl</td><td class='header'>Installiert</td><td class='header'>Deinstalliert</td></tr>"
-       for name, nummer in sorted(addons.items()):
-               print "<tr><td align='center'>"
-               print name
-               print "</td><td align='center'>"
-               print nummer
-               print "</td><td align='center'><font color=green>+"
-               print installed.get(name, 0)
-               print "</fond></td><td align='center'><font color=red>-"
-               print deleted.get(name, 0)
-               print "</td></tr>"
-       print "</table>"
-def showdetails(uuid, ver):
-       f = open("version/"+dir+"/"+uuid)
-       print "<a name='"+uuid+"' />\n<h3>"+uuid+"</h3>"
-       print "<table width='70%'>"
-       print "<tr><td class='header' width='70%'>IP-address<td class='header' width='30%'>Updates"
-       while True:
-               line = f.readline()
-               if len(line) == 0:
-                       break # EOF
-               ip, timestamp, command, pak, status = get_attributes(line)
-               if command == "update\n":
-                       last_update = timestamp
-                       continue
-               string = "<tr><td>"
-               string += beautify_ip(ip)
-               timestamp = beautify_time(timestamp)
-               if command:
-                       string += " - <font class='%s'>%s</font> - %s" % (command, command, pak)
-                       if not status == "0\n":
-                               string += " <font class='error'>%s</font>" % status
-               string += "</td><td class='date'>%s</td></tr>" % timestamp
-               print string
-       print "<tr><td>Last update:</td><td align='center'>%s" % beautify_time(timestamp)
-       print "</table>"
-       f.close()
-def summary(type):
-       print "<table width='50%'>"
-       print "<tr><td class='header' colspan='2'>Summary</td></tr>"
-       if type == "global":
-               print "<tr><td>Versions available:</td><td>",
-               for dir in os.listdir("version/"):
-                               if (dir == "empty.txt" ):
-                                  pass
-                               else:
-                                       print "%s (%s)<br>" % (dir, len(os.listdir("version/"+dir))),
-               print "</td></tr>"
-               count = 0
-               version={}
-               for dir in os.listdir("version/"):
-                       if (dir == "empty.txt" ):
-                               pass
-                       else:
-                               count += len(os.listdir("version/"+dir))
-               print "<tr><td>Number of total hosts:</td><td>",count,
-               print "</td></tr>"
-       print "</table>"
-### HTTP-Header
-print "Content-type: text/html"
-form = cgi.FieldStorage()
-ver  = form.getfirst('ver')
-uuid = form.getfirst('uuid')
-if not uuid:
-       uuid = ""
-for dir in os.listdir("version/"):
-               if (dir == "empty.txt" ):
-                  pass
-               else:
-                       print "<h2><a href='%s?ver=%s&amp;uuid='>%s</a></h2>" % (os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'], dir, dir)
-                       if ver == dir:
-                               for i in os.listdir("version/"+dir):
-                                       if i == uuid:
-                                               showdetails(i, dir)
-                                       else:
-                                               showuuid(i, dir)
-print "</body></html>"
diff --git a/pakfire/version/empty.txt b/pakfire/version/empty.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e69de29..0000000