]> git.ipfire.org Git - people/shoehn/ipfire.org.git/blob - www/pages/torrent/client/inifile.py
Change Color of Menuitem CeBIT.
[people/shoehn/ipfire.org.git] / www / pages / torrent / client / inifile.py
1 # Written by John Hoffman
2 # see LICENSE.txt for license information
4 '''
5 reads/writes a Windows-style INI file
6 format:
8 aa = "bb"
9 cc = 11
11 [eee]
12 ff = "gg"
14 decodes to:
15 d = { '': {'aa':'bb','cc':'11'}, 'eee': {'ff':'gg'} }
17 the encoder can also take this as input:
19 d = { 'aa': 'bb, 'cc': 11, 'eee': {'ff':'gg'} }
21 though it will only decode in the above format. Keywords must be strings.
22 Values that are strings are written surrounded by quotes, and the decoding
23 routine automatically strips any.
24 Booleans are written as integers. Anything else aside from string/int/float
25 may have unpredictable results.
26 '''
28 from cStringIO import StringIO
29 from traceback import print_exc
30 from types import DictType, StringType
31 try:
32 from types import BooleanType
33 except ImportError:
34 BooleanType = None
36 try:
37 True
38 except:
39 True = 1
40 False = 0
42 DEBUG = False
44 def ini_write(f, d, comment=''):
45 try:
46 a = {'':{}}
47 for k,v in d.items():
48 assert type(k) == StringType
49 k = k.lower()
50 if type(v) == DictType:
51 if DEBUG:
52 print 'new section:' +k
53 if k:
54 assert not a.has_key(k)
55 a[k] = {}
56 aa = a[k]
57 for kk,vv in v:
58 assert type(kk) == StringType
59 kk = kk.lower()
60 assert not aa.has_key(kk)
61 if type(vv) == BooleanType:
62 vv = int(vv)
63 if type(vv) == StringType:
64 vv = '"'+vv+'"'
65 aa[kk] = str(vv)
66 if DEBUG:
67 print 'a['+k+']['+kk+'] = '+str(vv)
68 else:
69 aa = a['']
70 assert not aa.has_key(k)
71 if type(v) == BooleanType:
72 v = int(v)
73 if type(v) == StringType:
74 v = '"'+v+'"'
75 aa[k] = str(v)
76 if DEBUG:
77 print 'a[\'\']['+k+'] = '+str(v)
78 r = open(f,'w')
79 if comment:
80 for c in comment.split('\n'):
81 r.write('# '+c+'\n')
82 r.write('\n')
83 l = a.keys()
84 l.sort()
85 for k in l:
86 if k:
87 r.write('\n['+k+']\n')
88 aa = a[k]
89 ll = aa.keys()
90 ll.sort()
91 for kk in ll:
92 r.write(kk+' = '+aa[kk]+'\n')
93 success = True
94 except:
95 if DEBUG:
96 print_exc()
97 success = False
98 try:
99 r.close()
100 except:
101 pass
102 return success
105 if DEBUG:
106 def errfunc(lineno, line, err):
107 print '('+str(lineno)+') '+err+': '+line
108 else:
109 errfunc = lambda lineno, line, err: None
111 def ini_read(f, errfunc = errfunc):
112 try:
113 r = open(f,'r')
114 ll = r.readlines()
115 d = {}
116 dd = {'':d}
117 for i in xrange(len(ll)):
118 l = ll[i]
119 l = l.strip()
120 if not l:
121 continue
122 if l[0] == '#':
123 continue
124 if l[0] == '[':
125 if l[-1] != ']':
126 errfunc(i,l,'syntax error')
127 continue
128 l1 = l[1:-1].strip().lower()
129 if not l1:
130 errfunc(i,l,'syntax error')
131 continue
132 if dd.has_key(l1):
133 errfunc(i,l,'duplicate section')
134 d = dd[l1]
135 continue
136 d = {}
137 dd[l1] = d
138 continue
139 try:
140 k,v = l.split('=',1)
141 except:
142 try:
143 k,v = l.split(':',1)
144 except:
145 errfunc(i,l,'syntax error')
146 continue
147 k = k.strip().lower()
148 v = v.strip()
149 if len(v) > 1 and ( (v[0] == '"' and v[-1] == '"') or
150 (v[0] == "'" and v[-1] == "'") ):
151 v = v[1:-1]
152 if not k:
153 errfunc(i,l,'syntax error')
154 continue
155 if d.has_key(k):
156 errfunc(i,l,'duplicate entry')
157 continue
158 d[k] = v
159 if DEBUG:
160 print dd
161 except:
162 if DEBUG:
163 print_exc()
164 dd = None
165 try:
166 r.close()
167 except:
168 pass
169 return dd