]> git.ipfire.org Git - people/shoehn/ipfire.org.git/blob - www/translations/de_DE.csv
fireinfo: Some design fixes for ARM.
[people/shoehn/ipfire.org.git] / www / translations / de_DE.csv
1 "Alix image","Alix-Image"
2 "An image that is meant to run on embedded devices.","Fertiges Image für Embedded-Geräte."
3 "Arch","Arch"
4 "Area","Bereich"
5 "A ready-to-run image for Xen.","Schlüsselfertiges Xen-Image."
6 "Begin download","Download starten"
7 "by","von"
8 "CeBIT-Donation","CeBIT-Spende"
9 "Cluster's CPU load","Prozessorauslastung des Clusters"
10 "Connections","Verbindungen"
11 "CPU-Load","CPU-Auslastung"
12 "Current unstable","Entwicklungsversion"
13 "Current version","Aktuelle Version"
14 "Description","Beschreibung"
15 "Development","Entwicklung"
16 "DHCP Server","DHCP-Server"
17 "Download file","Datei herunterladen"
18 "Download the CD image from the torrent network.","Laden Sie das CD-Image über das Torrent Netzwerk."
19 "File","Datei"
20 "Firewall","Firewall"
21 "Fuzzy","Fuzzy"
22 "Fw-Logdgraphs (IP)","Fw-Logdgraphs (IP)"
23 "Got that information from <em>%s</em> within %.2f second(s).","Dauer der Abfrage von <em>%s</em>: %.2f Sekunde(n)."
24 "Home","Startseite"
25 "If the floppy image doesn't work, use this image instead.","USB-Stick-Image als Harddisk formatiert."
26 "imprint","Impressum"
27 "Installable CD image","Bootbares CD-Image"
28 "Install IPFire from a floppy-formated USB key.","Installationsimage für USB-Sticks als Floppy formatiert."
29 "IPFire in the press","IPFire in der Presse"
30 "IPSec","IPSec"
31 "Job load","Job-Auslastung"
32 "Jobs","Jobs"
33 "Language","Sprache"
34 "Logos and print artworks","Logos und Druckvorlagen"
35 "More security for your network","mehr sicherheit für Ihr netzwerk"
36 "Name","Name"
37 "Network","Netzwerk"
38 "Network (other)","Netzwerk (sonstige)"
39 "Number of nodes","Anzahl der Knoten"
40 "Other download options","Weitere Downloadoptionen"
41 "Outgoing Firewall","Ausgehende Firewall"
42 "Pakfire","Pakfire"
43 "Pregenerated Xen image","Xen-Image"
44 "Press kit","Pressemappe"
45 "Press","Presse"
46 "Previous posts >>","Vorherige Einträge >>"
47 "Proxy Reports","Proxyberichte"
48 "Public Relations","Public Relations"
49 "Quality of Service","Quality of Service"
50 "<strong>release</strong> information","<strong>Release</strong>informationen"
51 "Release","Release"
52 "Samba","Samba"
53 "See all torrents...","Alle Torrent-Downloads anzeigen..."
54 "See development releases...","Entwicklungsversionen anzeigen..."
55 "See older downloads...","Ältere Downloads anzeigen..."
56 "Services","Dienste"
57 "Sponsoring","Sponsoring"
58 "Status","Status"
59 "<strong>Online</strong> media","<strong>Online</strong>medien"
60 "<strong>Print</strong> media","<strong>Print</strong>medien"
61 "System","System"
62 "Template","Vorlage"
63 "Torrent file","Torrent-Download"
64 "Translated","Übersetzt"
65 "Translation Status","Übersetzungsüberblick"
66 "Untranslated","Nicht übersetzt"
67 "USB FDD image","USB-Floppy-Image"
68 "USB HDD image","USB-Harddisk-Image"
69 "Use this image to burn a CD and install IPFire from it.","Brennen Sie dieses Image und booten Sie die Installation davon."
70 "Owner (Hostname)","Eigentümer (Hostname)"
71 "Priority","Priorität"
72 "Location","Standort"
73 "Latency","Latenz"
74 "Legend","Legende"
75 "Server is reachable","Server ist erreichbar"
76 "Server is unreachable","Server ist nicht erreichbar"
77 "Get back to latest stable downloads.","Zurück zur aktuellen Version."
78 "Here you will find the downloads for the version","Hier findet ihr die Downloads für die Version"
79 "These are the ancient downloads of IPFire. They are just saved for historical reasons and should not be used in a productive environment.","Dies sind veraltete Downloads von IPFire. Sie sind nur aus historischen Gründen gespeichert und sollten nicht mehr in einer produktiven Umgebung eingesetzt werden."
80 "Donation","Spende"
81 "Development Area","Entwicklungsbereich"
82 "See a list of mirrors...","Liste der Mirror-Server anzeigen..."
83 "Flash image where a serial console is enabled by default.","Flash-Image mit eingeschalteter serieller Konsole."
84 "Flash image","Flash-Image"
85 "Licenses","Lizenzen"
86 "firewall functions","Firewallfunktionalitäten"
87 "essential networking services","Grundlegende Netzwerkdienste"
88 "http proxy","Web-Proxy"
89 "virtual private networking","Virtuelle private Netzwerke"
90 "supported connection types","Unterstützte Verbindungstypen"
91 "configuration","Konfiguration"
92 "monitoring","Überwachung"
93 "Torrent Downloads","Torrent-Downloads"
94 "Development Downloads","Experimentelle Downloads"
95 "Ancient Downloads","Veraltete Downloads"
96 "1 second ago","Vor einer Sekunde"
97 "%(seconds)d seconds ago","vor %(seconds)d Sekunden"
98 "1 minute ago","Vor einer Minute"
99 "%(minutes)d minutes ago","Vor %(minutes)d Minuten"
100 "1 hour ago","Vor einer Stunde"
101 "%(hours)d hours ago","Vor %(hours)d Stunden"
102 "%(time)s","%(time)s"
103 "yesterday","gestern"
104 "yesterday at %(time)s","gestern um %(time)s"
105 "%(weekday)s","%(weekday)s"
106 "%(weekday)s at %(time)s","%(weekday)s um %(time)s"
107 "%(month_name)s %(day)s","%(day)s. %(month_name)s"
108 "%(month_name)s %(day)s at %(time)s","%(day)s. %(month_name)s um %(time)s"
109 "%(month_name)s %(day)s, %(year)s","%(day)s. %(month_name)s %(year)s"
110 "%(month_name)s %(day)s, %(year)s at %(time)s","%(day)s. %(month_name)s %(year)s um %(time)s"
111 "Posted by %s on","Gepostet von %s am"
112 "January","Januar"
113 "February","Februar"
114 "March","März"
115 "April","April"
116 "May","Mai"
117 "June","Juni"
118 "July","Juli"
119 "August","August"
120 "September","September"
121 "October","Oktober"
122 "Nomvember","November"
123 "December","Dezember"
124 "Monday","Montag"
125 "Tuesday","Dienstag"
126 "Wednesday","Mittwoch"
127 "Thursday","Donnerstag"
128 "Friday","Freitag"
129 "Saturday","Samstag"
130 "Sunday","Sonntag"
131 "Read more","Mehr..."
132 "Last update","Letzte Aktualisierung"
133 "Out of synchronization","Nicht synchronisiert"
134 "Up","Online"
135 "Down","Offline"
136 "Unknown","Unbekannt"
137 "List of servers","Liste der Server"
138 "List of all mirror servers","Liste aller Mirror-Server"
139 "Flexibility","Flexibilität"
140 "Security","Sicherheit"
141 "Learn more.","Mehr erfahren."
142 "Get involved.","Mitmachen."
143 "See what makes IPFire so great:","Was macht IPFire so besonders?"
144 "Subscribe to the latest news of IPFire","Neuigkeiten von IPFire abbonieren"
145 "See newer entries","Aktuellere Beiträge"
146 "See older entries","Ältere Beiträge"
147 "Posted by","Gepostet von"
148 "on","am"
149 "Last updated on","Zuletzt aktualisiert am"
150 "%s did no postings, yet.","%s hat bisher noch keine Beiträge verfasst."
151 "People on the planet","Vom Planeten IPFire..."
152 "About","Über IPFire"
153 "Recent news","Vorangegangene Neuigkeiten"
154 "All posts","Alle Einträge"
155 "All rights reserved.","Alle Rechte vorbehalten."
156 "release information","Release-Informationen"
157 "Quick links","Links"
158 "About IPFire","Über IPFire"
159 "<< Back to home","<< Zurück zur Startseite"
160 "State","Status"
161 "Open mirror","Mirror öffnen"
162 "Virtualization","Virtualisierung"
163 "It's free","IPFire ist frei"
164 "Package management","Paketmanagement"
165 "Really important guides are:","Empfehlenswerte Artikel sind:"
166 "Installation guide","Installationsanleitung"
167 "Learn how to start.","Wie fängt man an?"
168 "Server","Server"
169 "Channel","Channel"
170 "Getting support","Support"
171 "Concept of the system","Konzept"
172 "Hardware section on the wiki","Hardware-Sektion im Wiki"
173 "Hardware compatibility list","Hardwarekompatibilitätsliste"
174 "networking","Netzwerk"
175 "How to install a package?","Wie wird ein Paket installiert?"
176 "Full list of installable addons","Komplette Liste aller Addons"
177 "Outgoing firewall configuration","Konfiguration der ausgehenden Firewall"
178 "Learn more about configuring a VPN connection","Mehr über die VPN-Konfiguration erfahren"
179 "Go to the planet","Den planet besuchen"
180 "Source code","Quellcode"
181 "Important howtos","Wichtige Howtos"
182 "Building IPFire","IPFire bauen"
183 "Building a new addon","Ein neues Addon bauen"
184 "Creating a language file","Eine neue Sprachdatei erstellen"
185 "Development for IPFire 2.x","Entwicklung von IPFire 2.x"
186 "Development for IPFire 3.x","Entwicklung von IPFire 3.x"
187 "green","grün"
188 "blue","blau"
189 "red","rot"
190 "orange","orange"
191 "GREEN","GRÜN"
192 "BLUE","BLAU"
193 "RED","ROT"
195 "Networks: %s","Netzwerke: %s"
196 "Mem: %s","RAM: %s"
197 "Disk: %s","HDD: %s"
198 "Unclassified","Unklassifiziert"
199 "Mass storage","Massenspeicher"
200 "Memory controller","Speicher-Controller"
201 "Bridge","Bridges"
202 "Communication","Kommunikation"
203 "Generic system peripheral","Sonstige Peripherie"
204 "Input device","Eingabegerät"
205 "Docking station","Docking-Station"
206 "Processor","Prozessor"
207 "Serial bus","Serieller Bus"
208 "Intelligent controller","Intelligenter Controller"
209 "Satellite communications controller","Satellitenkommunikations-Controller"
210 "Encryption","Verschlüsselung"
211 "Signal processing controller","Signalverarbeitungsprozessor"
212 "Unassigned class","Nicht zugewiesene Klasse"
213 "Image","Bildverarbeitung"
214 "Printer","Drucker"
215 "Smart card","Smart Card"
216 "Personal Healthcare","Gesundheit"
217 "Diagnostic Device","Diagnosegerät"
218 "Vendor","Hersteller"
219 "Model","Modell"
220 "Network configuration","Netzwerkkonfiguration"
221 "Operating system","Betriebssystem"
222 "This device is installed on approximately %.2f%% of all systems.","Dieses Gerät ist schätzungsweise in %.2f%% aller Geräte verbaut."
223 "Show profile","Profil anzeigen"
224 "What is fireinfo?","Was ist fireinfo?"
225 "Version","Version"
226 "Architecture","Architektur"
227 "Kernel version","Kernel-Version"
228 "Hypervisor","Hypervisor"
229 "This machine is running in a virtual environment.","Diese Maschine läuft in einer virtuellen Umgebung."
230 "Type","Typ"
231 "Core count","Anzahl der Kerne"
232 "Speed","Geschwindigkeit"
233 "Supported features","Unterstützte Features"
234 "64 bit","64-Bit"
235 "Memory","Speicher"
236 "Size","Größe"
237 "Disk","Festplatte"
238 "Signature images","Signaturbilder"
239 "Signature image","Signaturbild"
240 "Module","Modul"
241 "Processors","Prozessoren"
242 "Processor flags","Prozessor-Flags"
243 "IPFire versions","IPFire-Versionen"
244 "Geographical information","Geographische Informationen"
245 "CPUs that support virtualization","CPUs mit Virtualisierungserweiterungen"
246 "CPUs with PAE","CPUs mit PAE"
247 "CPUs that support 64 bits","CPUs mit 64-Bit-Unterstützung"
248 "CPU vendors","Prozessor-Hersteller"
249 "See statistics about common CPU flags","Statistiken über wichtige CPU-Flags"
250 "The average speed of all systems in the database is: <strong>%.2f MHz</strong>.","Die durchschnittliche Geschwindigkeit aller Systeme beträgt: <strong>%.2f MHz</strong>."
251 "Language selection","Sprachauswahl"
252 "Geo locations","Geographische Standorte"
253 "The average amount of memory of all systems in the database is: <strong>%.2f MB</strong>.","Die durchschnittliche Menge an Arbeitsspeicher aller Systeme beträgt: <strong>%.2f MB</strong>."
254 "Kernels","Kernel"
255 "fireinfo statistics","Fireinfo-Statistiken"
256 "Go to the wiki","Zum Wiki"
257 "Documentation","Dokumentation"
258 "Configuration","Konfiguration"
259 "Mirror servers nearby","Mirror-Server in der Nähe"
260 "Worldwide mirror servers","Weltweite Mirror-Server"
261 "Preferred for","Bevorzugt für"
262 "Profile not found","Profil nicht gefunden"
263 "See a breakdown of the CPU cores that are installed on the IPFire systems.","Hier ist eine Übersicht über die Anzahl der CPU-Kerne, die in den IPFire-Systemen installiert sind."
264 "CPU cores counter","CPU-Kerne"
265 "All together, there are <strong>%s bogomips</strong> out there.","Insgesamt bringen es alle Systeme auf <strong>%s bogomips</strong>."
266 "Have you already seen?","Schon gesehen?"
267 "talks about","redet über"
268 "on the IPFire planet.","auf dem IPFire planet."