]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/cups.git/blame - CHANGES-1.3.txt
The web interface home page did not work for languages that were only
[thirdparty/cups.git] / CHANGES-1.3.txt
5afab2da 1CHANGES-1.3.txt
7b04463d 5CHANGES IN CUPS V1.3.1
ec5a8351 7 - The web interface home page did not work for languages that
8 were only partially localized (STR #2472)
7b04463d 9 - Updated the Spanish web interface localization (STR #2473)
10 - ppdLocalize() did not work for country-specific localizations.
5afab2da 13CHANGES IN CUPS V1.3.0
15 - The scheduler did not handle out-of-file conditions
16 gracefully when accepting new connections, leading to
17 heavy CPU usage.
18 - The scheduler did not detect ServerBin misconfigurations
19 (STR #2470)
20 - "AuthType Default" did not work as expected when the
21 "DefaultAuthType foo" line appeared after it in the
22 cupsd.conf file.
23 - The on-line help did not describe many common printing
24 options (STR #1846)
25 - The IPP backend did not return the "auth required" status
26 when printing to a Kerberos-protected queue.
27 - The scheduler was not looking in the correct directories
28 for LSB PPD files (STR #2464)
29 - Changed references to ESP Ghostscript to GPL Ghostscript
30 (STR #2463)
31 - The PostScript filter did not cleanly terminate when
32 the job was canceled or stopped.
33 - Fixed generation of Kerberos credentials for remote
34 printing. Note that this requires a recent version of
35 MIT Kerberos with a working krb5_cc_new_unique()
36 function or Heimdal Kerberos.
37 - Added Portuguese and updated Italian message catalogs.
42 - Added more range checking to the pdftops filter.
43 - The scheduler would crash if a remote IPP queue was stopped
44 (STR #2460)
45 - The scheduler did not allow "DefaultAuthType None".
50 - Updated the German localization (STR #2443)
51 - cupsAdminGetServerSettings() did not handle </Foo> properly.
52 - When lprm and cancel are run with no job ID, they now will
53 cancel the first stopped job if no pending or processing
54 jobs are left in the queue.
55 - The scheduler now logs successful print jobs, filter
56 failures, and the job file types at the default log
57 level (STR #2458)
58 - The scheduler now logs the usernames it is using for
59 authorization at LogLevel debug instead of debug2 (STR #2448)
60 - Added Intellitech Intellibar and Zebra CPCL PPDs to the list
61 of installed PPDs.
62 - Added 6" and 8" wide label sizes for the Zebra ZPL Label
63 Printer driver (STR #2442)
64 - The cupsaddsmb program and web interface now support
65 exporting of 64-bit Windows drivers, when available
66 (STR #2439)
67 - Moving a job that was printing did not stop the job on the
68 original printer (STR #2262)
69 - The cups-lpd mini-daemon did not work on Mac OS X server.
70 - Added httpGetAuthString() and httpSetAuthString() APIs to get
71 and set the current (cached) authorization string to use for
72 HTTP requests.
73 - Updated the default cupsd.conf policy to list the
74 "administrative" operations separately from the "printer
75 control" operations so that it is easier to define a
76 group of users that are "printer operators".
77 - The web interface now pulls the default cupsd.conf file
78 from cupsd.conf.default in the CUPS config directory.
79 - Added a help file for using Kerberos with CUPS.
80 - The scheduler now strips the "@KDC" portion of Kerberos
81 usernames since those usernames typically do not appear in
82 the group membership lists used by CUPS.
83 - cupsMarkOptions() could (incorrectly) leave multiple option
84 choices marked.
85 - Backends could (incorrectly) run as root during discovery
86 (STR #2454)
87 - Avahi is now supported for DNS-SD (Bonjour) printer sharing
88 (STR #2455)
89 - The default cupsd.conf file had typos and old operation names
90 (STR #2450)
91 - The scheduler now erases authentication cache files using the
92 7-pass US DoD algorithm.
93 - Delegated Kerberos credentials (proxy authentication) did not
94 work.
95 - The filter makefile did not optimize the libcupsimage.2.dylib
96 with a sectorder file.
97 - The IPP backend incorrectly wrote an empty printer message
98 when processing the "none" state reason.
99 - The USB backend could deadlock on Mac OS X while performing
100 a side-channel command.
101 - The scheduler did not prevent remote queues from being
102 shared/published.
103 - The scheduler did not remove the temporary request file on
104 authentication errors.
105 - ppdLocalizeIPPReason() did not handle "scheme:" schemes or
106 "file" URLs.
107 - ppdLocalizeIPPReason() was not exported on Mac OS X.
112 - Copyright updates - CUPS is now owned by Apple Inc.
113 - Documentation updates (STR #1775, STR #2027, STR #2130,
114 STR #2131, STR #2263, STR #2356, STR #2397)
115 - Added new cupsfilter utility (STR #1734)
116 - Added new job-printer-state-message and
117 job-printer-state-reasons attributes to jobs (STR #2418)
118 - Added LDAP+SSL support (STR #1967)
119 - CUPS now supports authentication via peer credentials
120 over domain sockets (STR #2242, STR #2277)
121 - The CUPS sample driver PPDs are now generated by the PPD
122 compiler and include all of the localized languages by
123 default (STR #2164)
124 - You can now specify "AuthType Default" in the cupsd.conf
125 file to use the default authentication defined by the
126 DefaultAuthType directive.
127 - The SNMP backend no longer adds a default Address line
128 when none is specified in the snmp.conf file; this allows
129 the backend to be easily disabled as needed (STR #2434)
130 - Added a new cupsctl command for doing basic changes to
131 the cupsd.conf file (STR #1777)
132 - Added a new ppdLocalizeIPPReason() function to get the
133 localized text/URI for a given IPP reason keyword for a
134 driver.
135 - Removed the deskjet2.ppd driver, as it only worked with
136 a very small subset of HP DeskJet printers and was
137 confusing to users. The rastertohp driver still
138 supports the deskjet2.ppd options for existing queues.
139 - The scheduler did not add a trailing banner page if a
140 client did not specify the last document in a job (STR
141 #1711)
142 - The scheduler did not report Bonjour shared printers as
143 remote printers (STR #2384)
144 - Added new -R and -W options to the cupstestppd program
145 for greater control over the testing of PPDs.
146 - Added a new cupsGetServerPPD() function for getting
147 an available PPD from the server (STR #2334)
148 - Added a new cupsDoIORequest() function for reading
149 and writing files via IPP requests (STR #2334)
150 - Added a new CUPS_GET_PPD operation for getting an
151 available PPD file on the server (STR #2334)
152 - CUPS_GET_PPDS now reports multiple ppd-product values
153 based on the PPD ModelName and Product strings (STR
154 #2334, STR #2383)
155 - CUPS_GET_PPDS now reports the PSVersion attributes
156 from a PPD file in the ppd-psversion attribute
157 (STR #2334)
158 - CUPS_GET_PPDS now reports the cupsModelNumber attribute
159 from a PPD file in the ppd-model-number attribute (STR
160 #2383)
161 - CUPS_GET_PPDS now reports a driver type string in the
162 ppd-type attribute based on the cupsFax and cupsFilter
163 attributes in a PPD file (STR #2383)
164 - Added a new printer attribute called "cups-version"
165 which reports the version of CUPS that is running
166 (STR #2240)
167 - backendRunLoop() now aborts immediately on SIGTERM
168 if no data has been written yet (STR #2103)
169 - Due to poor IPP support from the vendors, the SNMP
170 backend no longer tries IPP connections; instead,
171 it now uses a lookup file with fallback to port 9100
172 (socket://address) and 515 (lpd://address) printing
173 (STR #2035, STR #2354)
174 - The scheduler now recreates the CUPS log directory as
175 needed (STR #2353)
176 - cupsLangDefault() now maps new-style Apple locale names
177 to the traditional ll_CC form (STR #2357)
178 - Add new cupsArrayNew2() API to support hashed lookups
179 of array elements (STR #2358)
180 - ppdConflicts() optimizations (STR #2358)
181 - The cupstestppd program now tests for existing filters,
182 icons, profiles, and dialog extensions (STR #2326)
183 - The web interface no longer lists new printers on the
184 main administration page. Instead, a new "List Available
185 Printers" button is provided that shows a separate page
186 with the list of printers.
187 - The web interface now supports setting the banner and
188 policy options on raw printers and classes (STR #2238)
189 - The socket backend now reads any pending back-channel
190 data before shutting down the socket (STR #2325)
191 - Added a new ErrorPolicy directive in the cupsd.conf
192 file (STR #1871)
193 - Printers that use JCL options are now exported to Samba
194 correctly (STR #1985)
195 - The IPP backend now relays printer-state-message values
196 from the server to the client (STR #2109)
197 - Added support for the PWG printer-alert and
198 printer-alert-description attributes (STR #2088)
199 - Added support for LPD "stream" mode (STR #2036)
200 - The scheduler now reports the PostScript product string
201 from PPD files in CUPS-Get-PPDs responses (STR #1900)
202 - Raw printing with queues pointing to the file pseudo-
203 device and multiple files and/or banners now works (STR
204 #1933)
205 - Added new public cupsAdminGetServerSettings() and
206 cupsAdminSetServerSettings() APIs.
207 - Added new "makebuttons" script in the "tools" directory
208 for creating web interface buttons (STR #2231)
209 - Added support for DNS-SD (aka "Bonjour") printer sharing
210 (STR #1171)
211 - Job operations (cancel, hold, release, etc.) from the
212 web interface now return back to the original page (STR
213 #2239)
214 - The classes or printers list is now shown after a
215 successful deletion from the web interface (STR #1999)
216 - The default configuration now allows browse packets from
217 any address (STR #2008)
218 - The web interface now provides an "allow printing from the
219 Internet" check box (STR #1897)
220 - The notify-events-default and
221 notify-lease-duration-default attributes can now be set
222 (STR #1671)
223 - Server-side default options are now sent to clients when
224 the "printer-defaults" attribute group is requested (STR
225 #1923)
226 - Added support for Linux "relro" linker option (STR #1614)
227 - CUPS now validates the number-up option value (STR #1329)
228 - The on-line help now provides better search capabilities
229 (STR #1701)
230 - The web interface "Add This Printer" button now allows you
231 to change the printer name, description, and location
232 (STR #1646)
233 - Added support for Mac OS X authorization services
234 (STR #2206)
235 - Added support for driver-specific pre-filters (STR #2108)
236 - Added a new side-channel API for drivers and backends
237 for basic device control and information queries (STR
238 #1898)
239 - The scheduler now uses poll(), epoll(), or /dev/kqueue
240 instead of select() when possible (STR #1261)
241 - Added new cupsArrayGetIndex() and cupsArrayGetInsert()
242 functions to get the current index and insertion
243 positions of an array.
244 - Added a new --with-max-copies configure option (STR
245 #2090)
246 - Added new cupsRemoveDest() and cupsSetDefaultDest()
247 functions.
248 - Added support for cupsPJLCharset attribute in PPD files
249 which specifies the character set that is used in PJL
250 strings (STR #1969)
251 - Moved the definition of the (private) _http_s structure
252 to http-private.h; code that directly accesses the
253 http_t members will no longer compile!
254 - Added support for setting the document-format-default
255 attribute on a per-printer basis.
256 - Added support for IntelliBar label printers.