]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/gcc.git/blob - gcc/d/dmd/dmodule.d
Merge dmd, druntime ceff48bf7d, phobos dcbfbd43a
[thirdparty/gcc.git] / gcc / d / dmd / dmodule.d
1 /**
2 * Defines a package and module.
3 *
4 * Specification: $(LINK2 https://dlang.org/spec/module.html, Modules)
5 *
6 * Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2024 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
7 * Authors: $(LINK2 https://www.digitalmars.com, Walter Bright)
8 * License: $(LINK2 https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0)
9 * Source: $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/dmd/dmodule.d, _dmodule.d)
10 * Documentation: https://dlang.org/phobos/dmd_dmodule.html
11 * Coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/dlang/dmd/src/master/src/dmd/dmodule.d
12 */
14 module dmd.dmodule;
16 import core.stdc.stdio;
17 import core.stdc.stdlib;
18 import core.stdc.string;
20 import dmd.aggregate;
21 import dmd.arraytypes;
22 import dmd.astcodegen;
23 import dmd.astenums;
24 import dmd.common.outbuffer;
25 import dmd.compiler;
26 import dmd.cparse;
27 import dmd.dimport;
28 import dmd.dmacro;
29 import dmd.doc;
30 import dmd.dscope;
31 import dmd.dsymbol;
32 import dmd.dsymbolsem;
33 import dmd.errors;
34 import dmd.errorsink;
35 import dmd.expression;
36 import dmd.expressionsem;
37 import dmd.file_manager;
38 import dmd.func;
39 import dmd.globals;
40 import dmd.gluelayer;
41 import dmd.id;
42 import dmd.identifier;
43 import dmd.location;
44 import dmd.parse;
45 import dmd.root.array;
46 import dmd.root.file;
47 import dmd.root.filename;
48 import dmd.root.port;
49 import dmd.root.rmem;
50 import dmd.root.string;
51 import dmd.rootobject;
52 import dmd.semantic2;
53 import dmd.semantic3;
54 import dmd.target;
55 import dmd.utils;
56 import dmd.visitor;
58 version (Windows)
59 {
60 import core.sys.windows.winbase : getpid = GetCurrentProcessId;
61 enum PathSeparator = '\\';
62 }
63 else version (Posix)
64 {
65 import core.sys.posix.unistd : getpid;
66 enum PathSeparator = '/';
67 }
68 else
69 static assert(0);
71 version (IN_GCC) {}
72 else version (IN_LLVM) {}
73 else version = MARS;
75 // function used to call semantic3 on a module's dependencies
76 void semantic3OnDependencies(Module m)
77 {
78 if (!m)
79 return;
81 if (m.semanticRun > PASS.semantic3)
82 return;
84 m.semantic3(null);
86 foreach (i; 1 .. m.aimports.length)
87 semantic3OnDependencies(m.aimports[i]);
88 }
90 /**
91 * Remove generated .di files on error and exit
92 */
93 void removeHdrFilesAndFail(ref Param params, ref Modules modules) nothrow
94 {
95 if (params.dihdr.doOutput)
96 {
97 foreach (m; modules)
98 {
99 if (m.filetype == FileType.dhdr)
100 continue;
101 File.remove(m.hdrfile.toChars());
102 }
103 }
105 fatal();
106 }
108 /**
109 * Converts a chain of identifiers to the filename of the module
110 *
111 * Params:
112 * packages = the names of the "parent" packages
113 * ident = the name of the child package or module
114 *
115 * Returns:
116 * the filename of the child package or module
117 */
118 private const(char)[] getFilename(Identifier[] packages, Identifier ident) nothrow
119 {
120 const(char)[] filename = ident.toString();
122 OutBuffer buf;
123 OutBuffer dotmods;
124 auto modAliases = &global.params.modFileAliasStrings;
126 if (packages.length == 0 && modAliases.length == 0)
127 return filename;
129 void checkModFileAlias(const(char)[] p)
130 {
131 /* Check and replace the contents of buf[] with
132 * an alias string from global.params.modFileAliasStrings[]
133 */
134 dotmods.writestring(p);
135 foreach_reverse (const m; *modAliases)
136 {
137 const q = strchr(m, '=');
138 assert(q);
139 if (dotmods.length == q - m && memcmp(dotmods.peekChars(), m, q - m) == 0)
140 {
141 buf.setsize(0);
142 auto rhs = q[1 .. strlen(q)];
143 if (rhs.length > 0 && (rhs[$ - 1] == '/' || rhs[$ - 1] == '\\'))
144 rhs = rhs[0 .. $ - 1]; // remove trailing separator
145 buf.writestring(rhs);
146 break; // last matching entry in ms[] wins
147 }
148 }
149 dotmods.writeByte('.');
150 }
152 foreach (pid; packages)
153 {
154 const p = pid.toString();
155 buf.writestring(p);
156 if (modAliases.length)
157 checkModFileAlias(p);
158 buf.writeByte(PathSeparator);
159 }
160 buf.writestring(filename);
161 if (modAliases.length)
162 checkModFileAlias(filename);
163 buf.writeByte(0);
164 filename = buf.extractSlice()[0 .. $ - 1];
166 return filename;
167 }
169 /***********************************************************
170 */
171 extern (C++) class Package : ScopeDsymbol
172 {
173 PKG isPkgMod = PKG.unknown;
174 uint tag; // auto incremented tag, used to mask package tree in scopes
175 Module mod; // !=null if isPkgMod == PKG.module_
177 final extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident) nothrow
178 {
179 super(loc, ident);
180 __gshared uint packageTag;
181 this.tag = packageTag++;
182 }
184 override const(char)* kind() const nothrow
185 {
186 return "package";
187 }
189 override bool equals(const RootObject o) const
190 {
191 // custom 'equals' for bug 17441. "package a" and "module a" are not equal
192 if (this == o)
193 return true;
194 auto p = cast(Package)o;
195 return p && isModule() == p.isModule() && ident.equals(p.ident);
196 }
198 /****************************************************
199 * Input:
200 * packages[] the pkg1.pkg2 of pkg1.pkg2.mod
201 * Returns:
202 * the symbol table that mod should be inserted into
203 * Output:
204 * *pparent the rightmost package, i.e. pkg2, or NULL if no packages
205 * *ppkg the leftmost package, i.e. pkg1, or NULL if no packages
206 */
207 extern (D) static DsymbolTable resolve(Identifier[] packages, Dsymbol* pparent, Package* ppkg)
208 {
209 DsymbolTable dst = Module.modules;
210 Dsymbol parent = null;
211 //printf("Package::resolve()\n");
212 if (ppkg)
213 *ppkg = null;
214 foreach (pid; packages)
215 {
216 Package pkg;
217 Dsymbol p = dst.lookup(pid);
218 if (!p)
219 {
220 pkg = new Package(Loc.initial, pid);
221 dst.insert(pkg);
222 pkg.parent = parent;
223 pkg.symtab = new DsymbolTable();
224 }
225 else
226 {
227 pkg = p.isPackage();
228 assert(pkg);
229 // It might already be a module, not a package, but that needs
230 // to be checked at a higher level, where a nice error message
231 // can be generated.
232 // dot net needs modules and packages with same name
233 // But we still need a symbol table for it
234 if (!pkg.symtab)
235 pkg.symtab = new DsymbolTable();
236 }
237 parent = pkg;
238 dst = pkg.symtab;
239 if (ppkg && !*ppkg)
240 *ppkg = pkg;
241 if (pkg.isModule())
242 {
243 // Return the module so that a nice error message can be generated
244 if (ppkg)
245 *ppkg = cast(Package)p;
246 break;
247 }
248 }
250 if (pparent)
251 *pparent = parent;
252 return dst;
253 }
255 override final inout(Package) isPackage() inout
256 {
257 return this;
258 }
260 /**
261 * Checks if pkg is a sub-package of this
262 *
263 * For example, if this qualifies to 'a1.a2' and pkg - to 'a1.a2.a3',
264 * this function returns 'true'. If it is other way around or qualified
265 * package paths conflict function returns 'false'.
266 *
267 * Params:
268 * pkg = possible subpackage
269 *
270 * Returns:
271 * see description
272 */
273 final bool isAncestorPackageOf(const Package pkg) const
274 {
275 if (this == pkg)
276 return true;
277 if (!pkg || !pkg.parent)
278 return false;
279 return isAncestorPackageOf(pkg.parent.isPackage());
280 }
282 override void accept(Visitor v)
283 {
284 v.visit(this);
285 }
287 final Module isPackageMod()
288 {
289 if (isPkgMod == PKG.module_)
290 {
291 return mod;
292 }
293 return null;
294 }
296 /**
297 * Checks for the existence of a package.d to set isPkgMod appropriately
298 * if isPkgMod == PKG.unknown
299 */
300 final void resolvePKGunknown()
301 {
302 if (isModule())
303 return;
304 if (isPkgMod != PKG.unknown)
305 return;
307 Identifier[] packages;
308 for (Dsymbol s = this.parent; s; s = s.parent)
309 packages ~= s.ident;
310 reverse(packages);
312 if (Module.find(getFilename(packages, ident)))
313 Module.load(Loc.initial, packages, this.ident);
314 else
315 isPkgMod = PKG.package_;
316 }
317 }
319 /***********************************************************
320 */
321 extern (C++) final class Module : Package
322 {
323 extern (C++) __gshared Module rootModule;
324 extern (C++) __gshared DsymbolTable modules; // symbol table of all modules
325 extern (C++) __gshared Modules amodules; // array of all modules
326 extern (C++) __gshared Dsymbols deferred; // deferred Dsymbol's needing semantic() run on them
327 extern (C++) __gshared Dsymbols deferred2; // deferred Dsymbol's needing semantic2() run on them
328 extern (C++) __gshared Dsymbols deferred3; // deferred Dsymbol's needing semantic3() run on them
330 static void _init()
331 {
332 modules = new DsymbolTable();
333 }
335 /**
336 * Deinitializes the global state of the compiler.
337 *
338 * This can be used to restore the state set by `_init` to its original
339 * state.
340 */
341 static void deinitialize()
342 {
343 modules = modules.init;
344 }
346 extern (C++) __gshared AggregateDeclaration moduleinfo;
348 const(char)[] arg; // original argument name
349 ModuleDeclaration* md; // if !=null, the contents of the ModuleDeclaration declaration
350 const FileName srcfile; // input source file
351 const FileName objfile; // output .obj file
352 const FileName hdrfile; // 'header' file
353 FileName docfile; // output documentation file
354 const(ubyte)[] src; /// Raw content of the file
355 uint errors; // if any errors in file
356 uint numlines; // number of lines in source file
357 FileType filetype; // source file type
358 bool hasAlwaysInlines; // contains references to functions that must be inlined
359 bool isPackageFile; // if it is a package.d
360 Package pkg; // if isPackageFile is true, the Package that contains this package.d
361 Strings contentImportedFiles; // array of files whose content was imported
362 int needmoduleinfo;
363 private ThreeState selfimports;
364 private ThreeState rootimports;
365 Dsymbol[void*] tagSymTab; /// ImportC: tag symbols that conflict with other symbols used as the index
367 private OutBuffer defines; // collect all the #define lines here
370 /*************************************
371 * Return true if module imports itself.
372 */
373 bool selfImports()
374 {
375 //printf("Module::selfImports() %s\n", toChars());
376 if (selfimports == ThreeState.none)
377 {
378 foreach (Module m; amodules)
379 m.insearch = false;
380 selfimports = imports(this) ? ThreeState.yes : ThreeState.no;
381 foreach (Module m; amodules)
382 m.insearch = false;
383 }
384 return selfimports == ThreeState.yes;
385 }
387 /*************************************
388 * Return true if module imports root module.
389 */
390 bool rootImports()
391 {
392 //printf("Module::rootImports() %s\n", toChars());
393 if (rootimports == ThreeState.none)
394 {
395 foreach (Module m; amodules)
396 m.insearch = false;
397 rootimports = ThreeState.no;
398 foreach (Module m; amodules)
399 {
400 if (m.isRoot() && imports(m))
401 {
402 rootimports = ThreeState.yes;
403 break;
404 }
405 }
406 foreach (Module m; amodules)
407 m.insearch = false;
408 }
409 return rootimports == ThreeState.yes;
410 }
412 Identifier searchCacheIdent;
413 Dsymbol searchCacheSymbol; // cached value of search
414 SearchOptFlags searchCacheFlags; // cached flags
415 bool insearch;
417 /**
418 * A root module is one that will be compiled all the way to
419 * object code. This field holds the root module that caused
420 * this module to be loaded. If this module is a root module,
421 * then it will be set to `this`. This is used to determine
422 * ownership of template instantiation.
423 */
424 Module importedFrom;
426 Dsymbols* decldefs; // top level declarations for this Module
428 Modules aimports; // all imported modules
430 uint debuglevel; // debug level
431 Identifiers* debugids; // debug identifiers
432 Identifiers* debugidsNot; // forward referenced debug identifiers
434 uint versionlevel; // version level
435 Identifiers* versionids; // version identifiers
436 Identifiers* versionidsNot; // forward referenced version identifiers
438 MacroTable macrotable; // document comment macros
439 Escape* _escapetable; // document comment escapes
441 size_t nameoffset; // offset of module name from start of ModuleInfo
442 size_t namelen; // length of module name in characters
444 extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, const(char)[] filename, Identifier ident, int doDocComment, int doHdrGen)
445 {
446 super(loc, ident);
447 const(char)[] srcfilename;
448 //printf("Module::Module(filename = '%.*s', ident = '%s')\n", cast(int)filename.length, filename.ptr, ident.toChars());
449 this.arg = filename;
450 srcfilename = FileName.defaultExt(filename, mars_ext);
451 if (target.run_noext && global.params.run &&
452 !FileName.ext(filename) &&
453 FileName.exists(srcfilename) == 0 &&
454 FileName.exists(filename) == 1)
455 {
456 FileName.free(srcfilename.ptr);
457 srcfilename = FileName.removeExt(filename); // just does a mem.strdup(filename)
458 }
459 else if (!FileName.equalsExt(srcfilename, mars_ext) &&
460 !FileName.equalsExt(srcfilename, hdr_ext) &&
461 !FileName.equalsExt(srcfilename, c_ext) &&
462 !FileName.equalsExt(srcfilename, i_ext) &&
463 !FileName.equalsExt(srcfilename, dd_ext))
464 {
466 error(loc, "%s `%s` source file name '%.*s' must have .%.*s extension",
467 kind, toPrettyChars,
468 cast(int)srcfilename.length, srcfilename.ptr,
469 cast(int)mars_ext.length, mars_ext.ptr);
470 fatal();
471 }
473 srcfile = FileName(srcfilename);
474 objfile = setOutfilename(global.params.objname, global.params.objdir, filename, target.obj_ext);
475 if (doDocComment)
476 setDocfile();
477 if (doHdrGen)
478 hdrfile = setOutfilename(global.params.dihdr.name, global.params.dihdr.dir, arg, hdr_ext);
479 }
481 extern (D) this(const(char)[] filename, Identifier ident, int doDocComment, int doHdrGen)
482 {
483 this(Loc.initial, filename, ident, doDocComment, doHdrGen);
484 }
486 static Module create(const(char)* filename, Identifier ident, int doDocComment, int doHdrGen)
487 {
488 return create(filename.toDString, ident, doDocComment, doHdrGen);
489 }
491 extern (D) static Module create(const(char)[] filename, Identifier ident, int doDocComment, int doHdrGen)
492 {
493 return new Module(Loc.initial, filename, ident, doDocComment, doHdrGen);
494 }
496 static const(char)* find(const(char)* filename)
497 {
498 return find(filename.toDString).ptr;
499 }
501 extern (D) static const(char)[] find(const(char)[] filename)
502 {
503 return global.fileManager.lookForSourceFile(filename, global.path[]);
504 }
506 extern (C++) static Module load(const ref Loc loc, Identifiers* packages, Identifier ident)
507 {
508 return load(loc, packages ? (*packages)[] : null, ident);
509 }
511 extern (D) static Module load(const ref Loc loc, Identifier[] packages, Identifier ident)
512 {
513 //printf("Module::load(ident = '%s')\n", ident.toChars());
514 // Build module filename by turning:
515 // foo.bar.baz
516 // into:
517 // foo\bar\baz
518 const(char)[] filename = getFilename(packages, ident);
519 // Look for the source file
520 if (const result = find(filename))
521 filename = result; // leaks
523 auto m = new Module(loc, filename, ident, 0, 0);
525 if (!m.read(loc))
526 return null;
527 if (global.params.v.verbose)
528 {
529 OutBuffer buf;
530 foreach (pid; packages)
531 {
532 buf.writestring(pid.toString());
533 buf.writeByte('.');
534 }
535 buf.printf("%s\t(%s)", ident.toChars(), m.srcfile.toChars());
536 message("import %s", buf.peekChars());
537 }
538 if((m = m.parse()) is null) return null;
540 return m;
541 }
543 override const(char)* kind() const
544 {
545 return "module";
546 }
548 /*********************************************
549 * Combines things into output file name for .html and .di files.
550 * Input:
551 * name Command line name given for the file, NULL if none
552 * dir Command line directory given for the file, NULL if none
553 * arg Name of the source file
554 * ext File name extension to use if 'name' is NULL
555 * global.params.preservePaths get output path from arg
556 * srcfile Input file - output file name must not match input file
557 */
558 extern(D) FileName setOutfilename(const(char)[] name, const(char)[] dir, const(char)[] arg, const(char)[] ext)
559 {
560 const(char)[] docfilename;
561 if (name)
562 {
563 docfilename = name;
564 }
565 else
566 {
567 const(char)[] argdoc;
568 OutBuffer buf;
569 if (arg == "__stdin.d")
570 {
571 buf.printf("__stdin_%d.d", getpid());
572 arg = buf[];
573 }
574 if (global.params.preservePaths)
575 argdoc = arg;
576 else
577 argdoc = FileName.name(arg);
578 // If argdoc doesn't have an absolute path, make it relative to dir
579 if (!FileName.absolute(argdoc))
580 {
581 //FileName::ensurePathExists(dir);
582 argdoc = FileName.combine(dir, argdoc);
583 }
584 docfilename = FileName.forceExt(argdoc, ext);
585 }
586 if (FileName.equals(docfilename, srcfile.toString()))
587 {
588 error(loc, "%s `%s` source file and output file have same name '%s'",
589 kind, toPrettyChars, srcfile.toChars());
590 fatal();
591 }
592 return FileName(docfilename);
593 }
595 extern (D) void setDocfile()
596 {
597 docfile = setOutfilename(global.params.ddoc.name, global.params.ddoc.dir, arg, doc_ext);
598 }
600 /**
601 * Trigger the relevant semantic error when a file cannot be read
602 *
603 * We special case `object.d` as a failure is likely to be a rare
604 * but difficult to diagnose case for the user. Packages also require
605 * special handling to avoid exposing the compiler's internals.
606 *
607 * Params:
608 * loc = The location at which the file read originated (e.g. import)
609 */
610 private void onFileReadError(const ref Loc loc)
611 {
612 if (FileName.equals(srcfile.toString(), "object.d"))
613 {
614 .error(loc, "cannot find source code for runtime library file 'object.d'");
615 version (IN_LLVM)
616 {
617 errorSupplemental(loc, "ldc2 might not be correctly installed.");
618 errorSupplemental(loc, "Please check your ldc2.conf configuration file.");
619 errorSupplemental(loc, "Installation instructions can be found at http://wiki.dlang.org/LDC.");
620 }
621 version (MARS)
622 {
623 errorSupplemental(loc, "dmd might not be correctly installed. Run 'dmd -man' for installation instructions.");
624 const dmdConfFile = global.inifilename.length ? FileName.canonicalName(global.inifilename) : "not found";
625 errorSupplemental(loc, "config file: %.*s", cast(int)dmdConfFile.length, dmdConfFile.ptr);
626 }
627 }
628 else if (FileName.ext(this.arg) || !loc.isValid())
629 {
630 // Modules whose original argument name has an extension, or do not
631 // have a valid location come from the command-line.
632 // Error that their file cannot be found and return early.
633 .error(loc, "cannot find input file `%s`", srcfile.toChars());
634 }
635 else
636 {
637 // if module is not named 'package' but we're trying to read 'package.d', we're looking for a package module
638 bool isPackageMod = (strcmp(toChars(), "package") != 0) && isPackageFileName(srcfile);
639 if (isPackageMod)
640 .error(loc, "importing package '%s' requires a 'package.d' file which cannot be found in '%s'", toChars(), srcfile.toChars());
641 else
642 {
643 .error(loc, "unable to read module `%s`", toChars());
644 const pkgfile = FileName.combine(FileName.removeExt(srcfile.toString()), package_d);
645 .errorSupplemental(loc, "Expected '%s' or '%s' in one of the following import paths:",
646 srcfile.toChars(), pkgfile.ptr);
647 }
648 }
649 if (!global.gag)
650 {
651 /* Print path
652 */
653 if (global.path.length)
654 {
655 foreach (i, p; global.path[])
656 fprintf(stderr, "import path[%llu] = %s\n", cast(ulong)i, p);
657 }
658 else
659 {
660 fprintf(stderr, "Specify path to file '%s' with -I switch\n", srcfile.toChars());
661 }
663 removeHdrFilesAndFail(global.params, Module.amodules);
664 }
665 }
667 /**
668 * Reads the file from `srcfile` and loads the source buffer.
669 *
670 * If makefile module dependency is requested, we add this module
671 * to the list of dependencies from here.
672 *
673 * Params:
674 * loc = the location
675 *
676 * Returns: `true` if successful
677 */
678 bool read(const ref Loc loc)
679 {
680 if (this.src)
681 return true; // already read
683 //printf("Module::read('%s') file '%s'\n", toChars(), srcfile.toChars());
685 /* Preprocess the file if it's a .c file
686 */
687 FileName filename = srcfile;
689 const(ubyte)[] srctext;
690 if (global.preprocess &&
691 FileName.equalsExt(srcfile.toString(), c_ext) &&
692 FileName.exists(srcfile.toString()))
693 {
694 /* Apply C preprocessor to the .c file, returning the contents
695 * after preprocessing
696 */
697 srctext = global.preprocess(srcfile, loc, defines).data;
698 }
699 else
700 srctext = global.fileManager.getFileContents(filename);
701 this.src = srctext;
703 if (srctext)
704 {
705 if (global.params.makeDeps.doOutput)
706 global.params.makeDeps.files.push(srcfile.toChars());
707 return true;
708 }
710 this.onFileReadError(loc);
711 return false;
712 }
714 /// syntactic parse
715 Module parse()
716 {
717 return parseModule!ASTCodegen();
718 }
720 /// ditto
721 extern (D) Module parseModule(AST)()
722 {
723 const(char)* srcname = srcfile.toChars();
724 //printf("Module::parse(srcname = '%s')\n", srcname);
725 isPackageFile = isPackageFileName(srcfile);
726 const(char)[] buf = processSource(src, this);
727 // an error happened on UTF conversion
728 if (buf is null) return null;
730 /* If it starts with the string "Ddoc", then it's a documentation
731 * source file.
732 */
733 if (buf.length>= 4 && buf[0..4] == "Ddoc")
734 {
735 comment = buf.ptr + 4;
736 filetype = FileType.ddoc;
737 if (!docfile)
738 setDocfile();
739 return this;
740 }
741 /* If it has the extension ".dd", it is also a documentation
742 * source file. Documentation source files may begin with "Ddoc"
743 * but do not have to if they have the .dd extension.
744 * https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15465
745 */
746 if (FileName.equalsExt(arg, dd_ext))
747 {
748 comment = buf.ptr; // the optional Ddoc, if present, is handled above.
749 filetype = FileType.ddoc;
750 if (!docfile)
751 setDocfile();
752 return this;
753 }
754 /* If it has the extension ".di", it is a "header" file.
755 */
756 if (FileName.equalsExt(arg, hdr_ext))
757 filetype = FileType.dhdr;
759 /// Promote `this` to a root module if requested via `-i`
760 void checkCompiledImport()
761 {
762 if (!this.isRoot() && Compiler.onImport(this))
763 this.importedFrom = this;
764 }
766 DsymbolTable dst;
767 Package ppack = null;
769 /* If it has the extension ".c", it is a "C" file.
770 * If it has the extension ".i", it is a preprocessed "C" file.
771 */
772 if (FileName.equalsExt(arg, c_ext) || FileName.equalsExt(arg, i_ext))
773 {
774 filetype = FileType.c;
776 global.compileEnv.masm = target.os == Target.OS.Windows && !target.omfobj; // Microsoft inline assembler format
777 scope p = new CParser!AST(this, buf, cast(bool) docfile, global.errorSink, target.c, &defines, &global.compileEnv);
778 global.compileEnv.masm = false;
779 p.nextToken();
780 checkCompiledImport();
781 members = p.parseModule();
782 assert(!p.md); // C doesn't have module declarations
783 numlines = p.scanloc.linnum;
784 }
785 else
786 {
787 const bool doUnittests = global.params.parsingUnittestsRequired();
788 scope p = new Parser!AST(this, buf, cast(bool) docfile, global.errorSink, &global.compileEnv, doUnittests);
789 p.transitionIn = global.params.v.vin;
790 p.nextToken();
791 p.parseModuleDeclaration();
792 md = p.md;
794 if (md)
795 {
796 /* A ModuleDeclaration, md, was provided.
797 * The ModuleDeclaration sets the packages this module appears in, and
798 * the name of this module.
799 */
800 this.ident = md.id;
801 dst = Package.resolve(md.packages, &this.parent, &ppack);
802 }
804 // Done after parsing the module header because `module x.y.z` may override the file name
805 checkCompiledImport();
807 members = p.parseModuleContent();
808 numlines = p.scanloc.linnum;
809 }
811 /* The symbol table into which the module is to be inserted.
812 */
814 if (md)
815 {
816 // Mark the package path as accessible from the current module
817 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21661
818 // Code taken from Import.addPackageAccess()
819 if (md.packages.length > 0)
820 {
821 // module a.b.c.d;
822 auto p = ppack; // a
823 addAccessiblePackage(p, Visibility(Visibility.Kind.private_));
824 foreach (id; md.packages[1 .. $]) // [b, c]
825 {
826 p = cast(Package) p.symtab.lookup(id);
827 if (p is null)
828 break;
829 addAccessiblePackage(p, Visibility(Visibility.Kind.private_));
830 }
831 }
832 assert(dst);
833 Module m = ppack ? ppack.isModule() : null;
834 if (m && !isPackageFileName(m.srcfile))
835 {
836 .error(md.loc, "package name '%s' conflicts with usage as a module name in file %s", ppack.toPrettyChars(), m.srcfile.toChars());
837 }
838 }
839 else
840 {
841 /* The name of the module is set to the source file name.
842 * There are no packages.
843 */
844 dst = modules; // and so this module goes into global module symbol table
845 /* Check to see if module name is a valid identifier
846 */
847 if (!Identifier.isValidIdentifier(this.ident.toChars()))
848 error(loc, "%s `%s` has non-identifier characters in filename, use module declaration instead", kind, toPrettyChars);
849 }
850 // Insert module into the symbol table
851 Dsymbol s = this;
852 if (isPackageFile)
853 {
854 /* If the source tree is as follows:
855 * pkg/
856 * +- package.d
857 * +- common.d
858 * the 'pkg' will be incorporated to the internal package tree in two ways:
859 * import pkg;
860 * and:
861 * import pkg.common;
862 *
863 * If both are used in one compilation, 'pkg' as a module (== pkg/package.d)
864 * and a package name 'pkg' will conflict each other.
865 *
866 * To avoid the conflict:
867 * 1. If preceding package name insertion had occurred by Package::resolve,
868 * reuse the previous wrapping 'Package' if it exists
869 * 2. Otherwise, 'package.d' wrapped by 'Package' is inserted to the internal tree in here.
870 *
871 * Then change Package::isPkgMod to PKG.module_ and set Package::mod.
872 *
873 * Note that the 'wrapping Package' is the Package that contains package.d and other submodules,
874 * the one inserted to the symbol table.
875 */
876 auto ps = dst.lookup(ident);
877 Package p = ps ? ps.isPackage() : null;
878 if (p is null)
879 {
880 p = new Package(Loc.initial, ident);
881 p.tag = this.tag; // reuse the same package tag
882 p.symtab = new DsymbolTable();
883 }
884 this.tag = p.tag; // reuse the 'older' package tag
885 this.pkg = p;
886 p.parent = this.parent;
887 p.isPkgMod = PKG.module_;
888 p.mod = this;
889 s = p;
890 }
891 if (!dst.insert(s))
892 {
893 /* It conflicts with a name that is already in the symbol table.
894 * Figure out what went wrong, and issue error message.
895 */
896 Dsymbol prev = dst.lookup(ident);
897 assert(prev);
898 if (Module mprev = prev.isModule())
899 {
900 if (!FileName.equals(srcname, mprev.srcfile.toChars()))
901 error(loc, "%s `%s` from file %s conflicts with another module %s from file %s", kind, toPrettyChars, srcname, mprev.toChars(), mprev.srcfile.toChars());
902 else if (isRoot() && mprev.isRoot())
903 error(loc, "%s `%s` from file %s is specified twice on the command line", kind, toPrettyChars, srcname);
904 else
905 error(loc, "%s `%s` from file %s must be imported with 'import %s;'", kind, toPrettyChars, srcname, toPrettyChars());
906 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14446
907 // Return previously parsed module to avoid AST duplication ICE.
908 return mprev;
909 }
910 else if (Package pkg = prev.isPackage())
911 {
912 // 'package.d' loaded after a previous 'Package' insertion
913 if (isPackageFile)
914 amodules.push(this); // Add to global array of all modules
915 else
916 error(md ? md.loc : loc, "%s `%s` from file %s conflicts with package name %s", kind, toPrettyChars, srcname, pkg.toChars());
917 }
918 else
919 assert(global.errors);
920 }
921 else
922 {
923 // Add to global array of all modules
924 amodules.push(this);
925 }
926 Compiler.onParseModule(this);
927 return this;
928 }
930 /**********************************
931 * Determine if we need to generate an instance of ModuleInfo
932 * for this Module.
933 */
934 int needModuleInfo()
935 {
936 //printf("needModuleInfo() %s, %d, %d\n", toChars(), needmoduleinfo, global.params.cov);
937 return needmoduleinfo || global.params.cov;
938 }
940 /*******************************************
941 * Print deprecation warning if we're deprecated, when
942 * this module is imported from scope sc.
943 *
944 * Params:
945 * sc = the scope into which we are imported
946 * loc = the location of the import statement
947 */
948 void checkImportDeprecation(const ref Loc loc, Scope* sc)
949 {
950 if (md && md.isdeprecated && !sc.isDeprecated)
951 {
952 Expression msg = md.msg;
953 if (StringExp se = msg ? msg.toStringExp() : null)
954 {
955 const slice = se.peekString();
956 if (slice.length)
957 {
958 deprecation(loc, "%s `%s` is deprecated - %.*s", kind, toPrettyChars, cast(int)slice.length, slice.ptr);
959 return;
960 }
961 }
962 deprecation(loc, "%s `%s` is deprecated", kind, toPrettyChars);
963 }
964 }
966 override bool isPackageAccessible(Package p, Visibility visibility, SearchOptFlags flags = SearchOpt.all)
967 {
968 if (insearch) // don't follow import cycles
969 return false;
970 insearch = true;
971 scope (exit)
972 insearch = false;
973 if (flags & SearchOpt.ignorePrivateImports)
974 visibility = Visibility(Visibility.Kind.public_); // only consider public imports
975 return super.isPackageAccessible(p, visibility);
976 }
978 override Dsymbol symtabInsert(Dsymbol s)
979 {
980 searchCacheIdent = null; // symbol is inserted, so invalidate cache
981 return Package.symtabInsert(s);
982 }
984 extern (D) void deleteObjFile()
985 {
986 if (global.params.obj)
987 File.remove(objfile.toChars());
988 if (docfile)
989 File.remove(docfile.toChars());
990 }
992 /*******************************************
993 * Can't run semantic on s now, try again later.
994 */
995 extern (D) static void addDeferredSemantic(Dsymbol s)
996 {
997 //printf("Module::addDeferredSemantic('%s')\n", s.toChars());
998 if (!deferred.contains(s))
999 deferred.push(s);
1000 }
1002 extern (D) static void addDeferredSemantic2(Dsymbol s)
1003 {
1004 //printf("Module::addDeferredSemantic2('%s')\n", s.toChars());
1005 if (!deferred2.contains(s))
1006 deferred2.push(s);
1007 }
1009 extern (D) static void addDeferredSemantic3(Dsymbol s)
1010 {
1011 //printf("Module::addDeferredSemantic3('%s')\n", s.toChars());
1012 if (!deferred.contains(s))
1013 deferred3.push(s);
1014 }
1016 /******************************************
1017 * Run semantic() on deferred symbols.
1018 */
1019 static void runDeferredSemantic()
1020 {
1021 __gshared int nested;
1022 if (nested)
1023 return;
1024 //if (deferred.length) printf("+Module::runDeferredSemantic(), len = %ld\n", deferred.length);
1025 nested++;
1027 size_t len;
1028 do
1029 {
1030 len = deferred.length;
1031 if (!len)
1032 break;
1034 Dsymbol* todo;
1035 Dsymbol* todoalloc = null;
1036 Dsymbol tmp;
1037 if (len == 1)
1038 {
1039 todo = &tmp;
1040 }
1041 else
1042 {
1043 todo = cast(Dsymbol*)Mem.check(malloc(len * Dsymbol.sizeof));
1044 todoalloc = todo;
1045 }
1046 memcpy(todo, deferred.tdata(), len * Dsymbol.sizeof);
1047 deferred.setDim(0);
1049 foreach (i; 0..len)
1050 {
1051 Dsymbol s = todo[i];
1052 s.dsymbolSemantic(null);
1053 //printf("deferred: %s, parent = %s\n", s.toChars(), s.parent.toChars());
1054 }
1055 //printf("\tdeferred.length = %ld, len = %ld\n", deferred.length, len);
1056 if (todoalloc)
1057 free(todoalloc);
1058 }
1059 while (deferred.length != len); // while making progress
1060 nested--;
1061 //printf("-Module::runDeferredSemantic(), len = %ld\n", deferred.length);
1062 }
1064 static void runDeferredSemantic2()
1065 {
1066 Module.runDeferredSemantic();
1068 Dsymbols* a = &Module.deferred2;
1069 for (size_t i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
1070 {
1071 Dsymbol s = (*a)[i];
1072 //printf("[%d] %s semantic2a\n", i, s.toPrettyChars());
1073 s.semantic2(null);
1075 if (global.errors)
1076 break;
1077 }
1078 a.setDim(0);
1079 }
1081 static void runDeferredSemantic3()
1082 {
1083 Module.runDeferredSemantic2();
1085 Dsymbols* a = &Module.deferred3;
1086 for (size_t i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
1087 {
1088 Dsymbol s = (*a)[i];
1089 //printf("[%d] %s semantic3a\n", i, s.toPrettyChars());
1090 s.semantic3(null);
1092 if (global.errors)
1093 break;
1094 }
1095 a.setDim(0);
1096 }
1098 extern (D) static void clearCache() nothrow
1099 {
1100 foreach (Module m; amodules)
1101 m.searchCacheIdent = null;
1102 }
1104 /************************************
1105 * Recursively look at every module this module imports,
1106 * return true if it imports m.
1107 * Can be used to detect circular imports.
1108 */
1109 int imports(Module m) nothrow
1110 {
1111 //printf("%s Module::imports(%s)\n", toChars(), m.toChars());
1112 version (none)
1113 {
1114 foreach (i, Module mi; aimports)
1115 printf("\t[%d] %s\n", cast(int) i, mi.toChars());
1116 }
1117 foreach (Module mi; aimports)
1118 {
1119 if (mi == m)
1120 return true;
1121 if (!mi.insearch)
1122 {
1123 mi.insearch = true;
1124 int r = mi.imports(m);
1125 if (r)
1126 return r;
1127 }
1128 }
1129 return false;
1130 }
1132 bool isRoot() nothrow
1133 {
1134 return this.importedFrom == this;
1135 }
1137 /// Returns: Whether this module is in the `core` package and has name `ident`
1138 bool isCoreModule(Identifier ident) nothrow
1139 {
1140 return this.ident == ident && parent && parent.ident == Id.core && !parent.parent;
1141 }
1143 // Back end
1144 int doppelganger; // sub-module
1145 Symbol* cov; // private uint[] __coverage;
1146 uint[] covb; // bit array of valid code line numbers
1147 Symbol* sictor; // module order independent constructor
1148 Symbol* sctor; // module constructor
1149 Symbol* sdtor; // module destructor
1150 Symbol* ssharedctor; // module shared constructor
1151 Symbol* sshareddtor; // module shared destructor
1152 Symbol* stest; // module unit test
1153 Symbol* sfilename; // symbol for filename
1155 uint[uint] ctfe_cov; /// coverage information from ctfe execution_count[line]
1157 override inout(Module) isModule() inout nothrow
1158 {
1159 return this;
1160 }
1162 override void accept(Visitor v)
1163 {
1164 v.visit(this);
1165 }
1167 /***********************************************
1168 * Writes this module's fully-qualified name to buf
1169 * Params:
1170 * buf = The buffer to write to
1171 */
1172 void fullyQualifiedName(ref OutBuffer buf) nothrow
1173 {
1174 buf.writestring(ident.toString());
1176 for (auto package_ = parent; package_ !is null; package_ = package_.parent)
1177 {
1178 buf.prependstring(".");
1179 buf.prependstring(package_.ident.toChars());
1180 }
1181 }
1183 /** Lazily initializes and returns the escape table.
1184 Turns out it eats a lot of memory.
1185 */
1186 extern(D) Escape* escapetable() nothrow
1187 {
1188 if (!_escapetable)
1189 _escapetable = new Escape();
1190 return _escapetable;
1191 }
1193 /****************************
1194 * A Singleton that loads core.stdc.config
1195 * Returns:
1196 * Module of core.stdc.config, null if couldn't find it
1197 */
1198 extern (D) static Module loadCoreStdcConfig()
1199 {
1200 __gshared Module core_stdc_config;
1201 auto pkgids = new Identifier[2];
1202 pkgids[0] = Id.core;
1203 pkgids[1] = Id.stdc;
1204 return loadModuleFromLibrary(core_stdc_config, pkgids, Id.config);
1205 }
1207 /****************************
1208 * A Singleton that loads core.atomic
1209 * Returns:
1210 * Module of core.atomic, null if couldn't find it
1211 */
1212 extern (D) static Module loadCoreAtomic()
1213 {
1214 __gshared Module core_atomic;
1215 auto pkgids = new Identifier[1];
1216 pkgids[0] = Id.core;
1217 return loadModuleFromLibrary(core_atomic, pkgids, Id.atomic);
1218 }
1220 /****************************
1221 * A Singleton that loads std.math
1222 * Returns:
1223 * Module of std.math, null if couldn't find it
1224 */
1225 extern (D) static Module loadStdMath()
1226 {
1227 __gshared Module std_math;
1228 auto pkgids = new Identifier[1];
1229 pkgids[0] = Id.std;
1230 return loadModuleFromLibrary(std_math, pkgids, Id.math);
1231 }
1233 /**********************************
1234 * Load a Module from the library.
1235 * Params:
1236 * mod = cached return value of this call
1237 * pkgids = package identifiers
1238 * modid = module id
1239 * Returns:
1240 * Module loaded, null if cannot load it
1241 */
1242 extern (D) private static Module loadModuleFromLibrary(ref Module mod, Identifier[] pkgids, Identifier modid)
1243 {
1244 if (mod)
1245 return mod;
1247 auto imp = new Import(Loc.initial, pkgids[], modid, null, true);
1248 // Module.load will call fatal() if there's no module available.
1249 // Gag the error here, pushing the error handling to the caller.
1250 const errors = global.startGagging();
1251 imp.load(null);
1252 if (imp.mod)
1253 {
1254 imp.mod.importAll(null);
1255 imp.mod.dsymbolSemantic(null);
1256 }
1257 global.endGagging(errors);
1258 mod = imp.mod;
1259 return mod;
1260 }
1261 }
1263 /***********************************************************
1264 */
1265 extern (C++) struct ModuleDeclaration
1266 {
1267 Loc loc;
1268 Identifier id;
1269 Identifier[] packages; // array of Identifier's representing packages
1270 bool isdeprecated; // if it is a deprecated module
1271 Expression msg;
1273 extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier[] packages, Identifier id, Expression msg, bool isdeprecated) @safe
1274 {
1275 this.loc = loc;
1276 this.packages = packages;
1277 this.id = id;
1278 this.msg = msg;
1279 this.isdeprecated = isdeprecated;
1280 }
1282 extern (C++) const(char)* toChars() const @safe
1283 {
1284 OutBuffer buf;
1285 foreach (pid; packages)
1286 {
1287 buf.writestring(pid.toString());
1288 buf.writeByte('.');
1289 }
1290 buf.writestring(id.toString());
1291 return buf.extractChars();
1292 }
1294 /// Provide a human readable representation
1295 extern (D) const(char)[] toString() const
1296 {
1297 return this.toChars().toDString;
1298 }
1299 }
1301 /****************************************
1302 * Create array of the local classes in the Module, suitable
1303 * for inclusion in ModuleInfo
1304 * Params:
1305 * mod = the Module
1306 * aclasses = array to fill in
1307 * Returns: array of local classes
1308 */
1309 void getLocalClasses(Module mod, ref ClassDeclarations aclasses)
1310 {
1311 //printf("members.length = %d\n", mod.members.length);
1312 int pushAddClassDg(size_t n, Dsymbol sm)
1313 {
1314 if (!sm)
1315 return 0;
1317 if (auto cd = sm.isClassDeclaration())
1318 {
1319 // compatibility with previous algorithm
1320 if (cd.parent && cd.parent.isTemplateMixin())
1321 return 0;
1323 if (cd.classKind != ClassKind.objc)
1324 aclasses.push(cd);
1325 }
1326 return 0;
1327 }
1329 _foreach(null, mod.members, &pushAddClassDg);
1330 }
1333 alias ForeachDg = int delegate(size_t idx, Dsymbol s);
1335 /***************************************
1336 * Expands attribute declarations in members in depth first
1337 * order. Calls dg(size_t symidx, Dsymbol *sym) for each
1338 * member.
1339 * If dg returns !=0, stops and returns that value else returns 0.
1340 * Use this function to avoid the O(N + N^2/2) complexity of
1341 * calculating dim and calling N times getNth.
1342 * Returns:
1343 * last value returned by dg()
1344 */
1345 int _foreach(Scope* sc, Dsymbols* members, scope ForeachDg dg, size_t* pn = null)
1346 {
1347 assert(dg);
1348 if (!members)
1349 return 0;
1350 size_t n = pn ? *pn : 0; // take over index
1351 int result = 0;
1352 foreach (size_t i; 0 .. members.length)
1353 {
1354 import dmd.attrib : AttribDeclaration;
1355 import dmd.dtemplate : TemplateMixin;
1357 Dsymbol s = (*members)[i];
1358 if (AttribDeclaration a = s.isAttribDeclaration())
1359 result = _foreach(sc, a.include(sc), dg, &n);
1360 else if (TemplateMixin tm = s.isTemplateMixin())
1361 result = _foreach(sc, tm.members, dg, &n);
1362 else if (s.isTemplateInstance())
1363 {
1364 }
1365 else if (s.isUnitTestDeclaration())
1366 {
1367 }
1368 else
1369 result = dg(n++, s);
1370 if (result)
1371 break;
1372 }
1373 if (pn)
1374 *pn = n; // update index
1375 return result;
1376 }
1378 /**
1379 * Process the content of a source file
1380 *
1381 * Attempts to find which encoding it is using, if it has BOM,
1382 * and then normalize the source to UTF-8. If no encoding is required,
1383 * a slice of `src` will be returned without extra allocation.
1384 *
1385 * Params:
1386 * src = Content of the source file to process
1387 * mod = Module matching `src`, used for error handling
1388 *
1389 * Returns:
1390 * UTF-8 encoded variant of `src`, stripped of any BOM,
1391 * or `null` if an error happened.
1392 */
1393 private const(char)[] processSource (const(ubyte)[] src, Module mod)
1394 {
1395 enum SourceEncoding { utf16, utf32}
1396 enum Endian { little, big}
1398 /*
1399 * Convert a buffer from UTF32 to UTF8
1400 * Params:
1401 * Endian = is the buffer big/little endian
1402 * buf = buffer of UTF32 data
1403 * Returns:
1404 * input buffer reencoded as UTF8
1405 */
1407 char[] UTF32ToUTF8(Endian endian)(const(char)[] buf)
1408 {
1409 static if (endian == Endian.little)
1410 alias readNext = Port.readlongLE;
1411 else
1412 alias readNext = Port.readlongBE;
1414 if (buf.length & 3)
1415 {
1416 .error(mod.loc, "%s `%s` odd length of UTF-32 char source %llu",
1417 mod.kind, mod.toPrettyChars, cast(ulong) buf.length);
1418 return null;
1419 }
1421 const (uint)[] eBuf = cast(const(uint)[])buf;
1423 OutBuffer dbuf;
1424 dbuf.reserve(eBuf.length);
1426 foreach (i; 0 .. eBuf.length)
1427 {
1428 const u = readNext(&eBuf[i]);
1429 if (u & ~0x7F)
1430 {
1431 if (u > 0x10FFFF)
1432 {
1433 .error(mod.loc, "%s `%s` UTF-32 value %08x greater than 0x10FFFF", mod.kind, mod.toPrettyChars, u);
1434 return null;
1435 }
1436 dbuf.writeUTF8(u);
1437 }
1438 else
1439 dbuf.writeByte(u);
1440 }
1441 dbuf.writeByte(0); //add null terminator
1442 return dbuf.extractSlice();
1443 }
1445 /*
1446 * Convert a buffer from UTF16 to UTF8
1447 * Params:
1448 * Endian = is the buffer big/little endian
1449 * buf = buffer of UTF16 data
1450 * Returns:
1451 * input buffer reencoded as UTF8
1452 */
1454 char[] UTF16ToUTF8(Endian endian)(const(char)[] buf)
1455 {
1456 static if (endian == Endian.little)
1457 alias readNext = Port.readwordLE;
1458 else
1459 alias readNext = Port.readwordBE;
1461 if (buf.length & 1)
1462 {
1463 .error(mod.loc, "%s `%s` odd length of UTF-16 char source %llu", mod.kind, mod.toPrettyChars, cast(ulong) buf.length);
1464 return null;
1465 }
1467 const (ushort)[] eBuf = cast(const(ushort)[])buf;
1469 OutBuffer dbuf;
1470 dbuf.reserve(eBuf.length);
1472 //i will be incremented in the loop for high codepoints
1473 foreach (ref i; 0 .. eBuf.length)
1474 {
1475 uint u = readNext(&eBuf[i]);
1476 if (u & ~0x7F)
1477 {
1478 if (0xD800 <= u && u < 0xDC00)
1479 {
1480 i++;
1481 if (i >= eBuf.length)
1482 {
1483 .error(mod.loc, "%s `%s` surrogate UTF-16 high value %04x at end of file", mod.kind, mod.toPrettyChars, u);
1484 return null;
1485 }
1486 const u2 = readNext(&eBuf[i]);
1487 if (u2 < 0xDC00 || 0xE000 <= u2)
1488 {
1489 .error(mod.loc, "%s `%s` surrogate UTF-16 low value %04x out of range", mod.kind, mod.toPrettyChars, u2);
1490 return null;
1491 }
1492 u = (u - 0xD7C0) << 10;
1493 u |= (u2 - 0xDC00);
1494 }
1495 else if (u >= 0xDC00 && u <= 0xDFFF)
1496 {
1497 .error(mod.loc, "%s `%s` unpaired surrogate UTF-16 value %04x", mod.kind, mod.toPrettyChars, u);
1498 return null;
1499 }
1500 else if (u == 0xFFFE || u == 0xFFFF)
1501 {
1502 .error(mod.loc, "%s `%s` illegal UTF-16 value %04x", mod.kind, mod.toPrettyChars, u);
1503 return null;
1504 }
1505 dbuf.writeUTF8(u);
1506 }
1507 else
1508 dbuf.writeByte(u);
1509 }
1510 dbuf.writeByte(0); //add a terminating null byte
1511 return dbuf.extractSlice();
1512 }
1514 const(char)[] buf = cast(const(char)[]) src;
1516 // Assume the buffer is from memory and has not be read from disk. Assume UTF-8.
1517 if (buf.length < 2)
1518 return buf;
1520 /* Convert all non-UTF-8 formats to UTF-8.
1521 * BOM : https://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html
1522 * 00 00 FE FF UTF-32BE, big-endian
1523 * FF FE 00 00 UTF-32LE, little-endian
1524 * FE FF UTF-16BE, big-endian
1525 * FF FE UTF-16LE, little-endian
1526 * EF BB BF UTF-8
1527 */
1528 if (buf[0] == 0xFF && buf[1] == 0xFE)
1529 {
1530 if (buf.length >= 4 && buf[2] == 0 && buf[3] == 0)
1531 return UTF32ToUTF8!(Endian.little)(buf[4 .. $]);
1532 return UTF16ToUTF8!(Endian.little)(buf[2 .. $]);
1533 }
1535 if (buf[0] == 0xFE && buf[1] == 0xFF)
1536 return UTF16ToUTF8!(Endian.big)(buf[2 .. $]);
1538 if (buf.length >= 4 && buf[0] == 0 && buf[1] == 0 && buf[2] == 0xFE && buf[3] == 0xFF)
1539 return UTF32ToUTF8!(Endian.big)(buf[4 .. $]);
1541 if (buf.length >= 3 && buf[0] == 0xEF && buf[1] == 0xBB && buf[2] == 0xBF)
1542 return buf[3 .. $];
1544 /* There is no BOM. Make use of Arcane Jill's insight that
1545 * the first char of D source must be ASCII to
1546 * figure out the encoding.
1547 */
1548 if (buf.length >= 4 && buf[1] == 0 && buf[2] == 0 && buf[3] == 0)
1549 return UTF32ToUTF8!(Endian.little)(buf);
1550 if (buf.length >= 4 && buf[0] == 0 && buf[1] == 0 && buf[2] == 0)
1551 return UTF32ToUTF8!(Endian.big)(buf);
1552 // try to check for UTF-16
1553 if (buf.length >= 2 && buf[1] == 0)
1554 return UTF16ToUTF8!(Endian.little)(buf);
1555 if (buf[0] == 0)
1556 return UTF16ToUTF8!(Endian.big)(buf);
1558 // It's UTF-8
1559 if (buf[0] >= 0x80)
1560 {
1561 auto loc = mod.getLoc();
1562 .error(loc, "%s `%s` source file must start with BOM or ASCII character, not \\x%02X", mod.kind, mod.toPrettyChars, buf[0]);
1563 return null;
1564 }
1566 return buf;
1567 }
1569 /*******************************************
1570 * Look for member of the form:
1571 * const(MemberInfo)[] getMembers(string);
1572 * Returns NULL if not found
1573 */
1574 FuncDeclaration findGetMembers(ScopeDsymbol dsym)
1575 {
1576 import dmd.opover : search_function;
1577 Dsymbol s = search_function(dsym, Id.getmembers);
1578 FuncDeclaration fdx = s ? s.isFuncDeclaration() : null;
1579 version (none)
1580 {
1581 // Finish
1582 __gshared TypeFunction tfgetmembers;
1583 if (!tfgetmembers)
1584 {
1585 Scope sc;
1586 sc.eSink = global.errorSink;
1587 auto parameters = new Parameters();
1588 Parameters* p = new Parameter(STC.in_, Type.tchar.constOf().arrayOf(), null, null);
1589 parameters.push(p);
1590 Type tret = null;
1591 TypeFunction tf = new TypeFunction(parameters, tret, VarArg.none, LINK.d);
1592 tfgetmembers = tf.dsymbolSemantic(Loc.initial, &sc).isTypeFunction();
1593 }
1594 if (fdx)
1595 fdx = fdx.overloadExactMatch(tfgetmembers);
1596 }
1597 if (fdx && fdx.isVirtual())
1598 fdx = null;
1599 return fdx;
1600 }