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5 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../cups-printable.css">
6 <title>cupsd.conf(5)</title>
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8 <body>
9 <h1 class="title">cupsd.conf(5)</h1>
10 <h2 class="title"><a name="NAME">Name</a></h2>
11 cupsd.conf - server configuration file for cups
12 <h2 class="title"><a name="DESCRIPTION">Description</a></h2>
13 The
14 <i>cupsd.conf</i>
15 file configures the CUPS scheduler,
16 <a href="man-cupsd.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cupsd</b>(8).</a>
17 It is normally located in the
18 <i>/etc/cups</i>
19 directory. <b>Note:</b> File, directory, and user configuration directives that used to be allowed in the <i>cupsd.conf</i> file are now stored in the <i>cups-files.conf(5)</i> instead in order to prevent certain types of privilege escalation attacks.
20 <p>Each line in the file can be a configuration directive, a blank line, or a comment. Comment lines start with the # character. The configuration directives are intentionally similar to those used by the popular Apache web server software and are described below.
21 <h2 class="title"><a name="TOP_LEVEL_DIRECTIVES">Top-level Directives</a></h2>
22 The following directives are understood by
23 <b>cupsd</b><b>(8).</b>
24 Consult the online help (<a href="http://localhost:631/help">http://localhost:631/help</a>) for detailed descriptions:
25 <dl class="man">
26 <dt>AccessLogLevel config
27 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>AccessLogLevel actions
28 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>AccessLogLevel all
29 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the logging level for the AccessLog file.
30 <dt>AutoPurgeJobs Yes
31 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>AutoPurgeJobs No
32 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><br>
33 Specifies whether to purge job history data automatically when
34 it is no longer required for quotas.
35 <dt>BrowseLocalProtocols [
36 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><i>All</i>
37 ] [
38 <i>DNSSD</i>
39 ]
40 Specifies the protocols to use for local printer sharing.
41 <dt>BrowseWebIF Yes
42 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>BrowseWebIF No
43 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><br>
44 Specifies whether the CUPS web interface is advertised via DNS-SD.
45 <dt>Browsing Yes
46 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Browsing No
47 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><br>
48 Specifies whether or not shared printers should be advertised.
49 <dt>Classification banner
50 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><br>
51 Specifies the security classification of the server.
52 <dt>ClassifyOverride Yes
53 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>ClassifyOverride No
54 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><br>
55 Specifies whether to allow users to override the classification
56 of individual print jobs.
57 <dt>DefaultAuthType Basic
58 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>DefaultAuthType Negotiate
59 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><br>
60 Specifies the default type of authentication to use.
61 <dt>DefaultEncryption Never
62 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>DefaultEncryption IfRequested
63 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>DefaultEncryption Required
64 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the type of encryption to use for authenticated requests.
65 <dt>DefaultLanguage locale
66 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the default language to use for text and web content.
67 <dt>DefaultPaperSize Auto
68 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>DefaultPaperSize None
69 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>DefaultPaperSize sizename
70 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the default paper size for new print queues. "Auto" uses a locale-
71 specific default, while "None" specifies there is no default paper size.
72 <dt>DefaultPolicy policy-name
73 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the default access policy to use.
74 <dt>DefaultShared Yes
75 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>DefaultShared No
76 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies whether local printers are shared by default.
77 <dt>DirtyCleanInterval seconds
78 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the delay for updating of configuration and state files. A value of 0
79 causes the update to happen as soon as possible, typically within a few
80 milliseconds.
81 <dt>FilterLimit limit
82 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum cost of filters that are run concurrently.
83 <dt>FilterNice nice-value
84 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the scheduling priority ("nice" value) of filters that
85 are run to print a job.
86 <dt>GSSServiceName name
87 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the service name when using Kerberos authentication. The default
88 service name is "http".
89 <dt>HostNameLookups On
90 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>HostNameLookups Off
91 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>HostNameLookups Double
92 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies whether or not to do reverse lookups on client addresses.
93 <dt>Include filename
94 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Includes the named file.
95 <dt>JobKillDelay seconds
96 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the number of seconds to wait before killing the filters and backend
97 associated with a canceled or held job.
98 <dt>JobRetryInterval seconds
99 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the interval between retries of jobs in seconds.
100 <dt>JobRetryLimit count
101 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the number of retries that are done for jobs.
102 <dt>KeepAlive Yes
103 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>KeepAlive No
104 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies whether to support HTTP keep-alive connections.
105 <dt>KeepAliveTimeout seconds
106 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the amount of time that connections are kept alive.
107 <dt>&lt;Limit operations> ... &lt;/Limit>
108 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the IPP operations that are being limited inside a policy.
109 <dt>&lt;Limit methods> ... &lt;/Limit>
110 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>&lt;LimitExcept methods> ... &lt;/LimitExcept>
111 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the HTTP methods that are being limited inside a location.
112 <dt>LimitRequestBody
113 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum size of any print job request.
114 <dt>Listen ip-address:port
115 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Listen *:port
116 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Listen /path/to/domain/socket
117 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Listens to the specified address and port or domain socket path.
118 <dt>&lt;Location /path> ... &lt;/Location>
119 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies access control for the named location.
120 <dt>LogDebugHistory #-messages
121 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the number of debugging messages that are logged when an error
122 occurs in a print job.
123 <dt>LogLevel alert
124 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>LogLevel crit
125 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>LogLevel debug2
126 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>LogLevel debug
127 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>LogLevel emerg
128 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>LogLevel error
129 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>LogLevel info
130 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>LogLevel none
131 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>LogLevel notice
132 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>LogLevel warn
133 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the logging level for the ErrorLog file.
134 <dt>LogTimeFormat standard
135 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>LogTimeFormat usecs
136 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the format of the date and time in the log files.
137 <dt>MaxClients number
138 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous clients to support.
139 <dt>MaxClientsPerHost number
140 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous clients to support from a
141 single address.
142 <dt>MaxCopies number
143 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum number of copies that a user can print of each job.
144 <dt>MaxHoldTime seconds
145 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum time a job may remain in the "indefinite" hold state
146 before it is canceled. Set to 0 to disable cancellation of held jobs.
147 <dt>MaxJobs number
148 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs to support.
149 <dt>MaxJobsPerPrinter number
150 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs per printer to support.
151 <dt>MaxJobsPerUser number
152 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs per user to support.
153 <dt>MaxJobTime seconds
154 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum time a job may take to print before it is canceled. The
155 default is 10800 seconds (3 hours). Set to 0 to disable cancellation of "stuck"
156 jobs.
157 <dt>MaxLogSize number-bytes
158 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum size of the log files before they are
159 rotated (0 to disable rotation)
160 <dt>MaxRequestSize number-bytes
161 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum request/file size in bytes (0 for no limit)
162 <dt>MultipleOperationTimeout seconds
163 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum amount of time to allow between files in a multiple file
164 print job.
165 <dt>PageLogFormat format string
166 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the format of page log lines.
167 <dt>PassEnv variable [... variable]
168 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Passes the specified environment variable(s) to child processes.
169 <dt>&lt;Policy name> ... &lt;/Policy>
170 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies access control for the named policy.
171 <dt>Port number
172 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies a port number to listen to for HTTP requests.
173 <dt>PreserveJobFiles Yes
174 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>PreserveJobFiles No
175 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies whether or not to preserve job files after they are printed.
176 <dt>PreserveJobHistory Yes
177 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>PreserveJobHistory No
178 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies whether or not to preserve the job history after they are
179 printed.
180 <dt>PrintcapFormat bsd
181 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>PrintcapFormat plist
182 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>PrintcapFormat solaris
183 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the format of the printcap file.
184 <dt>ReloadTimeout seconds
185 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the amount of time to wait for job completion before
186 restarting the scheduler.
187 <dt>RIPCache bytes
188 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the maximum amount of memory to use when converting images
189 and PostScript files to bitmaps for a printer.
190 <dt>Satisfy all
191 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Satisfy any
192 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies whether all or any limits set for a Location must be
193 satisfied to allow access.
194 <dt>ServerAdmin user@domain.com
195 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the email address of the server administrator.
196 <dt>ServerAlias hostname [... hostname]
197 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>ServerAlias *
198 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies an alternate name that the server is known by. The special name "*"
199 allows any name to be used.
200 <dt>ServerName hostname-or-ip-address
201 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the fully-qualified hostname of the server.
202 <dt>ServerTokens Full
203 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>ServerTokens Major
204 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>ServerTokens Minimal
205 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>ServerTokens Minor
206 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>ServerTokens None
207 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>ServerTokens OS
208 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>ServerTokens ProductOnly
209 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies what information is included in the Server header of HTTP
210 responses.
211 <dt>SetEnv variable value
212 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Set the specified environment variable to be passed to child processes.
213 <dt>SSLListen
214 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Listens on the specified address and port for encrypted connections.
215 <dt>SSLPort
216 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Listens on the specified port for encrypted connections.
217 <dt>StrictConformance Yes
218 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>StrictConformance No
219 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies whether the scheduler requires clients to strictly adhere to the IPP
220 specifications. The default is No.
221 <dt>Timeout seconds
222 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the HTTP request timeout in seconds.
223 <dt>WebInterface yes
224 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>WebInterface no
225 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies whether the web interface is enabled.
226 </dl>
227 <h2 class="title"><a name="DIRECTIVES_VALID_WITHIN_LOCATION_AND_LIMIT_SECTIONS">Directives Valid Within Location And Limit Sections</a></h2>
228 The following directives may be placed inside Location and Limit sections in the <i>cupsd.conf</i> file:
229 <dl class="man">
230 <dt>Allow all
231 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Allow none
232 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Allow host.domain.com
233 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Allow *.domain.com
234 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Allow ip-address
235 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Allow ip-address/netmask
236 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Allow ip-address/mm
237 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Allow @IF(name)
238 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Allow @LOCAL
239 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Allows access from the named hosts or addresses.
240 <dt>AuthType None
241 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>AuthType Basic
242 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>AuthType Negotiate
243 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the authentication type (None, Basic, or Negotiate)
244 <dt>Deny all
245 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Deny none
246 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Deny host.domain.com
247 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Deny *.domain.com
248 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Deny ip-address
249 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Deny ip-address/netmask
250 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Deny ip-address/mm
251 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Deny @IF(name)
252 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Deny @LOCAL
253 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Denies access to the named host or address.
254 <dt>Encryption IfRequested
255 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Encryption Never
256 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Encryption Required
257 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the level of encryption that is required for a particular
258 location.
259 <dt>Order allow,deny
260 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Order deny,allow
261 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the order of HTTP access control (allow,deny or deny,allow)
262 <dt>Require group group-name-list
263 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Require user user-name-list
264 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>Require valid-user
265 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies that user or group authentication is required.
266 </dl>
267 <h2 class="title"><a name="DIRECTIVES_VALID_WITHIN_POLICY_SECTIONS">Directives Valid Within Policy Sections</a></h2>
268 The following directives may be placed inside Policy sections in the <i>cupsd.conf</i> file:
269 <dl class="man">
270 <dt>JobPrivateAccess all
271 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>JobPrivateAccess default
272 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>JobPrivateAccess {user|@group|@ACL|@OWNER|@SYSTEM}+
273 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies an access list for a job's private values. The "default" access list is "@OWNER @SYSTEM". "@ACL" maps to the printer's requesting-user-name-allowed or requesting-user-name-denied values.
274 <dt>JobPrivateValues all
275 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>JobPrivateValues default
276 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>JobPrivateValues none
277 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>JobPrivateValues attribute-name-1 [ ... attribute-name-N ]
278 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the list of job values to make private. The "default" values are "job-name", "job-originating-host-name", and "job-originating-user-name".
279 <dt>SubscriptionPrivateAccess all
280 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>SubscriptionPrivateAccess default
281 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>SubscriptionPrivateAccess {user|@group|@ACL|@OWNER|@SYSTEM}+
282 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies an access list for a subscription's private values. The "default"
283 access list is "@OWNER @SYSTEM". "@ACL" maps to the printer's
284 requesting-user-name-allowed or requesting-user-name-denied values.
285 <dt>SubscriptionPrivateValues all
286 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>SubscriptionPrivateValues default
287 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>SubscriptionPrivateValues none
288 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt>SubscriptionPrivateValues attribute-name-1 [ ... attribute-name-N ]
289 <dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the list of job values to make private. The "default" values are
290 "notify-events", "notify-pull-method", "notify-recipient-uri",
291 "notify-subscriber-user-name", and "notify-user-data".
292 </dl>
293 <h2 class="title"><a name="SEE_ALSO">See Also</a></h2>
294 <a href="man-classes.conf.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>classes.conf</b>(5),</a><a href="man-cups-files.conf.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cups-files.conf</b>(5),</a><a href="man-cupsd.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>cupsd</b>(8),</a><a href="man-mime.convs.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>mime.convs</b>(5),</a><a href="man-mime.types.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>mime.types</b>(5),</a><a href="man-printers.conf.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>printers.conf</b>(5),</a><a href="man-subscriptions.conf.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages"><b>subscriptions.conf</b>(5),</a>
295 <a href="http://localhost:631/help">http://localhost:631/help</a>
296 <h2 class="title"><a name="COPYRIGHT">Copyright</a></h2>
297 Copyright &copy; 2007-2014 by Apple Inc.
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