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[thirdparty/cups.git] / pstoraster / idict.c
1 /*
2 Copyright 1993-2002 by Easy Software Products.
3 Copyright 1989, 1996, 1997, 1998 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
5 This file is part of GNU Ghostscript.
7 GNU Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
8 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
9 to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
10 particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
11 to the GNU General Public License for full details.
13 Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute GNU
14 Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the GNU General
15 Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been given
16 to you along with GNU Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
17 responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
18 things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
19 copies.
21 Aladdin Enterprises supports the work of the GNU Project, but is not
22 affiliated with the Free Software Foundation or the GNU Project. GNU
23 Ghostscript, as distributed by Aladdin Enterprises, does not require any
24 GNU software to build or run it.
25 */
27 /*$Id: idict.c,v 1.6 2002/01/02 17:59:11 mike Exp $ */
28 /* Dictionary implementation */
29 #include "string_.h" /* for strlen */
30 #include "ghost.h"
31 #include "errors.h"
32 #include "imemory.h"
33 #include "idebug.h" /* for debug_print_name */
34 #include "inamedef.h"
35 #include "iname.h"
36 #include "ipacked.h"
37 #include "isave.h" /* for value cache in names */
38 #include "store.h"
39 #include "idict.h" /* interface definition */
40 #include "idictdef.h"
41 #include "iutil.h"
42 #include "ivmspace.h" /* for store check */
44 /*
45 * Dictionaries per se aren't supposed to know anything about the
46 * dictionary stack, let alone the interpreter's dictionary stack.
47 * Unfortunately, there is are two design couplings between them:
48 * dictionary stacks cache some of the elements of their top dictionary
49 * (requiring updating when that dictionary grows or is unpacked),
50 * and names may cache a pointer to their definition (requiring a
51 * check whether a dictionary appears on the dictionary stack).
52 * Therefore, we patch in a few relevant definitions here.
54 */
55 #include "idstack.h"
56 /* The following are copied from dstack.h. */
57 extern dict_stack_t idict_stack;
59 #define systemdict (&idict_stack.system_dict)
60 #define dict_set_top() dstack_set_top(&idict_stack);
61 #define dict_is_permanent_on_dstack(pdict)\
62 dstack_dict_is_permanent(&idict_stack, pdict)
64 /*
65 * Define the size of the largest valid dictionary.
66 * This is limited by the size field of the keys and values refs,
67 * and by the enumeration interface, which requires the size to
68 * fit in an int. As it happens, max_array_size will always be
69 * smaller than max_int.
70 */
71 const uint dict_max_size = max_array_size - 1;
73 /* Define whether dictionaries expand automatically when full. */
74 bool dict_auto_expand = false;
76 /* Define whether dictionaries are packed by default. */
77 bool dict_default_pack = true;
79 /* Forward references */
80 private int dict_create_contents(P3(uint size, const ref * pdref, bool pack));
82 /* Debugging statistics */
83 #ifdef DEBUG
84 long dn_lookups; /* total lookups */
85 long dn_1probe; /* successful lookups on only 1 probe */
86 long dn_2probe; /* successful lookups on 2 probes */
88 /* Wrapper for dict_find */
89 int real_dict_find(P3(const ref * pdref, const ref * key, ref ** ppvalue));
90 int
91 dict_find(const ref * pdref, const ref * pkey, ref ** ppvalue)
92 {
93 dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
94 int code = real_dict_find(pdref, pkey, ppvalue);
96 dn_lookups++;
97 if (r_has_type(pkey, t_name) && dict_is_packed(pdict)) {
98 uint nidx = name_index(pkey);
99 uint hash =
100 dict_hash_mod(dict_name_index_hash(nidx), npairs(pdict)) + 1;
102 if (pdict->keys.value.packed[hash] ==
103 pt_tag(pt_literal_name) + nidx
104 )
105 dn_1probe++;
106 else if (pdict->keys.value.packed[hash - 1] ==
107 pt_tag(pt_literal_name) + nidx
108 )
109 dn_2probe++;
110 }
111 /* Do the cheap flag test before the expensive remainder test. */
112 if (gs_debug_c('d') && !(dn_lookups % 1000))
113 dlprintf3("[d]lookups=%ld 1probe=%ld 2probe=%ld\n",
114 dn_lookups, dn_1probe, dn_2probe);
115 return code;
116 }
117 #define dict_find real_dict_find
118 #endif
120 /* Round up the size of a dictionary. Return 0 if too large. */
121 uint
122 dict_round_size_small(uint rsize)
123 {
124 return (rsize > dict_max_size ? 0 : rsize);
125 }
126 uint
127 dict_round_size_large(uint rsize)
128 { /* Round up to a power of 2 if not huge. */
129 /* If the addition overflows, the new rsize will be zero, */
130 /* which will (correctly) be interpreted as a limitcheck. */
131 if (rsize > dict_max_non_huge)
132 return (rsize > dict_max_size ? 0 : rsize);
133 while (rsize & (rsize - 1))
134 rsize = (rsize | (rsize - 1)) + 1;
135 return (rsize <= dict_max_size ? rsize : dict_max_non_huge);
136 }
138 /* Create a dictionary using the given allocator. */
139 int
140 dict_alloc(gs_ref_memory_t * mem, uint size, ref * pdref)
141 {
142 ref arr;
143 int code =
144 gs_alloc_ref_array(mem, &arr, a_all, sizeof(dict) / sizeof(ref),
145 "dict_alloc");
146 dict *pdict;
147 ref dref;
149 if (code < 0)
150 return code;
151 pdict = (dict *) arr.value.refs;
152 make_tav_new(&dref, t_dictionary, r_space(&arr) | a_all,
153 pdict, pdict);
154 make_struct(&pdict->memory, avm_foreign, mem);
155 code = dict_create_contents(size, &dref, dict_default_pack);
156 if (code < 0) {
157 gs_free_ref_array(mem, &arr, "dict_alloc");
158 return code;
159 }
160 *pdref = dref;
161 return 0;
162 }
163 /* Create unpacked keys for a dictionary. */
164 /* The keys are allocated using the same allocator as the dictionary. */
165 private int
166 dict_create_unpacked_keys(uint asize, const ref * pdref)
167 {
168 dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
169 gs_ref_memory_t *mem = dict_memory(pdict);
170 int code;
172 code = gs_alloc_ref_array(mem, &pdict->keys, a_all, asize,
173 "dict_create_unpacked_keys");
174 if (code >= 0) {
175 ref *kp = pdict->keys.value.refs;
177 ref_mark_new(&pdict->keys);
178 refset_null(kp, asize);
179 r_set_attrs(kp, a_executable); /* wraparound entry */
180 }
181 return code;
182 }
183 /* Create the contents (keys and values) of a newly allocated dictionary. */
184 /* Allocate in the current VM space, which is assumed to be the same as */
185 /* the VM space where the dictionary is allocated. */
186 private int
187 dict_create_contents(uint size, const ref * pdref, bool pack)
188 {
189 dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
190 gs_ref_memory_t *mem = dict_memory(pdict);
191 uint asize = dict_round_size((size == 0 ? 1 : size));
192 int code;
193 uint i;
195 if (asize == 0 || asize > max_array_size - 1) /* too large */
196 return_error(e_limitcheck);
197 asize++; /* allow room for wraparound entry */
198 code = gs_alloc_ref_array(mem, &pdict->values, a_all, asize,
199 "dict_create_contents(values)");
200 if (code < 0)
201 return code;
202 ref_mark_new(&pdict->values);
203 refset_null(pdict->values.value.refs, asize);
204 if (pack) {
205 uint ksize = (asize + packed_per_ref - 1) / packed_per_ref;
206 ref arr;
207 ref_packed *pkp;
208 ref_packed *pzp;
210 code = gs_alloc_ref_array(mem, &arr, a_all, ksize,
211 "dict_create_contents(packed keys)");
212 if (code < 0)
213 return code;
214 pkp = (ref_packed *) arr.value.refs;
215 make_tasv_new(&pdict->keys, t_shortarray,
216 r_space(&arr) | a_all,
217 asize, packed, pkp);
219 /**** MRS - unrolled loop to avoid SGI compiler bug ****/
220 for (pzp = pkp, i = 0; i < asize; i++ )
221 *pzp++ = packed_key_empty;
222 for (; i % packed_per_ref; i++ )
223 *pzp++ = packed_key_empty;
225 *pkp = packed_key_deleted; /* wraparound entry */
226 } else { /* not packed */
227 int code = dict_create_unpacked_keys(asize, pdref);
229 if (code < 0)
230 return code;
231 }
232 make_int_new(&pdict->count, 0);
233 make_int_new(&pdict->maxlength, size);
234 return 0;
235 }
237 /*
238 * Ensure that a dictionary uses the unpacked representation for keys.
239 * We can't just use dict_resize, because the values slots mustn't move.
240 */
241 int
242 dict_unpack(ref * pdref)
243 {
244 dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
246 if (!dict_is_packed(pdict))
247 return 0; /* nothing to do */
248 {
249 uint count = nslots(pdict);
250 const ref_packed *okp = pdict->keys.value.packed;
251 ref old_keys;
252 int code;
253 ref *nkp;
255 old_keys = pdict->keys;
256 if (ref_must_save(&old_keys))
257 ref_do_save(pdref, &pdict->keys, "dict_unpack(keys)");
258 code = dict_create_unpacked_keys(count, pdref);
259 if (code < 0)
260 return code;
261 for (nkp = pdict->keys.value.refs; count--; okp++, nkp++)
262 if (r_packed_is_name(okp)) {
263 packed_get(okp, nkp);
264 ref_mark_new(nkp);
265 } else if (*okp == packed_key_deleted)
266 r_set_attrs(nkp, a_executable);
267 if (!ref_must_save(&old_keys))
268 gs_free_ref_array(dict_memory(pdict), &old_keys,
269 "dict_unpack(old keys)");
270 dict_set_top(); /* just in case */
271 }
272 return 0;
273 }
275 /*
276 * Look up a key in a dictionary. Store a pointer to the value slot
277 * where found, or to the (value) slot for inserting.
278 * Return 1 if found, 0 if not and there is room for a new entry,
279 * or e_dictfull if the dictionary is full and the key is missing.
280 * The caller is responsible for ensuring key is not a null.
281 */
282 int
283 dict_find(const ref * pdref, const ref * pkey,
284 ref ** ppvalue /* result is stored here */ )
285 {
286 dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
287 uint size = npairs(pdict);
288 register int etype;
289 uint nidx;
290 ref_packed kpack;
291 uint hash;
292 int ktype;
294 /* Compute hash. The only types we bother with are strings, */
295 /* names, and (unlikely, but worth checking for) integers. */
296 switch (r_type(pkey)) {
297 case t_name:
298 nidx = name_index(pkey);
299 nh:hash = dict_name_index_hash(nidx);
300 kpack = packed_name_key(nidx);
301 ktype = t_name;
302 break;
303 case t_string: /* convert to a name first */
304 {
305 ref nref;
306 int code;
308 if (!r_has_attr(pkey, a_read))
309 return_error(e_invalidaccess);
310 code = name_ref(pkey->value.bytes, r_size(pkey), &nref, 1);
311 if (code < 0)
312 return code;
313 nidx = name_index(&nref);
314 }
315 goto nh;
316 case t_integer:
317 hash = (uint) pkey->value.intval * 30503;
318 kpack = packed_key_impossible;
319 ktype = -1;
320 nidx = 0; /* only to pacify gcc */
321 break;
322 case t_null: /* not allowed as a key */
323 return_error(e_typecheck);
324 default:
325 hash = r_btype(pkey) * 99; /* yech */
326 kpack = packed_key_impossible;
327 ktype = -1;
328 nidx = 0; /* only to pacify gcc */
329 }
330 /* Search the dictionary */
331 if (dict_is_packed(pdict)) {
332 const ref_packed *pslot = 0;
334 packed_search_1(*ppvalue = packed_search_value_pointer,
335 return 1,
336 if (pslot == 0) pslot = kp, goto miss);
337 packed_search_2(*ppvalue = packed_search_value_pointer,
338 return 1,
339 if (pslot == 0) pslot = kp, goto miss);
340 /*
341 * Double wraparound, dict is full.
342 * Note that even if there was an empty slot (pslot != 0),
343 * we must return dictfull if length = maxlength.
344 */
345 if (pslot == 0 || d_length(pdict) == d_maxlength(pdict))
346 return (e_dictfull);
347 *ppvalue = pdict->values.value.refs + (pslot - kbot);
348 return 0;
349 miss: /* Key is missing, not double wrap. See above re dictfull. */
350 if (d_length(pdict) == d_maxlength(pdict))
351 return (e_dictfull);
352 if (pslot == 0)
353 pslot = kp;
354 *ppvalue = pdict->values.value.refs + (pslot - kbot);
355 return 0;
356 } else {
357 ref *kbot = pdict->keys.value.refs;
358 register ref *kp;
359 ref *pslot = 0;
360 int wrap = 0;
362 for (kp = kbot + dict_hash_mod(hash, size) + 2;;) {
363 --kp;
364 if ((etype = r_type(kp)) == ktype) { /* Fast comparison if both keys are names */
365 if (name_index(kp) == nidx) {
366 *ppvalue = pdict->values.value.refs + (kp - kbot);
367 return 1;
368 }
369 } else if (etype == t_null) { /* Empty, deleted, or wraparound. */
370 /* Figure out which. */
371 if (kp == kbot) { /* wrap */
372 if (wrap++) { /* wrapped twice */
373 if (pslot == 0)
374 return (e_dictfull);
375 break;
376 }
377 kp += size + 1;
378 } else if (r_has_attr(kp, a_executable)) { /* Deleted entry, save the slot. */
379 if (pslot == 0)
380 pslot = kp;
381 } else /* key not found */
382 break;
383 } else {
384 if (obj_eq(kp, pkey)) {
385 *ppvalue = pdict->values.value.refs + (kp - kbot);
386 return 1;
387 }
388 }
389 }
390 if (d_length(pdict) == d_maxlength(pdict))
391 return (e_dictfull);
392 *ppvalue = pdict->values.value.refs +
393 ((pslot != 0 ? pslot : kp) - kbot);
394 return 0;
395 }
396 }
398 /*
399 * Look up a (constant) C string in a dictionary.
400 * Return 1 if found, <= 0 if not.
401 */
402 int
403 dict_find_string(const ref * pdref, const char *kstr, ref ** ppvalue)
404 {
405 int code;
406 ref kname;
408 if ((code = name_ref((const byte *)kstr, strlen(kstr), &kname, -1)) < 0)
409 return code;
410 return dict_find(pdref, &kname, ppvalue);
411 }
413 /*
414 * Enter a key-value pair in a dictionary.
415 * See idict.h for the possible return values.
416 */
417 int
418 dict_put(ref * pdref /* t_dictionary */ , const ref * pkey, const ref * pvalue)
419 {
420 int rcode = 0;
421 int code;
422 ref *pvslot;
424 /* Check the value. */
425 store_check_dest(pdref, pvalue);
426 top:if ((code = dict_find(pdref, pkey, &pvslot)) <= 0) { /* not found *//* Check for overflow */
427 dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
428 ref kname;
429 uint index;
431 switch (code) {
432 case 0:
433 break;
434 case e_dictfull:
435 if (!dict_auto_expand)
436 return_error(e_dictfull);
437 code = dict_grow(pdref);
438 if (code < 0)
439 return code;
440 goto top; /* keep things simple */
441 default: /* e_typecheck */
442 return code;
443 }
444 index = pvslot - pdict->values.value.refs;
445 /* If the key is a string, convert it to a name. */
446 if (r_has_type(pkey, t_string)) {
447 int code;
449 if (!r_has_attr(pkey, a_read))
450 return_error(e_invalidaccess);
451 code = name_from_string(pkey, &kname);
452 if (code < 0)
453 return code;
454 pkey = &kname;
455 }
456 if (dict_is_packed(pdict)) {
457 ref_packed *kp;
459 if (!r_has_type(pkey, t_name) ||
460 name_index(pkey) > packed_name_max_index
461 ) { /* Change to unpacked representation. */
462 int code = dict_unpack(pdref);
464 if (code < 0)
465 return code;
466 goto top;
467 }
468 kp = (ref_packed *) (pdict->keys.value.packed + index);
469 if (ref_must_save(&pdict->keys)) { /* See initial comment for why it is safe */
470 /* not to save the change if the keys */
471 /* array itself is new. */
472 ref_do_save(&pdict->keys, kp, "dict_put(key)");
473 }
474 *kp = pt_tag(pt_literal_name) + name_index(pkey);
475 } else {
476 ref *kp = pdict->keys.value.refs + index;
478 if_debug2('d', "[d]0x%lx: fill key at 0x%lx\n",
479 (ulong) pdict, (ulong) kp);
480 store_check_dest(pdref, pkey);
481 ref_assign_old(&pdict->keys, kp, pkey,
482 "dict_put(key)"); /* set key of pair */
483 }
484 ref_save(pdref, &pdict->count, "dict_put(count)");
485 pdict->count.value.intval++;
486 /* If the key is a name, update its 1-element cache. */
487 if (r_has_type(pkey, t_name)) {
488 name *pname = pkey->value.pname;
490 if (pname->pvalue == pv_no_defn &&
491 (pdict == systemdict->value.pdict ||
492 dict_is_permanent_on_dstack(pdref)) &&
493 /* Only set the cache if we aren't inside */
494 /* a save. This way, we never have to */
495 /* undo setting the cache. */
496 alloc_save_level(idmemory) == 0
497 ) { /* Set the cache. */
498 if_debug0('d', "[d]set cache\n");
499 pname->pvalue = pvslot;
500 } else { /* The cache can't be used. */
501 if_debug0('d', "[d]no cache\n");
502 pname->pvalue = pv_other;
503 }
504 }
505 rcode = 1;
506 }
507 if_debug8('d', "[d]0x%lx: put key 0x%lx 0x%lx\n value at 0x%lx: old 0x%lx 0x%lx, new 0x%lx 0x%lx\n",
508 (ulong) pdref->value.pdict,
509 ((const ulong *)pkey)[0], ((const ulong *)pkey)[1],
510 (ulong) pvslot,
511 ((const ulong *)pvslot)[0], ((const ulong *)pvslot)[1],
512 ((const ulong *)pvalue)[0], ((const ulong *)pvalue)[1]);
513 ref_assign_old(&pdref->value.pdict->values, pvslot, pvalue,
514 "dict_put(value)");
515 return rcode;
516 }
518 /*
519 * Enter a key-value pair where the key is a (constant) C string.
520 */
521 int
522 dict_put_string(ref * pdref, const char *kstr, const ref * pvalue)
523 {
524 int code;
525 ref kname;
527 if ((code = name_ref((const byte *)kstr, strlen(kstr), &kname, 0)) < 0)
528 return code;
529 return dict_put(pdref, &kname, pvalue);
530 }
532 /* Remove an element from a dictionary. */
533 int
534 dict_undef(ref * pdref, const ref * pkey)
535 {
536 ref *pvslot;
537 dict *pdict;
538 uint index;
540 if (dict_find(pdref, pkey, &pvslot) <= 0)
541 return (e_undefined);
542 /* Remove the entry from the dictionary. */
543 pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
544 index = pvslot - pdict->values.value.refs;
545 if (dict_is_packed(pdict)) {
546 ref_packed *pkp =
547 (ref_packed *) (pdict->keys.value.packed + index);
549 /* See the initial comment for why it is safe not to save */
550 /* the change if the keys array itself is new. */
551 if (ref_must_save(&pdict->keys))
552 ref_do_save(&pdict->keys, pkp, "dict_undef(key)");
553 /* Accumulating deleted entries slows down lookup. */
554 /* Detect the easy case where we can use an empty entry */
555 /* rather than a deleted one, namely, when the next entry */
556 /* in the probe order is empty. */
557 if (pkp[-1] == packed_key_empty)
558 *pkp = packed_key_empty;
559 else
560 *pkp = packed_key_deleted;
561 } else { /* not packed */
562 ref *kp = pdict->keys.value.refs + index;
564 make_null_old(&pdict->keys, kp, "dict_undef(key)");
565 /* Accumulating deleted entries slows down lookup. */
566 /* Detect the easy case where we can use an empty entry */
567 /* rather than a deleted one, namely, when the next entry */
568 /* in the probe order is empty. */
569 if (!r_has_type(kp - 1, t_null) || /* full entry */
570 r_has_attr(kp - 1, a_executable) /* deleted or wraparound */
571 )
572 r_set_attrs(kp, a_executable); /* mark as deleted */
573 }
574 ref_save(pdref, &pdict->count, "dict_undef(count)");
575 pdict->count.value.intval--;
576 /* If the key is a name, update its 1-element cache. */
577 if (r_has_type(pkey, t_name)) {
578 name *pname = pkey->value.pname;
580 if (pv_valid(pname->pvalue)) {
581 #ifdef DEBUG
582 /* Check the the cache is correct. */
583 if (!dict_is_permanent_on_dstack(pdref))
584 lprintf1("dict_undef: cached name value pointer 0x%lx is incorrect!\n",
585 (ulong) pname->pvalue);
586 #endif
587 /* Clear the cache */
588 pname->pvalue = pv_no_defn;
589 }
590 }
591 make_null_old(&pdict->values, pvslot, "dict_undef(value)");
592 return 0;
593 }
595 /* Return the number of elements in a dictionary. */
596 uint
597 dict_length(const ref * pdref /* t_dictionary */ )
598 {
599 return d_length(pdref->value.pdict);
600 }
602 /* Return the capacity of a dictionary. */
603 uint
604 dict_maxlength(const ref * pdref /* t_dictionary */ )
605 {
606 return d_maxlength(pdref->value.pdict);
607 }
609 /* Return the maximum index of a slot within a dictionary. */
610 uint
611 dict_max_index(const ref * pdref /* t_dictionary */ )
612 {
613 return npairs(pdref->value.pdict) - 1;
614 }
616 /* Copy one dictionary into another. */
617 /* If new_only is true, only copy entries whose keys */
618 /* aren't already present in the destination. */
619 int
620 dict_copy_entries(const ref * pdrfrom /* t_dictionary */ ,
621 ref * pdrto /* t_dictionary */ , bool new_only)
622 {
623 int space = r_space(pdrto);
624 int index;
625 ref elt[2];
626 ref *pvslot;
627 int code;
629 if (space != avm_max) { /* Do the store check before starting the copy. */
630 index = dict_first(pdrfrom);
631 while ((index = dict_next(pdrfrom, index, elt)) >= 0)
632 if (!new_only || dict_find(pdrto, &elt[0], &pvslot) <= 0) {
633 store_check_space(space, &elt[0]);
634 store_check_space(space, &elt[1]);
635 }
636 }
637 /* Now copy the contents. */
638 index = dict_first(pdrfrom);
639 while ((index = dict_next(pdrfrom, index, elt)) >= 0) {
640 if (new_only && dict_find(pdrto, &elt[0], &pvslot) > 0)
641 continue;
642 if ((code = dict_put(pdrto, &elt[0], &elt[1])) < 0)
643 return code;
644 }
645 return 0;
646 }
648 /* Resize a dictionary. */
649 int
650 dict_resize(ref * pdref, uint new_size)
651 {
652 dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
653 gs_ref_memory_t *mem = dict_memory(pdict);
654 dict dnew;
655 ref drto;
656 int code;
658 if (new_size < d_length(pdict)) {
659 if (!dict_auto_expand)
660 return_error(e_dictfull);
661 new_size = d_length(pdict);
662 }
663 make_tav_new(&drto, t_dictionary, r_space(pdref) | a_all,
664 pdict, &dnew);
665 dnew.memory = pdict->memory;
666 if ((code = dict_create_contents(new_size, &drto, dict_is_packed(pdict))) < 0)
667 return code;
668 /* We must suppress the store check, in case we are expanding */
669 /* systemdict or another global dictionary that is allowed */
670 /* to reference local objects. */
671 r_set_space(&drto, avm_local);
672 dict_copy(pdref, &drto); /* can't fail */
673 /* Save or free the old dictionary. */
674 if (ref_must_save(&pdict->values))
675 ref_do_save(pdref, &pdict->values, "dict_resize(values)");
676 else
677 gs_free_ref_array(mem, &pdict->values, "dict_resize(old values)");
678 if (ref_must_save(&pdict->keys))
679 ref_do_save(pdref, &pdict->keys, "dict_resize(keys)");
680 else
681 gs_free_ref_array(mem, &pdict->keys, "dict_resize(old keys)");
682 ref_assign(&pdict->keys, &dnew.keys);
683 ref_assign(&pdict->values, &dnew.values);
684 ref_save(pdref, &pdict->maxlength, "dict_resize(maxlength)");
685 d_set_maxlength(pdict, new_size);
686 dict_set_top(); /* just in case this is the top dict */
687 return 0;
688 }
690 /* Grow a dictionary for dict_put. */
691 int
692 dict_grow(ref * pdref)
693 {
694 dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
696 /* We might have maxlength < npairs, if */
697 /* dict_round_size increased the size. */
698 ulong new_size = (ulong) d_maxlength(pdict) * 3 / 2 + 2;
700 #if arch_sizeof_int < arch_sizeof_long
701 if (new_size > max_uint)
702 new_size = max_uint;
703 #endif
704 if (new_size > npairs(pdict)) {
705 int code = dict_resize(pdref, (uint) new_size);
707 if (code >= 0)
708 return code;
709 /* new_size was too big. */
710 if (npairs(pdict) < dict_max_size) {
711 code = dict_resize(pdref, dict_max_size);
712 if (code >= 0)
713 return code;
714 }
715 if (npairs(pdict) == d_maxlength(pdict)) { /* Can't do it. */
716 return code;
717 }
718 /* We can't grow to new_size, but we can grow to npairs. */
719 new_size = npairs(pdict);
720 }
721 /* maxlength < npairs, we can grow in place */
722 ref_save(pdref, &pdict->maxlength, "dict_put(maxlength)");
723 d_set_maxlength(pdict, new_size);
724 return 0;
725 }
727 /* Prepare to enumerate a dictionary. */
728 int
729 dict_first(const ref * pdref)
730 {
731 return (int)nslots(pdref->value.pdict);
732 }
734 /* Enumerate the next element of a dictionary. */
735 int
736 dict_next(const ref * pdref, int index, ref * eltp /* ref eltp[2] */ )
737 {
738 dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
739 ref *vp = pdict->values.value.refs + index;
741 while (vp--, --index >= 0) {
742 array_get(&pdict->keys, (long)index, eltp);
743 /* Make sure this is a valid entry. */
744 if (r_has_type(eltp, t_name) ||
745 (!dict_is_packed(pdict) && !r_has_type(eltp, t_null))
746 ) {
747 eltp[1] = *vp;
748 if_debug6('d', "[d]0x%lx: index %d: %lx %lx, %lx %lx\n",
749 (ulong) pdict, index,
750 ((ulong *) eltp)[0], ((ulong *) eltp)[1],
751 ((ulong *) vp)[0], ((ulong *) vp)[1]);
752 return index;
753 }
754 }
755 return -1; /* no more elements */
756 }
758 /* Return the index of a value within a dictionary. */
759 int
760 dict_value_index(const ref * pdref, const ref * pvalue)
761 {
762 return (int)(pvalue - pdref->value.pdict->values.value.refs - 1);
763 }
765 /* Return the entry at a given index within a dictionary. */
766 /* If the index designates an unoccupied entry, return e_undefined. */
767 int
768 dict_index_entry(const ref * pdref, int index, ref * eltp /* ref eltp[2] */ )
769 {
770 const dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
772 array_get(&pdict->keys, (long)(index + 1), eltp);
773 if (r_has_type(eltp, t_name) ||
774 (!dict_is_packed(pdict) && !r_has_type(eltp, t_null))
775 ) {
776 eltp[1] = pdict->values.value.refs[index + 1];
777 return 0;
778 }
779 return e_undefined;
780 }