]> git.ipfire.org Git - thirdparty/cups.git/blob - tools/makebuttons
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[thirdparty/cups.git] / tools / makebuttons
1 #!/bin/sh
2 #
3 # "$Id$"
4 #
5 # Button generation script for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).
6 #
7 # Originally created and donated by Philippe Combes (see STR #2231).
8 #
9 # Copyright 2007 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
10 #
11 # These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
12 # property of Easy Software Products and are protected by Federal
13 # copyright law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file
14 # "LICENSE.txt" which should have been included with this file. If this
15 # file is missing or damaged please contact Easy Software Products
16 # at:
17 #
18 # Attn: CUPS Licensing Information
19 # Easy Software Products
20 # 44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204
21 # Hollywood, Maryland 20636-3142 USA
22 #
23 # Voice: (301) 373-9600
24 # EMail: cups-info@cups.org
25 # WWW: http://www.cups.org
26 #
28 #
29 # This little script uses convert from ImageMagick to generate CUPS buttons.
30 # It requires ImageMagick version 6.2.4 or higher.
31 #
32 # It can generate 20-pixel high one-line buttons and 40-pixel high two-line
33 # buttons.
34 #
35 # Usage:
36 #
37 # tools/makebuttons [--font filename] locale buttons.txt
38 #
39 # "Locale" is the locale name, either "ll" or "ll_CC" where "ll" is the
40 # 2-letter language abbreviation and "CC" is the 2-letter ISO country
41 # code. The new "ll-region" syntax is *not* supported at this time
42 # and should not be used!
43 #
44 # "Buttons.txt" is a file containing the buttons to be created and must
45 # be formatted as follows:
46 #
47 # filename.gif color text for button
48 #
49 # "filename.gif" is the name of the image file to create.
50 #
51 # "color" is the color of the button, one of "std" (the normal olive
52 # background), "black", "green", or "red".
53 #
54 # The remainder of the line following the color is used as the text
55 # for the button. Use "@UP" and "@DOWN" to include up and down arrows,
56 # and "\\n" to break the text into 2 lines (not generally recommended).
57 #
58 # Lines starting with '#' are treated as comments. See the file
59 # "tools/buttons.txt" for inspiration...
60 #
62 # Bitstream Vera font...
63 font="fonts/Vera.ttf"
65 # Colors
66 background="#d4d4a4"
67 black="#000000"
68 green="#009900"
69 red="#cc0000"
70 standard="#666633"
73 if test "x$1" == x--font; then
74 shift
75 font="$1"
76 shift
77 fi
79 if test $# -lt 2; then
80 echo Usage: tools/makebuttons "[--font filename]" locale buttons.txt
81 exit 1
82 elif test ! -d tools; then
83 echo ERROR: You MUST run the makebuttons script from the main CUPS source directory!
84 exit 1
85 elif test "x`convert --help | grep extent`" = x; then
86 echo ERROR: This script requires ImageMagick 6.2.4 or higher.
87 exit 1
88 else
89 locale=$1
90 list=$2
91 fi
93 if test ! -f $list; then
94 echo "ERROR: $list: file not found."
95 exit 1
96 elif test ! -r $list; then
97 echo "ERROR: $list: cannot read file."
98 exit 1
99 fi
102 # 'generate_button()' - Create a button image.
103 #
104 # Arg 1: button filename (WITH .gif extension!)
105 # Arg 2: button color: black, green, red or std (only the initial letter matters)
106 # Arg 3+: the text !
108 function generate_button()
109 {
110 # Collect arguments...
111 filename=$1
112 shift
114 color=$1
115 shift
117 txt="$*"
119 # Show progress...
120 echo Creating $filename...
122 # Figure out the foreground and background colors...
123 bgclr=$background
125 case x$color in
126 xb*)
127 fgclr=$black
128 fuzz="10%"
129 ;;
131 xg*)
132 fgclr=$green
133 fuzz="10%"
134 ;;
136 xr*)
137 fgclr=$red
138 fuzz="1%"
139 ;;
141 xs*)
142 fgclr=$standard
143 fuzz="10%"
144 ;;
146 *)
147 echo "ERROR: Unknown color $color for $filename!"
148 exit 1
149 ;;
150 esac
152 # See if we need to add the up or down arrows...
153 add_arrows=0 # 1: up arrows, 2: down arrows
155 if echo $txt | grep '@UP' > /dev/null 2>&1; then
156 add_arrows=1
157 txt="`echo $txt | sed 's|@UP||g'`"
158 elif echo $txt | grep '@DOWN' > /dev/null 2>&1; then
159 add_arrows=2
160 txt="`echo $txt | sed 's|@DOWN||g'`"
161 fi
163 tmp_btn=/tmp/cups-btn-$$.bmp
165 # First step: generate an image trimmed to the text.
166 # -> annotate a 40x400 rectangle with the provided text
167 # -> trim to the text
168 convert xc:transparent -extent 400x40 -fill "$fgclr" \
169 -draw "rectangle 0,0 399,39" \
170 -fill "#ffffff" -encoding Unicode -pointsize 13 -font "$font" \
171 -gravity Center -annotate 0x0+0+0 "$txt" -trim $tmp_btn
173 # From the 1st step, we get text width and height
174 txt_h=`identify -format "%h" $tmp_btn`
175 txt_w=`identify -format "%w" $tmp_btn`
177 if test $txt_h -gt 40; then
178 echo "ERROR: 2 lines maximum for the button text"
179 exit 1
180 fi
182 # With the default font, one line is less than 16 pixels high, and a
183 # two lines of text is at least 20 pixels high. So, from the text
184 # height we guess if we need a one- or two-line button.
185 if test $txt_h -ge 18; then
186 btn_h=40
187 else
188 btn_h=20
189 fi
191 if test $add_arrows -gt 0; then
192 if test $btn_h -eq 20; then
193 txt_w=`expr $txt_w + 36`
194 elif test $btn_h -eq 40; then
195 txt_w=`expr $txt_w + 58`
196 fi
197 fi
199 # Second step: generate the button.
200 #
201 # Procedure:
202 #
203 # - Draw a rectangle with the background color (for correct
204 # button borders)
205 # - Draw a roundRectangle (args are coordinates, not lengths!)
206 # - Make the background transparent (with correct fuzz feature)
207 # - Annotate centered text (in height, it is necessary to have
208 # -1 in y parameter so that the text is not too low)
209 rad=`expr $btn_h / 2`
210 btn_w=`expr $txt_w + $rad + $rad`
211 btn_top=`expr $btn_h - 1`
213 convert xc:transparent \
214 -extent $btn_w'x'$btn_h -fill "$bgclr" \
215 -draw "rectangle 0,0 $btn_w,$btn_h" -fill "$fgclr" \
216 -draw "roundRectangle 0,0 `expr $btn_w - 1`,$btn_top `expr $rad - 1`,$rad" \
217 -fuzz $fuzz -transparent "$bgclr" -write $filename \
218 -fill "#ffffff" -encoding Unicode -pointsize 13 \
219 -font "$font" -gravity Center -annotate 0x0+0-1 "$txt" \
220 $filename
222 if test $add_arrows -gt 0; then
223 if test $add_arrows -eq 1; then
224 # UP arrows
225 if test $btn_h -eq 20; then
226 # 1-line buttons
227 pts1="9,15 21,15 15,4"
228 pts2="`expr $btn_w - 10`,15 `expr $btn_w - 22`,15 `expr $btn_w - 16`,4"
229 else
230 # 2-line buttons
231 pts1="16,30 34,30 25,10"
232 pts2="`expr $btn_w - 17`,30 `expr $btn_w - 35`,30 `expr $btn_w - 26`,10"
233 fi
234 else
235 # DOWN arrows
236 if [ $btn_h -eq 20 ]; then
237 # 1-line buttons
238 pts1="9,4 21,4 15,15"
239 pts2="`expr $btn_w - 10`,4 `expr $btn_w - 22`,4 `expr $btn_w - 16`,15"
240 else
241 # 2-line buttons
242 pts1="16,10 34,10 25,30"
243 pts2="`expr $btn_w - 17`,10 `expr $btn_w - 35`,10 `expr $btn_w - 26`,30"
244 fi
245 fi
247 convert $filename -fill "#ffffff" -draw "polygon $pts1" \
248 -draw "polygon $pts2" $filename
249 fi
251 rm -f $tmp_btn
252 }
254 # Make sure the locale-specific destination directory exists...
255 if test ! -d doc/$locale/images; then
256 echo Creating doc/$locale/images...
257 mkdir -p doc/$locale/images
258 fi
260 # Process each line in the file...
261 cat $list | while read line; do
262 if test "x`echo $line | cut -c1`" = "x#"; then
263 continue
264 fi
266 generate_button doc/$locale/images/$line
267 done
269 #
270 # End of "$Id$".
271 #